Talk:Life Hacks/nude/Go ahead and ejaculate all over her

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Revision as of 07:36, 25 October 2016 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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HOLY.... freaking... CRAAAAP! Over 3K points on a single scene!? Well, I probably should have crunched the numbers to realize that the 1st time he has sex with a child member of his family he would get a freaking 1875 points with all the multipliers, but I think even then I might have been alright with that. The big thing is all those freaking things that wound up counting on the side! (No, actually, sex with a child virgin member of his family will get double that, but I didn't count it as sex with a virgin because he did not break her cherry and the phrasing of the reward actually is "break her cherry.")

FYI: I counted this as a rape even though he could probably have gotten her consent because it was so fast, she had no chance to give consent, he did it on the sly without her noticing he did it (actually, she did notice, she was just too flustered to register the fact to correct her when Trish said otherwise,) and she was in fact quite distressed over the whole thing. So, yes, it is a rape and very much something she did not like, it was just so fast and mixed in with a lot of other things the fact she was raped did not particularly stand out to her.

Also, off of the general player bonuses, I did not count this as child molestation because it lacks the psychological component of coercion that is involved in that in my mind. Jemini (talk) 14:22, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

Wouldn't the rape points be even higher because it went unnoticed by both Roni and Trish? --Notsooldpervert (talk) 14:56, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

I think that would normally be a fair point that I might consider, but in this case the points are so ridiculously high already that... well.... I just don't feel like making that kind of special case for this right now while I am actually in the middle of figuring out how to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen too frequently. I don't know. I think I'll sleep on that one, and maybe allow for Elerneron to chip in. I might consider doing something with that after I tap down the possibility of this sort of thing happening more than 3 or so times per branch of the story. (I have no problem with it happening so long as it doesn't happen too easily or frequently. This sort of event is better when it is a rare jackpot type of thing.) Also, again, Roni actually did notice it, she just... sort of forgot about it. She didn't actually forget about it, it just went to the back of her mind because she had higher priority things on her mind in this situation that was so far outside of anything in her experience and completely alien to her. It was just not important to her that a few of those shots went into a hole between her legs that she hardly even knew she had. Jemini (talk) 15:04, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

Like i replied in Elerneron's talk page, it will be very difficult to generate that many first time events again. That's where all the multipliers come into play. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 15:12, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

Hmmm, yep . . .that's a lot of points. I think that if you limit the Xander's goals to the first time with a specific person only, that would curtail things nicely, and encourage the reader and Xander to seek out more hotties to add to his harem. Of course that doesn't really make sense for the grooming aspect. I'll leave it up to you. Even if you wanted to eviscerate the system we can always add a way to cheat more points in a different Life Controller module. --Elerneron (talk) 20:00, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

Egg seeking sperm is a trait, not a reward so he probably already has it. He's got enough points for all of them except Deathless sperm (5000) and if you add the no refractory period reward with the extremely high stamina trait he'll almost always be "in the mood". Then he can go out whoring all day, and groom hos sisters in the evenings. Best of both worlds lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:21, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

He actually hasn't done much with traits. Basically just removed his nearsightedness and improved his night vision. Actually he's done very little with the duck at all at this point in the story. He could also get Deathless Sperm if he decided to forgo most of the other reproductive rewards . . . or get some of the god-mode rewards (especially no sleep) to give him more time in the day. Lot's of options there. I do find it kind of ammusing that he could get Deathless Sperm, never had sex with Roni again, and as soon as she first ovulated she would get pregnant . . . not that he would let THAT happen . . . never have sex with Roni again? I think not. --Elerneron (talk) 20:34, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

BTW, I looked up the average semen per ejaculation. It is normally 2 to 5 ml. I am assuming Xander originally had a bit of hypospermia, so 1.5 ml for his entire ejaculation. No, probably 1 just to make this all more realistic. This would mean, with the part about each one spurt producing more semen than he used to for an entire ejaculation, he shot out around 2 to 2.5 ml per spurt for a total of 12 spurts, finished of by 3 smaller spurts witch probably totaled 2.5 between them. This would make it about... 26 to 32 ml. In impirical cooking measurements, that would be 1.75 to 2.15 tablespoons, so about 1/8 of a cup. That is an absolutely insane amount of semen, but I am willing to bet money it is not unprecedented. Just getting some measurements for visualization. Actually, no, let's go ahead and call it 50ml, around 3.5 tbs. He is producing the max of human capability after all.