Pedo Romp/Find the nearest stop

From All The Fallen Stories
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Neither of the girls have any real preference to where you go for lunch, so you turn into a restaurant that's just a few blocks away from the mall. You get out of your car, and the girls follow you into the building. Just inside there is a stand where you meet your waiter.

"Table for three?" He asks. You tell him 'yes' and you all follow him to a table where he sets down the menus, and asks you what you want to drink. After you each tell him what you want and he walks away into the kitchen, you and the girls start talking again.

"How exactly is you buying us lunch us paying you back?" Kelsie asks you. You let out a short chuckle, and respond, "Because I get to be graced by your presence." The girls both blush. "So it's because you want to be seen with two pretty young ladies?" Emma asks me. "Yes," you tell them, "that's mostly it."

Kelsie gives you a devilish smile, "So you're calling us pretty then?" You trip over your words at first, "Well... Well yes," you tell her. "I do think you're very pretty." The girls smiled and giggled to each other. The waiter comes back around with your drinks, and takes your food orders. You continue talking to the girls, making light conversation, and lightly flirting with them, while they flirt back. The waiter brings the food around, and you all tuck into your lunch. Talking, smiling, and having a good time. These girls seem to really like you. About the time you're halfway through your lunch, you hear a man across the room shout.

"Emma?" He shouts, "Kelsie!?" "Shit," Kelsie says, ducking her head low. "It's my dad." The man walks over to the table. You see it's a uniformed police officer, tall, broad, and bulky. "What the hell are you doing here?" He demands from Kelsie. "You two should be in school. And who the hell is this?" He asks gesturing to you. Kelsie thinks fast, "It's Emma's uncle," she lies, "He's buying us lunch. I'm really sorry we're not in school daddy." She give him some big doe eyes. The man turns to face you, he's not happy at all. Do you: