Life Hacks/Inga's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Due to her experience with the birth of her children slowing down the advancement of her career, Inga has decided she wants something different for her children. And after the experience of all methods of birth control she has tried failing, she has also both consciously and sub-consciously concluded that since birth control is not always effective (her subconscious seems to believe it won't work at all,) that she needs to enforce an abstinence only birth control mind-set on her kids.

In regards to her 3 older children, Inga trusts Brittany a great deal for the way she kept the younger ones in check once they started experimenting with each other. For Xander, she simply disregards him as a factor she has to be concerned about at all due to his apparent lack of sexuality or sexual interest (from her perspective.) However, she actively fears what might happen with Charity due to her early sexual activity with her younger siblings.

In regards to the younger 3, she thinks of them as having been damaged by her 2nd daughter. They can still be re-trained to be responsible teenagers, but she is scared for them as well. This means she also has a fair amount of resentment toward Charity in addition to fear for her safety.

Inga has become a very up-tight prude since she divorced her husband and had her tubes tied. She has not tried to get with another guy even once and is secretly very sexually frustrated. She has seen a lot of Rich in her older son Xander, and this has given her tumultuous emotions toward him.

Sexual Knowledge

See Brittany's sexual knowledge. Inga has a similar level of text book knowledge with the addition of actual experience.

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • Sexually Frustrated: (-60 to first dozen or so intermediate or higher sex acts after the 1st.)

There is a large amount of simmering sexual frustration in Inga witch causes her to be very up-tight. Once she is given an approved target for her sexual interests, she will crave and demand a lot of sex from them until this long standing itch can be scratched.

  • Tubes tied: (All hard-core sex acts = 80, also affected by modifiers.)

Since Inga figures she can no longer get pregnant, vaginal sex for her is no different from anal sex for a homosexual. As such, she does not have a greater level of resistance toward any form of vaginal sex than that.

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Safe Target: (-40 Xander and -20 Bastian for sex acts with her if they become sexually active.)

It will not be her go-to method by any means, but if she discovers that Xander or Bastian are sexually active and she is not finding success with disciplinary methods she may attempt to direct their sexual energies toward herself as an acceptable partner beings she can't get pregnant anymore. (not to mention scratching her itch for sex as well.) Will also accept her sons' sexual advances at +20 (so -20 Xander and neutral Bastian) if they start coming on to her and she has not yet gone through the above thought process, figuring once again that her artificially barren womb is a better target for their sperm than that of some girl they might get pregnant before either of them manage to get into college.

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

