Life Hacks/Teach her how to suck it out

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I could probably be convinced to make some more," you say smiling down at your cummy little sister. "Actually, do you want to learn how to suck it out?" You look at Trish, still uncertain as to how she'd take such a request. She seemed . . . oddly delighted. There is almost no question that she is your kind of woman. There could be wedding bells in the future.

"Umm, you want me to suck on it?" asks Roni curling her lip. "That's gross!"

"Oh, it isn't gross," says Trish as she kneels beside Roni and puts a supportive hand on each shoulder, "it's perfectly safe. Actually sperm contains a lot of protein, so it's actually good for you."

Roni looks up at her, unconvinced. "That's what they say about broccoli, and that's gross." You can tell she's torn, wanting to see you cum again, but hesitant to put your cock in her mouth. Then a thought occurs to you.

"Like Trish says, it's perfectly natural," you say turning to point your cock at Trish. "Right, Trish?" She instantly picks up on what you want. You see that she is hesitant, but after a moment seems to come to a decision.

"It's easy," says Trish, "you just put your mouth on it like this." The beautiful older woman moves forward and takes your raging, cum-stained cock in her mouth for a moment, sending an electric chill through your spine. She gives it a couple of divine sucks then pulls her mouth back off of your cock. "Actually, your brother tastes . . . amazing." She seems to be genuinely surprised. You know that semen from different men is supposed to taste different, but could you really taste that much different from whatever other semen she has sampled? You try to gauge if she's playing a role for Roni's benefit, but you can sense no deception on her part.

"Okay," say Roni, still reticent, but excited all the same, "so I just suck on it?" You feel her little mouth as it envelopes your cock. She gives it a couple of sucks, then stops like Trish did. "It does taste good!" she says as though she expected that Trish was lying to her, "weird, but still good."

"Well, go ahead then," says Trish. "You want to get Xander's semen out right? But this time while your sucking, try to kind of 'pet' Xander's penis with your tongue."

"Okay," says your sister as she eagerly latches onto your cock again. You feel the bliss of the suction of her little mouth, then suddenly her tongue begins to caress your cock. You wont last long at this rate. You close your eyes to enjoy the sensation, but it only lasts a few seconds before she stops for some reason. Actually, everything stops. All of the ambient noise that you are normally aware of but subconsciously ignore is gone.

You open your eyes to try to figure out what the heck is going on, when you see Loki suddenly walk through the bathroom wall.

"Alright," he says, "I'm back. What did I . . . oh, what's this now?" You jump and pull back, your cock making a popping sound as it exits your sister's mouth. "Well then," he continues with a grin, "I guess you've been busy."

"Can't a guy get some privacy," you say as you pull a towel off of the towel rack to cover you still-raging cock.

"Don't mind me," he says in a joking manner, "please do continue?"

"She's frozen in time! How am I supposed to continue?"

Loki laughs. "Yeah, not as much fun. So want else did I miss?"

"You've only been gone for, like, four hours or so," you say.

"Well, it's only been a few minutes for me," he says casually as he pulls a chair out of nowhere and sits next to you at the table. "I had to use the can."

"Dude," you say, "TMI!"

"What," he says, "I wasn't graphic about it. So what have you been up to? Hold on, let me just take a look . . . " He pulls a rubber duck from nowhere and starts looking through the menu. He selects a mod called Statistics Mod from the Life Controller menu, then motions towards you without actually touching you. You are suddenly outlined in the same manner as when you selected yourself earlier, but the glow is red instead of a yellow-gold. Loki flips through several screens relaying various information about you, your family, and your environment. "MmHmm," he says. "Okaay. Yeah. Alriight." From his expression, you can tell he is somehow dissatisfied. "Well," he finally says while he closes out the interface, "playing it safe or something?"

"What do you mean?" you ask, affixing the towel around your waist.

"You've barely touched your Lifie Mod from the look of it."

"It's only been four hours," you reply defensively, "and using the thing isn't exactly inconspicuous."

"Well," says Loki, "I can see that being a problem. Hmmm . . . I guess I can try to work on a way to enable you to engage Privacy Mode. It might take a while though. If I go that route, I should probably do it in here; otherwise it would be years of your time before you had it."

"What's privacy mode?" you ask.

"Oh, it's kind of like . . . how to explain this. It's sort of like being invisible when you take certain types of actions, but having an AI hologram of yourself acting normally for everyone else to see."

"That's great and all, but maybe you could just let me stop time, like you did here?"

"I'm not sure you're ready for another module quite yet," he says as he rubs his chin, "then again, that would stop me from being tied to the game for an annoyingly vague period of time while I worked on your code. And it would be an immediate solution. Then again, if you aren't careful it could gather a lot of unwanted attention . . . decisions, decisions."

He seems to be genuinely conflicted over what to do. There seems to be an opportunity for you to influence his decision . . . but in what direction?

So what will it be?

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