Life Hacks/Repause time to play (Home)

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Already having the life controller open, it is a very quick and simple thing for you to open the quick options and re-pause time. As time frezes again, you notice Angel and Charity who were sitting opposite of where you are now standing are already looking straight at you, and Brittany seems to have just noticed. Roni and Bastian however seem completely clueless as to what’s going on.

Well then, now that time is paused again, you can have yourself another chance to play with the mods. You didn’t get much of a chance to use it before since Roni had interrupted you and you have been occupied with one thing or another since then, much to Loki’s apparent disappointment. It seems now that you literally have all the time you could possibly need you could now really explore the mod, or rather the “hack” as they call it where Loki’s from.

What do you do first?

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