Life Hacks/Hallomod(ho)/Try and use your newfound aural powers to locate everyone on the premises

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, if you’re having fun with your new powers, you might as well give your recently proven very sharp ears a test run. You begin to put the strain to your ears, listening for any information that could be used to identify who is where. You begin with the voices you hear from outside in the pool, quickly identifying the screams and voices of August, June, and Lloyd, March’s 9 and 7 year old brothers and 8 year old sister. After that, you hear June give a scream and then Autumn, one of the 13 year old twins chastising August to not do anything so dangerous. Well, if Autumn is there, you figure you can probably assume Spring, the other twin, is as well. Just then, “Cowabunga!” The cry rings out, followed by the sound of the diving board and a splash. That was Spring’s voice alright. You can’t really identify any other voices out there, but you do find it interesting that you can somehow tell the twins apart by their voices now. Well, the second one was obviously Spring, but how did you know the first one was Autumn at the time? You were sure of it.

You bring your attention in closer, and instantly you have the predominant sound of Summer finishing up the diaper change she yelled about earlier as the soiled diaper hits the trash can. “Gah!” you hear her mumble, “first day of spring break, and I’m stuck doing this!” She grumbles. Along with her, you identify four other young individuals in the room. There is Decy, who you know is the one Summer was just dealing with, then there is the obvious babbling sounds of the youngest Holliday, little baby Hally. Then, there are two children, obviously rather small by the sounds of it, playing on the floor with some dolls or something.

“What’s wrong sissy?” You hear the small and sharp voice of 5 year old Octo, telling you the other has got to be Nove.

“Nothing!” Summer says with a ring of irony and a sigh. “You just go play with your sister. You’re being a big help to sissy.”

Well then, that’s over half the family members identified just between those two rooms. The rest are a little harder to track though as they are not making so much noise. You can hear there is someone on the very young age in the downstairs bathroom, and by process of elimination it can only be 6 year old July. She is standing up after having just been sitting on the floor, and is going over to the toilet where she sits down and starts peeing. You feel a lump forming in your throat at the thought you are eaves dropping on a 6 year old girl using the bathroom, and judging from all the evidence of her having sat on the floor and the way she walked over and just sat down, you would say she is probably completely naked from head to toe having stripped off her wet swim-suit. A quick glance over to the carpet leading to the bathroom confirms this theory as you can see wet tracks coming from the dining room, witch in turn connects to the kitchen and then the porch. You find yourself listening until she is finished, feeling your boner rise the whole time until the toilet flushes and she begins dressing again. Well, that’s interesting.

Well then, 12 Holliday kids accounted for, 5 to go. You direct your attention upward to the sounds coming from the second floor in search of them, but there does not seem to be quite enough noise to account for 5 people. You hear some bed-springs shift from one of the girls’ rooms, you believe that one was 12 year old Jan’s and 11 year old Febby’s room. After this, you hear Jan’s voice, except it is not coming from their room. In fact, it is coming from March’s room. “Can’t you call him again?” She asks with a whiny voice.

“Calm down,” March’s voice comes back at you, “they’re probably still eating lunch or something,” a line that gets met with a bit of a dismayed groan. “You know?” He says, “you’re being a bit of a brat! If you’re going to be like that, it doesn’t matter what they say, you’re not coming.”

“What?” Jan’s voice comes back at him, “but you saaaid!”

“Yeah, you were being a brat to ask me to take you, and now you are still being a brat. I’m only gonna take you if you stop being a brat, Ok?”

-Sigh- “Fine!” She groans. Well, that’s sure interesting. She was wanting to come over to your house with March? You wonder whether that was before or after you altered their relationship stats with you. And if it was after, then why was it only her?

As you ponder this out, you hear the sound of the bathroom door opening and a half-dressed wet 6 year old wanders out with her 1 piece wet suit pulled up to only cover her groin, leaving her chest bare. She is walking not back outside, but toward her parents room and, you would guess, the nursery when she suddenly spots you and her face completely lights up with a large intake of breath.

“Xander’s here!” She yells and runs straight over to you, giving you a big wet hug with her soaking wet hair pressed right into the upper thigh of the leg she wrapped herself around.

“Uhh… hey.” You say to her. You hear some response to her yell from upstairs, and then you hear March’s door fly open.

“Hey, are you gonna play with us in the pool?” She asks.

“Xander came here!?” You hear Jan yell from the top of the stairs, interrupting your chance to respond to the wet half-naked 6 year old as she comes tearing down the stairs and then wrapping herself around your hip.

“Hey you two.” You greet them. A moment after this, it’s Octo and Nove coming out of the Nursery, trailed by their care-taker Summer, coming to greet you. It is only once you have this crowd surrounding you that March, the person you had supposedly come over to see, appears at the top of the stairs and begins making his way down.

“Xander!” You have the cheers and smiles of 4 little children, 3 of whom are genuinely exuberant and the youngest fourth of witch seems to be getting hyped up by the others.

“July!” You hear Summer’s voice bark, “why do you have your swim suit half off like that?”

“I couldn’t get it back on” she says in a sorrowful tone as she peels herself off you and goes to stand submissively in front of her older sister. “I was gonna ask for help to get it pulled up.”

“Gah!” Summer groans, kneeling down to begin assisting the youngster. “I swear, this thing is too small on you,” she says. “It might be about time to go through another round of hand-me-downs. I bet we can get you June’s swim suit if we pass her down May’s or something like that.” Indeed, it does seem a little small on her, and made smaller still by the fact that it is wet and has been exposed to cool air. Not to mention the fact that the wet material is clinging to her skin. It is no wonder it seems to take the two of them so much effort to get the garment covering her again.

“So, what are you doing here man?” March asks you as he wades into this chaos. “You didn’t even call me back! You just showed up here out of nowhere.”

“Eh, yeah,” you say, “I just felt like taking a jog and wound up here.”

“You ran here from your house!?” Jan asks, “No wonder you’re all sweaty!” She comments, pulling back away from you and making a show of fake disgust at how your sweat has dampened her cloths.

“We’re all swimming!” Jan says, “Come out and play with us Xander!”

“No! Come play with us!” Octo speaks up, pulling you toward his parents room.

“Aww… Xander doesn’t want to play with babies!” Jan argues! “And it doesn’t look like you brought a swim suit either, huh?”

Well, no, not technically. You are certain you could easily tell her otherwise if you do decide to take a swim though. This is crazy though. Everyone seems to want a piece of you. Guess this is the consiquence of everyone having 100% friendliness with you, it is a little TOO friendly when it comes to a whole bunch of kids. You should probably be thankful that it is only these 4 and the rest of them are outside in the pool and don’t know you are here yet.

Well then, what now?

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