Everlasting Affairs/Marketplace

From All The Fallen Stories
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Shopkeepers always seemed to have work that needed to be done, so you decided to start there. Whether it was the fact that you hadn't eaten all day, or the fact that it was the first thing that caught your eye, you ended up outside the bakery. Hanging up above your head was a sign that read Lovett's Family Buns with a picture of bread that looked pretty reminiscent of a girl's ass.

You stepped inside to find four completely identical girls all busy with a task. One was mixing dough, another was kneading, while the other two cleaned up the mess left behind. One glanced up at you. "A costumer!" She shouted getting the attention of the others.

"One second please." They all responded. One by one, they each faded away, phasing into the girl who was kneading the dough behind the counter. She brushed off her hands on her apron and skipped over to you. "How can I help you, sir?

"I was... uh... I'm looking for work--"

"Oh, thank god!" She bounced up and down, cutting off your sentence. "My father's usually the one who does deliveries, but he's sick right now, so I've been busy baking and delivering, then baking and delivering. Do you know how stressful it's been?"

"Well... no."

She sighed dramatically and ran a hand through her hair. "I'd use my ability if I could, but I can't send out multiples farther than ten feet away, so I've just been having them help me bake. PLEASE tell me you're here to help me out."


Personal Game Inventory:
Health 100% Time {{{Time}}} Sword
Lust 25% Gold 0
Status {{{Status}}} Quest None
Other {{{Other}}} Location {{{Location}}}