Life Hacks/Spring's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Despite their masturbatory activities, masturbating at the same time but not necessarily in view of one another, the twins have something of a feed back off one another that has made them both a little neurotic about sexually related activities. This trend started when they were 4 and just learning about body shame. They eventually began re-enforcing it on each other as they both began having a desire to explore their own or each other's bodies, but then quickly told the other that this was wrong. This absolute red-line for any looking or touching one another that, for a time, even extended to touching their own bodies was eventually broken when they discovered masturbation, and when Autumn began to have romantic feelings for Summer, a little after the girls started puberty and began to be pushed by their hormones, and they have since been softening lately. However, the shadow of their old anti-sexual absolutism still lingers over them to the point that they have to be in different rooms (usually one in the bedroom and the other in the bathroom) during their simultaneous masturbation.

The twins are unaware of their older sisters' mutual masturbation with each other, their older brother's side-by-side masturbation with Xander, or their younger siblings' peeing game in the woods. If they were to find out about either of the former, their first reaction would likely be to lecture their older siblings, but it very well could later lead to them letting their guard down about experimenting with each other. If they were to find out about the latter, they would absolutely forbid their younger siblings from going into the woods again, tell their parents and older siblings about it, and then watch them like hawks to prevent and shut down this activity.

Spring is aware of the feelings her sister has for her and she is confused by them. She knows it is wrong, but if put to the pressure of having to choose between doing something that is a sin and emotionally harming her sister she is sure that she would choose to sin. She has already made up her mind on this, having the pre-warning of her emotional link giving her the time to think about it. However, she sort of hopes she is not asked and her sister somehow forgets about it.

Sex ed classes in their school system are going to be next year. She has not formally learned more than how to take care of her monthly issues, but informally she has started hearing things from her class mates. Information is sparse and confusing. She has heard about something called "fucking" and knows it has something to do with boys and girls touching each other's privates. She has heard that this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do, and also that the sex ed teachers go off like crazy preaching about how it is wrong unless you are married. She has also heard from some who say they have done it and that it feels better than masturbating. As she heard all about this stuff, she started to become sure that this was what she wanted to do with her sister rather than a boy, even though she knew this is something that would be regarded as even more sinful than doing it with a boy in a way that was not approved of by the church.

Sexual Knowledge

As Spring picked up her second-hand sex-ed knowledge, she has had several crucial things that she missed from her education. She does not know about semen, and thinks that sex is a boy sticking his fingers in a girl's vagina. She has thought of the concept that a boy could probably stick his penis inside there too, but thinks that would be a gross and unusual thing to try rather than it being the whole main idea of sex.

She also has no idea about semen. She has somewhat gotten the idea that sex is in some way related to how babies are made, but does not think it is related to fingers or even the penis going into the vagina.

Knows where babies come from?: Knows they come from the mother's belly and it involves the father somehow. She has a theory of her own that the father needs to get something from the doctor in order to make his wife pregnant, and that whatever this is would have to come from a white box of some sort.

Knows what semen is?: Does not know what semen is, but if she were to see it on a girl's stomach or leaking from her vagina without having seen it come out of the boy's penis she would come to the conclusion instantly that it was the stuff that makes babies. If she were to see it come from the boy's penis, she might be momentarally confused and could be lead to think anything about it, but would still have about a 50% chance of coming to the correct answer about its role in making babies if not fed a story or otherwise lead off the path.

Knows about a boy's penis?: Yes

Knows what sex is?: Sort of. As described above, she thinks partner masturbation is sex and PIV sex is something some weird people might decide to try.

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • The Church says no: (Body Shame = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

All mild and higher sex acts, unless their default resistance is higher than her body shame stat, are raised to match her body shame. This is reduced by half if she is in a crowd made up 100% of people she has 50% or higher trust with and are also all engaging in sex acts. (Acclimation at any level will reduce this any time you initiate it by half for all levels, and completely eliminates this form of resistance for all levels if she is groomed to accept any one level of sex acts

  • Her parents say no: (Body shame + 20% = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

Same as "church says no," except stronger because her parents are closer at hand. Can be reduced by half if an older sibling is present and participating in the sex acts as they will take the blame if they are found out. (Acclimation only reduces this effect by 1/4, and half for grooming, as the parents will always be a far more powerful punishing force.)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

