Life Hacks/Lynn's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

While she projects modesty outward, Lynn is sexually insatiable in the bedroom. She has always wanted a large family and a lot of kids, and that was the major selling point for her when she met her husband, his desire for the same thing. After every one of her children were born, she was eager to start on the next one and actually somewhat laments there was only one set of "Irish Twins" among her children.

Lynn is suffering from a bit of cervical prolapse due to excessive child birth. Her husband's penis actually regularly pushes past her cervix and enters her uterus when they have sex. She somewhat likes the feeling, but laments that it is part of the sign that she can no longer have more children. Fortunately though, the same is not true of her vagina witch she kept in shape with a lot of kegal exercises. It is definitely loose, but she does not have part of her vaginal flesh poking out of her entrance.

She finds it a little alarming that the filters they put on the children's internet to filter out porn also blocks normal sources teaching about the mechanics of sex, but does not figure it is a big enough deal to make an issue over. She figures she can just use her password to unlock it for her children if they are really curious, and that way she knows what it is that they are learning. None of them have actually come forward to ask her to do this, but she tells herself that is a sign they are not growing up with perverse thoughts.

Sexual Knowledge

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)


  • Cheating: (+20 to all sex acts)
  • Pedophilia/under-age sex: (+10 to all sex acts with teen Xander, +20 to all sex acts with child Xander)
  • Homosexuality: (+40 to all sex acts with Lexi)
