
From All The Fallen Stories
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Well there was this girl that I liked watching her get off the bus from school. I would always watch this one in particular because I found her rather intriguing to me. She wore glasses and long hair. I would watch her from my window for about three months. She never had any friends around that I could see but she seemed to be a good little girl. Day after day I would watch and admire her I never talk to her before so I didn't know what she was like, but just from me watching her body language I could tell that she was shy and probably got picked on at school, but had really good grades.

Well on this one particular day I happen to be outside working on my car. School was letting out and the buss had dropped off the kids. Well I looked over to see who was getting of an I had noticed the little girl crying. Well I didn't really do anything at first. I just sat there. That was until I seen a few more children get off the bus and circle around her. They was yelling at her and hitting her. I watched as this goes in and did nothing at the time. Well one pusses her down and they all started to kick her. I knowledge I then had to jump in and stop this. I walk over there and tell them to stop. The kids ignored me and kept kicking her. I then grabbed one and pushed him out the way and tell at them to stop.

They all stopped at this time. I said hat the hell is going on and why are y'all yelling, hitting and kicking this girl. I told them to scram before I get there parents. They all bolted home after I said that. I step toward the crying girl. I asked her if she was okay. She looked up at me still crying and managed to get out a yes. I then picked her up and asked if we can go inside so that I could tend to her wonds. She agreed and I walker her into my house and sat her down on the couch an when into the bathroom and got some medical supplies and went back into the living room. From there I clean her up and get her bandaged up. I then ask her if she would like anything to drink. In witch she agreed and I left and got her something to drink. After all this I asked her if she would like me to walk her home so that the kids don't Tried that stunt that they did before again. She never said a word troughs out the times that I asked her something she would just nod. And that is what she did this time as well. So we walk out of my house and we go to hers.

When we get there I knocked on the door and waited on someone to answer it. About a couple of minutes later a woman opens the door. She looked at me and I tell her that I found her daughter outside my house getting bullies by a few kids. And that I stopped them and tended to her injuries and then brought her home. The mother thanks me and I leave and go home. Well the next day I was in my house sitting there lessening to music. I heard a knock on the door. I got up to see who it was. When I open the door I seen that it was the same girl from the other day. I said hello and asked her how was she feeling. She shyly didn't want to answer and nervously till me okay and that she came here to thank me for yesterday. I told her that it was no problem.

She nervously kicked one of her feet back and forth. She then asked me would it be okay if she could stay here for a little while. I told here that I didn't know that it would be better of she went home. Or ask she parents if she could but that it would be better of her mother met me first. But other than that I really wouldn't mind her coming over. With that said she looked depressed now. She till me okay and she went on her way. I felt bad for her but I don't want her parents to get the wrong idea. The next couple of days past and I seen her get off the bus and head straight home. Well the next day after that I looked out side when the children came home and seen her in a cast. Well I walked outside and she seen me. She looked away and started to walk a a little fast her. I called for her and she stopped. I then walked up to her and asked her what happened. She really didn't want to say anything. I reassured her that it was okay that she could tell me. Well she told me that she fell. I didn't really saying else because I didn't know anything about it.

She then asked me my name. I told her and then asked her for her name. Her name was Jana. She said that she had to go so I left and went inside. Well I thought about what she asked me a few days ago. I decided from there that I would let her come over but I would have to find away to meet her parents first. Because you know just going over there and saying that her daughter wants to come to my house would come off as a little strange. But I guess I wouldn't dwell on the subject to long.

Well the next day I looked outside at the same time that I always do an seen the kids picking on her again. I went outside and broke them up. I don't have a clue into why they would keep picking on her like they do. I thought that after this I would ask her of she would like to come over to my house only after meeting her mother. I told Jana if she wanted to come to my house for that she can settle down. She said yes and we went into my house. Well she say down on the couch. I asked her if she would like some warm tea. Yea told me yea and I put some tea on and went and got the bandages to tend to her wounds again. After I patched her up the yea was ready and I fixed her and me a cup and brought it to her and we drink it.

Well after that I thought that it was time for he to go home. We went to her house and I knocked on the door. A minute later her mother answered the door. I told her that the kids were picking in her again and that I broke it up and tended to her wounds. Her mother thanked me and asked me if she was troubling me to keep fixing her. I told her that it was no trouble that I actually enjoyed her company despite that the kids are the reason for it. And that I wouldn't mind helping her if she needed it. The mother thanked me once again and I took my leave. I thought to myself on the way back to my house that I have finally did it now Jana could come over with out any worries. The next day came and right after the bus let out she came and knocked on my door. I answered it and she asked if she could come in. I looked at her and said yes. She can in and liked around. She asked me if I lived here alone. I said that I did indeed live alone. She asked what I do to spend my time. That I told her that I really don't do anything. She didn't say anything for awhile just looking around. After a moment. She said that she could come over here everyday and spend time with me. I told her that would be great. But shouldn't she spend that time with her friends. She told me that she didn't have any friends. I asked her why and she told me that it was because others thought that she was weird. I said that to me she looks normal. She thanked me.

She stayed for a little while and we talked about life and other things. Soon she went home and I waited for the next day to come. The next day came and at the same time as always right after Jana got off the bus she headed to my house. I was outside at this time and I could see her coming. Well as she made her approach I seen the kids coming up behind her. I told her that the kids was coming up behind her. She looked behind her. She must have got scared because she started running towered me. The kids followed suit. She made it to me and got behind me. When the kids came they stopped. I told then what do they think that they was doing. The kids didn't say a word they just bolted. I told her if there is she had any trouble with them kids that she could come to me at anytime.

Well after that we decided to go inside. We sat down for awhile. But something was bothering me. I asked her why was it about me that made her want to spend time other me? She told me that it was just how I was I seem kinda lonely but I also seemed like a nice guy. That I seemed cool and that it was I that really ever gave her any attention. Well it was true though I was lonely and I was giving her attention but I didn't realize that I was the only one give her any. I thanked her for that. Really wasn't sure what I should do. Then Jana asked me if I remember when she told me that they other kids say that I'm weird. Told yes. She said well it was one time when she was in her room. Right before she continued she started to shift her legs back and forth with her hands between her legs. She continued to say that she was caught... Masturbating on her bed and that the kids seen her through her window.

I was shocked at first. Didn't expect her to say something like that and to me to that was really unexpected. I didn't say anything at first. She asked me if that was weird. For a minute I sat there in silence. I took a deep breath and told her that it was completely normal for someone to do that. She asked me if I did it too. I wasn't going to lie to her. I told her that I indeed did. She told that when the kids caught her that they started to pick and call her names. Saying that she was weird, disgusting, a freak and things to that nature. I told her that it is kids being kids and that she shouldn't lessen to what they are saying. She then stated that when she told her mother that she yelled at her, and told her what she was doing was wrong and told her to never to do it again. She started to cry saying that people pick on her for it and she gets yelled at. But that it feels good when she does it and I tell her that it is natural that she don't know what to do.

As she cried I got close to her and put my arm around her and lay her head on me. She cried there for a few more minutes before finally calming down. I told her is it really wrong to do something that feels good? She told me know. I said then do it anyway regardless what they tell you. She then asked me something that I wasn't prepared for. She asked me if she could do it here. I really didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if I should tell her yes or know. I sat there for another minute. Then I said sure she could. I couldn't believe what I just told this girl. I told her that I will let her have her privacy then. I presided to leave the room but before I could even get up, she asked me if I could stay. She has caught me in a position that I didn't want to be in. But I knew that deep down I wanted this to happen. I told her that I would only if she wanted me to. She looked at me and told me that she did. She hesitantly put her hand down her skirt. She started to rub herself from what I seen. She started to breath heavy. She was starting to get in the mood. She took her hand out her skirt and pulled it off.

She was now in her shirt and panties. I was starting to get excited myself. She put her hand in her panties and started to rub herself again. She used the other hand and put it up her shirt and started to play with her breast. She has by this time closed her eyes so that she could concentrate more on what she was doing. I had a raging boner now. But I didn't want to do anything to her.She keep rubbing herself and started to wimpier. Her Breath started to get more heavy and more frequent. The odor that her body was giving off was just a huge turn on, and a very pleasant scent. Soon she started to arc her body she must have been close. Then she let out this moan. She laid there with her hand still down her panties panting. It was amazing to watch a young girl like herself to pleasure herself in front of me. I asked her if it felt good, even though I already knew the answer. Still catching her breath she told me yes. But she through in there she said that she wasn't satisfied yet that she wanted something more. I know what she wanted but I didn't really want to take advantage of her. She must have still be in a state of arousal she got up and sat in my lap with her body toward mine and pushed on my upper body. I didn't suspect this so I fell back onto my back. She put her hand on my crotch and said that it felt hard. She proceeded to unzip my pants. I asked her what was she doing. She told me that she was going to make me feel good as well. For some reason I couldn't make my body move. It was like all the straight had left my body. All I could do was look there and watch.

She unzipped my pants and had move them to my ankles. She put her hand down my boxers and pulled my penis out. She looked at it for a moment and then started to jack me off. Her hand was still wet from when she came so it made a good lubricant. It felt good I wasn't going to lie. It felt like heaven I didn't want to stop. It was making a lewd noise. She keep stroking and stroking I could feel me getting ready to come. I told her to stop, and she asked me why. I told her if she did't stop then I would get her dirty, and to her replay she said that she didn't care. One pump, two pump three pump. I could feel me about to cum. She must have felt my penis starting to engorge itself more because she started to stroke faster. Then... BAM I came. Just like that it started to dribble out and onto her hand. She stopped stroking me and let go of my penis. She looked at her hand and seen the cum. She then licked the cum off of her hand and giggled. She asked me if it felt good. I was still breathing heavy but managed to get out yes. She then got up and put back on her cloths. She sat down for a minute collecting her thoughts. Then she told me that she was sorry and that she would never bother me again. I was confused at first. I told her that it was alright and that I wouldn't tell anyone and that she didn't have to be sorry. She looked up at me and asked me if she could come back tomorrow if it was okay by me. I said that it was okay and she could come over at any time she wanted. She thanked me and left for home.

I sat there after she had left just thinking. Why dd I let he do this I thought. I should have stopped her. How am I going to face her now things are going to be awkward now. The next day came and like clock work when she got off of the bus she headed straight to my house. She knocked in the door and I let her in. She went and sat down on the couch like she always did and I made tea and brought it to her. I sat down next to her. I told her that what we did isn't right. That we can't do that. She asked me why that was it that I didn't like her or something. I told her know that it wasn't because I didn't like her. It was because she was still a miner and what we did is a crime to the law. She asked as long as the law didn't find out about it then it would be okay right? I told her that she was somewhat right but it didn't make it right.

She said that she guesses that I was right. She also asked me if she could continue masturbating in my house because it was the only place where it seemed that she wasn't judged. I told her that, that was fine. In the back of my head though I was thinking that as long as she didn't try that stunt that she pulled yesterday then she could continue if not then I might brake and try to get inside her. I was already trying my best to not to. I asked she that she was embarrassed to masturbate in front of me. On witch she responded to no that if it was me then it was fine. Just hearing them word it was like I was in a manga or and anime. It just felt so good to hear them words. Even though when I watched her masturbate yesterday I was excited I felt a little embarrassed for her. In my thought I herd her say was everything alright. I told her yea that I was just thinking. She was finished with her tea by then, she asked e of I could move over a little it so that she could get comfortable. Which I complied and moved over for her.

As she it comfortable she closed her eyes and pulled her skirt and panties down to her ankles. She took of her shirt reviling that she was wearing a bee. She spread her legs as far as they can go with her cloths down to her ankles. She placed her hand on her special spot and started rubbing ever so gently. She rubbed and rubbed. She started to gradually speed up and her breathing because more frequent. Just like yesterday I started to get aroused. Just watching her made me want to pleasure myself. I just say there at ahh. I soon herd her saying my name. I must have looking my mind because I started jacking off frantically trying to cum. She then arched her back and screamed my name. She fell back exhausted. I was really going at it now. She soon opened her eyes and seen me going at it. She sat up and looked at my penis. She stopped me and said that she could help. With her little mouth she wrapped it around my swollen member. It felt so warm and soft oh my god it felt good. I could feel me about to cum. I started to warn her. I told her that I was about to cum and that she should take it out if her mouth. With her mouth full of my member she told me know that it was okay that I can cum in her mouth. I was about to erupt. She was sucking so good that I couldn't take it no more. After it came out. She took it out and swallowed it. After that ordeal happened she dressed herself and sat there collecting her thought. Soon afterward she told me that she was sorry tat she should have not done that because it was something that I told her not to do. I looked at her sad face and said as long as she didn't tell anyone then it was fine. With a big smile on her face she have me a big hug.

It was starting to get late now and she needed to go home. She told me that she was afraid of the dark. So we put on our shews and I took her home. The next couple of days she didn't do anything just visited me for the majority of the time. At first I thought that it was something that I might have done. But I did't do anything that is what I thought to myself. But maybe that was it, it might be because I did't do anything is why she hasn't did what she's been doing for the last few days. But she did't seem like the person that would worry about that. I mean her personality seems to only change when she is masturbating. I wanted to ask her about it but I decided not to. We just sat there enjoying each others company drinking tea and talking about our day. She did still feel very distant though. I could't quite put my finger on why though. I decided not to give it to much thought, I mean if she wants to tell me anything she can say it when she is ready. When we got there I told her to have a nice night and make sure to get plenty of sleep. She told me that she will. And with that being said she went inside and I headed home.

The next day on the other hand was different. She came over like usual but her didn't say a word just sat there drinking her tea that I made for her. I asked her was there something the matter. She looked up at me and tears started to come to her eyes. She told me through breaths trying to hold back the tears and said that her mother said that after today that she couldn't come over or see me ever again. She said that her mother don't trust me. Being that a young 14 year old girl going to a grown mans house everyday is strange. And that I might try to do something to her. Well I thought to myself that it was Jana that was doing things to me. With that said she busted out crying and sobbing. I couldn't do much besides hold her. Her mother was kinda right though a young girl going to a grown mans house is kinda weird. So I couldn't exactly blame the mother. I really couldn't think of anyway around this. Nothing that would't get me in trouble. I asked her does she think that things could change if I tried to be friends with them. Even when I asked her that I already knew the outcome might be. Even if I tried the mother would probably tell me to leave and never talk to her or her daughter ever again. The best outcome would be that she liked company and it was that she was just worried.

Before Jana answered I asked her another question. The question was that did her mother like company over? To Janas response she told me that her mother did like company. When those words hit my ear I knew that I had a chance to save the relationship that Jana and I shared. I told Jana that we are going to her house early that I would like to meet her mother. And that it would be okay that I will get this worked out, she didn't have to worry. She asked me if I was sure and to my reply was Yea I'll take care of everything. She started to calm down afterwards. After she did we got up and headed to her house.

We got up to her house and I knocked on the door and waited on someone to answer the door. I was expecting her mother to answer the door, but what greeted me was this young woman around her mid to late twenties. I looked at her for a minute and asked if her Jana's mother was home. This girl told me know that she was out running an arran and that she wont be back for a while. I said ohh and that I was here to bring Jana home. I told my name and she told me hers was Chelsy. I told her that Jana was the one coming to see me everyday. Chelsy said that was the reason for Samantha's attitude. She told me that she was wondering where Jana was going everyday. Also that she wasn't really worried about Jana, because she trusted Jana. Then she asked me if I wanted to come in and have something to drink. I accepted and we went inside and sat in the kitchen around the breakfast nook. Chelsy and I talked about this and that, but then came back around with Jana. She asked me why Jana always came over to my house everyday after school. I told her that one day I seen some of the kids picking on her and I help her and she was hurt so I took her in and tended to her wounds. After that the it just happened that she wanted to come over. Chelsy said that Jana did have a nack of telling who to trust and who not to. I asked her who she was, was she Jana's sister, cousin, aunt? She told me with a laugh that I was wrong. That she was Samantha's wife. I was shocked at first I didn't know this. I thought that it was cool. Well I told her that indeed I thought that it was cool. And that I never knew any lesbian couples. Chelsy said that she was flattered. So we talked some more, laughed and she told me that she could see why Jana wanted to be around me. I was a kind and good hearted guy. We herd the door open, Samantha was home. When she came inside she saw me in the kitchen talking to Chelsy and Jana. She demanded to know why I was in her house. I was going to answer but Chelsy got to it first. Chelsy told her that I came initially to bring Jana home and they started talking and that she invited me in and we just started to hit it off. She also told her that her impression of me was wrong. Chelsy told Samantha that she was going to ask her when she got home if they could have me for dinner tomorrow. Samantha was still wary of me. She told her that she would talk to her more about this tonight. She had up her things down at this point and kindly asked me to leave. Before I left I told her that I was sorry for making her worry about her daughter. With that said I left and went home.

Well the next day. I really didn't expect Jana to come over because of Samantha yesterday. So I was home just sitting there in the living room where my computer was watching hentai and masturbating. I must have not heard the knock on the door, because Jana came up to me with her hands behind her back bent down just a little bit with a smile on her face and asked me what I was doing. She scared the cum out of me. Considering I don't shoot I dribble it just ran down my hand. There was no denying it because I was caught red handed. I didn't know what to say though. She just looked at me with that smile and said that she was sorry but that she did knock and there was no answer so she let herself in. She also told me that her parents would like me to come to her house tonight to have supper with them. That until I go then she can't come back over. I asked her what time did I have to be over there. She told me that I have to be there at 7:00 pm. I told her that I would be there. She told me that her mother can trust me because she liked going over here. With that said she took her leave. I got myself cleaned up and took a bath and got dressed for 7:00 to come. 6:45 came around and I left and made my way to her house.

I knocked on the door and Chelsy answer the door. She greeted me with welcome and that it was nice to see me again. She told me to come in. I did and she told me to stay right there that she was going to get Samantha. She went upstairs to get Samantha. They came down about two minutes later. Samantha said hello and that it was nice to have me over tonight. I could tell though that she was still unsure of me. She asked me to follow her to the dinning room and that I should have a seat that the food would be out in a minute. I did what I was told even though I don't like other people making my food. I bit my tongue though and let them make it for me. They brought out baked fish with mac and cheese and green beans. Chelsy asked me if this was okay to eat. I told her that it was fine that baked fish was one of my favorite to eat. Well we sat there for a bit eating and none of us was really saying a word. Chelsy then spoke up. She said that Samantha wanted to ask you what was my intentions with Jana. And that Samantha just wasn't going to say anything and that she tried to tell her what i told her yesterday and Samantha told her that she would have to hear it from my mouth to actually believe me. Well I told her that I had no intentions toward her daughter that I was just merely her friend. That I could never do anything to her that would harm her. Also that I understand that you are worried about her. Samantha looked up from her plate and asked me how could she be sure. That what I could be telling her could be a lie just for that I could have her daughter at my house to try to take advantage of her.

Chelsy said the reason that Samantha is like this was because she was raped a lot at a young age. I told Samantha that it could be rest assured that I would never do anything to harm Jana in anyway. In my head I thought that I was starting to sound like a broken recurred box. I told her that I would do anything to see Jana smile and not be sad like she was when I met her or like yesterday. She looked at me for a minute then she said if she wanted her to trust me then I would have to go with them to go shopping with Jana and that I would have to buy my own dress there and make up and let Jana make you up. Chelsy added to that, that it was Janas idea, because Samantha asked her what could he do for her to trust him with her and that is what she told her. I was at aww at the moment. After a few seconds I agreed, and that all she had to do was tell me when and I'll be ready. Samantha was kinda shocked that I agreed to do it. She asked me if I was serious. Which to my replay was yea I was. Samantha said after that Alright that she will give me this chance but I shouldn't mess this up before or after in any way or that she would call the police and have me arrested. After we ate we talked about other things about this and that. It was about 9:00 that I decided to go home. Right before I left though Samantha said that I would have to come by tomorrow for that we all had to go shopping. I said that, that wouldn't be a problem and that I will see her tomorrow. It was about 10:00 in the morning that I went to her house and they all was waiting on me. Chelsy said that I will have to ride with them if I didn't mind. I didn't mind really. So we loaded up and headed to the mall.

When we got there they didn't take all that long to find a spot to park. We got out and started to head for the mall doors. Jana told me that she was really happy that she got to be with me despite her parents being here. I told her that I was happy to, but that she shouldn't be mad about her parents being worried. I really wanted to hold Janas hand but decided that, that would not be a very good idea. So we went inside and when to the girls clothing department. Chelsy side that she could pick what ever she wanted to. Jana got a big smile on her face and started looking at cloths. I stood there and really didn't say anything. Well. Said Chelsy. You should go look around to don't you think. Your right. I replied. I went in and looked around myself. I wasn't really sure what size I would wear so I just looked. A couple of minutes later one of the clerks came up to me and asked if there was anything that I was looking for. I told her that I was looking for something that is in black and I needed something to fit me. I wiggled my finger to her for her to get closer. I told her that I'm doing this as a trust thing for the two ladies near the entrees. She told me that she will be right back that she might have just the thing in the back and she would bring it out for me to look at. When she left I went to see what Jana had picked out. Jana showed me a pretty pink dress with white frills. She asked me if I could wait there for that she could go and try it on.

When she returns I just couldn't believe my eyes. She was the cutest thing I have ever laid my eyes on in my entire life. How does it look she asked me. I told her that it looked really nice on her. Jana smiled at me and told me thanks. She also said that she is going to look around for some more. The clerk came back form the back. She came back with a solid black dress in one hand and a black blouse and skirt, panties and bra in the other. I think that this will do don't you think. I would ask you if I could try them on but I'm not sure if your store will let men try things like this on. I said. The clerk stated that she wasn't sure either sense she's only been working there about a month and her boss wasn't there. I told her that, that was alright I'll take them anyway and buy them from her. I was done with my shopping I got what they told me I had to get. I payed for my things and went to the entrance to see Chelsy and Samantha. Well now it seems like you actually did it. Chelsy said. But there is one more thing now that Samantha and I talked about when you went in. Now you have to wear that for the rest of the time that we are here. Do you think that you can do that? Chelsy added and asked. My face turned red. It was already hard enough to go in there and ask for this stuff. But I thought I can't let Jana down. Okay I told them. I walked back in there and asked the clerk if I can change here.

The clerk said yes under one condition. That she could take a picture of me in the what ever I put on. To which I agreed. So I went into one of the dressing rooms and changed into the black blouse with the black panties, bra and skirt. When I was done changing I came out and let the clerk take a picture of me. I then went back over to Chelsy and Samantha. Well what do y'all think I asked them. Samantha keep quite but you could see the embarrassment on her face. Chelsy said that I looked great and with some make up people probably wouldn't be able to tell if I was a guy. Jana came back and I turned around and had a shocked look on her face. She asked me why I was wearing that. I told her that she could't be the only one that is able to show off her new cloths. I asked her if she had got what she wanted and she said yes. Samantha went with Jana and checked out the cloths and we headed for the make up department. When we arrived Jana grabed my hand and pulled me inside. Chelsy said that Jana couldn't wait to do this with you. We went in and she sat me down and grabed some make up. For a minute or two she tried to figure out what would look good on me but she didn't know. She looked over at her mothers as to see if they would come help. Chelsy asked Samantha if she would like to come. To Samanthas reply she said no and she went and sat down on a near by bench. Your loss Chelsy told her. Chelsy came in and told Jana that the best thing to do if find something that ain't going to make a big stand out. After a few choice things they checked out and applied it on me.

Where should we go next Jana asked Chelsy. Chelsy said that she did't know. She also told her to stay with me that she was going to go talk to Samantha. Chelsy walked away and Jana and I sat down at a bench close by. I could here Samantha and Chelsy talking. Chelsy asked what was Samanthas matter. Samantha said that it was nothing. That she couldn't believe that I would go this far to try to gain their trust. Chelsy said that I was trying my best and that we should give him a chance that I didn't seem like a bad person. Samantha agreed even though she really didn't want to believe it. Samantha and Chelsy came back and said that is enough here that we are going home. I did't really say anything just because I didn't know what the outcome of this day would end with. Well we got back in the car and shortly Jana fell asleep with her head against my arm. We made it home and they woke up Jana and told her that we are here. Chelsy said that it was really great spending time with me. Then she got up real close to me and said that I didn't have to worry that Jana is going to be able to come see me when ever she wanted. And that I should go home and wait. Then she back away from me. I told them that I had a fantastic day out with them and that I hope that I could do things more often with them soon. With that said I took my leave. I got home and sat on the couch. Wearing the girl cloths I got horny. So I masturbated and fell asleep with my hand attached to my cock.

I awoke with a knock at the door. I yelled saying that they will have to give me a moment. I made myself decent and went to answer the door. I awoke with a knock at the door. I yelled saying that they will have to give me a moment. I made myself decent and went to answer the door. To my surprise it was Jana. Umm hello. I said in confusion. Mom said that it was okay for me to come back over here. So could I come in. She asked me. I told her yes and let her in. She went to the living room as always and sat down on the couch. I went to the kitchen and made some tea for us and came back. I handed her hers and sat down by her like always. She then got close to me to where we was shoulder to shoulder and she laid her head on my arm. I really missed coming over here. I feel really safe over here. And your here to make me feel comfortable. Jana told me. I didn't really know what to say at this point but that I was flattered. She told me that she hasn't played with herself sense that day. She also asked me if that she could do it here like always. I told her that I didn't have a problem with it before then why would I have a problem with it now. I grabbed her cup once she was done drinking it and brought it into the kitchen. When I came back I say Jana laying on the couch and was rubbing herself through her red and black skirt that she had on. She looked at me with a lustful look in her eyes. She then asked me if I would sit on the couch with her. I did but I was kinda reluctant to do so. I walked over and she got up. I sat down and she got up and sat on one of my legs with her front facing mine. She used her hands as leverage to hold herself there as she rocked herself back and forth on my leg.

She was using me to relive herself sexually. As she rocked Jana looked up at me and asked me if she could kiss me. I immediately turned red. This was like a dream come true. I really wanted to kiss her but I didn't want to take it far. Even though it was already bad enough. Then she asked me please with just the cutest voice I have ever heard. At that point I gave up. I told her yes and as she rocked she kissed me. Jana had the softest lips I had ever felt. My head started to go blank. I stock my tongue in her mouth and we started to kiss very deeply. I moved my hands and started to touch her body. I lifted my hand up her shirt and started to rub her nipples. Once I touched one of them she started to convulse and she moaned with ecstasy. I stopped kissing her and asked her if she felt good. She responded with yes that it felt really good. I then started to kiss her again. as I kissed her I grabbed her and picked her up and placed her on her back on the couch. With one hand I removed her shirt and with the other I removed her shirt. I then told her that I could make her feel even better. She didn't say anything her facial expression was enough to let me know. I then started to rub her clit with one of my hands. Man I never felt so hard before, I really wanted to put it in her. I continued to kiss and rub her clit. Soon she came again. I was losing my mind. I started to take off my pants, but then I realized what was about to do. I had to get control of myself. I stopped everything and told her that, that was the end of it for today.

She got dressed and asked me if she could come back later. She said that she mainly came over to tell me that she could come back and that her parents where talking her somewhere. I told her yea that she can. With that she left. I sat there trying to collect my thoughts. I almost done it. I told myself. I didn't think that I will be able to stop myself next time. I got up and cleaned the house and tried to make the day pass by more quickly. Well the afternoon came and I was in the living room just laying there. I got a knock at the door. I go up and answered the door. It was Jana she was back. She had just this biggest smile on her face. I have a cell phone now. She said very exstaticly. I asked her did her parents get that for her. Jana told me yes they did so that they can keep in touch with her at anytime. Do you have a phone. Jana asked me. I told her that I do. Could I have your number please. She asked me. I gave it to her and she asked if I could stay here for the night. The night. I exclaimed I don't think that your parents will like that I told her. She told me that it was okay that she had already got permission from them. She stated that Samantha didn't really want her to go but Chelsy convinced her that Jana could come over only if it was okay by me to.

I took a deep breath and told her that she can. Jana looked thrilled. She asked me if I would like to come over to her house with her that her parents wanted to ask me something. I thought what could it be. I told her yes and I exited the door and walked with her back to her house. We arrived and Jana walked inside and a minute passed and Chelsy answered the door. Chelsy asked me to come on inside. So I did. Jana said that she was going to grab her close as she was walking up the stairs. Chelsy told me that I probably already know that Jana had got her a cell phone. Which I nodded yes too. And one of the reason is that she asked you if she could stay over there was because Samantha and herself had to leave town for the night for a very personal reason. And that Chelsy more than Samantha trusted me and wanted me to watch Jana for the night. When they told Jana that they had to leave she insisted that if she could ask she could go to my house. After hearing all of this I agreed to watch her. By this time Jana came back down stars with a backpack and was ready to go back to my house. Chelsy told me that they will be back some time tomorrow. And that they will be leaving in about thirty minutes now sense I agreed to do this. So Jana and I left and went back to my house.

When we got to my house we walked in and I took Jana to the spare bedroom that I never used. I opened the door and I told her that is where she was going to stay. Jana put her backpack down on the bed and looked around the room. The room was a bare room with nothing in it except the necessities. Like a bed, dresser with nothing in it. and a tv. Jana asked me if anyone ever stayed in there. I told her no that she would be the first. I never really had company stay over so there was never a need to do anything with the room. Well we left and headed back into the living room and sat down and watch some tv. We was watching some kind of anime that she told me that she liked. It was a romance type of anime. While we was sitting there she sat really close to me which I didn't really mind. The anime stopped when the main character pulled another main character that was being pulled into a rock while they was hiding in a cave while the ship was being repaired do to a fight that they had with the antagonist of the show. After it ended Jana asked me what was we going to eat. I never really gave that a thought. I really didn't know. I asked her what did she want and that I would go get it and make it for her. To her replay she asked me if that was okay that she didn't want me to spend money just to satisfy her. I told her that this would be my treat.

She thought for a minute and she looked up at me and told me that she would like to have pizza. Pizza? I said. I thought that you would want something like stake or gumbo or something like that. I told her. She told me no that is what she liked. I told her okay and I got on the phone with a pizza place and went to order a pizza. Well I went to order it and they told me that I could come pick it up or that I could wait an hour because they was running short handed with there drivers today. I told them that I would come pick it up. They told me that they was sorry. In which I told them that it was much alright that you cant control these things all the time. So I hanged up the phone and I told Jana that we will be taking a ride to get the pizza when the time came. She told me that it was okay. We sat down and watched tv till it was time to go. After about fifteen minutes pf watching tv I thought that it was time to go and pick up the pizza. I told Jana that it was time to go. Jana told me okay and we got up and headed to the garage and she got to see my car for the first time. I never really drove it much because it was my baby. I was a 1968 El Camino black with two white stripes going down the middle. It had a 454 v8 and was a 4 speed manual shift. The inside was black and where the insides of the seats was were white. The cluster was black and the insides where the gauges was white with the number and needles that light up in blue. Jana looked at it for a minute and was astonished that I had this and know one knew it. Is this really yours. Jana asked. I told her yes the reason that you never seen it till now is because I never really drive it all that much. She looked at me confused and asked where do I work then. I told her that I do internet stuff. We got in and I started it up and opened the door and off we went.

It was going to be a twenty minute drive round trip. As we drove we lessen to the radio and Jana seemed to be enjoying herself. We arrived and we got out of the car and walked in and asked the cashier that we came for the pizza that we had ordered. While we waited for someone to get the pizza the cashier asked if Jana was my little sister. I told her no that I was watching her for a friend that had to go out of town. I thanked her for telling me that. We got the pizza said our good byes and got back into the car and drove off. On the way back how ever I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Jana was staring at the pizza. I asked her if she was hungry. Which she replied with that she was really hungry. I told her that she can have a piece only if she don't make a mess in the car. She through the pizza box open and grabbed a piece and started eating it. I could smell it to and I was hungry but I had to wait. We arrived back at my house and I parked the car back in the garage and we went inside. I sat the pizza on the kitchen table and grabbed two plates and gave Jana one. We sat down and ate the pizza together.

After we got done eating I asked her if she wanted to take a bath first or let me go first. She told me that she would go first. So Jana went into the spare bedroom and grabbed her cloths that she was going to wear and went into the bathroom and cloths the door and turned on the water. After a few minutes I could here the water turn off and her get in. I was in the living room and should hear all the splashes that she made bathing herself. I just could imagine what she was doing in there. I started to get aroused but stopped myself because this was not the time to be thinking such thoughts. I got up and went into the spare bedroom and looked around to see if she left anything in there. There was nothing so I moved along and went back into the living room I was wonder why I did that knowing that she was wearing her cloths when she went into the bathroom. So why did I aspect she dirty cloths to be in there. i sat back on the couch and waited for her to get done. After awhile I heard the water from the bathtub start to drain. After about another minute she came out. I got up and asked her if she would want me to wash her cloths for her. She told me that I didn't have to. I told her that I had some cloths to wash anyway and didn't mind. Jana agreed and gave me them and sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I went and brought her cloths to the laundry room and turned on the washer machine and put in all her cloths except her panties. Before I did I took a big whiff of them and my mind started to go numb. It felt good after that I put them in and went back into the living room

When I came back into the living room she was still sitting there watching tv with her legs folded up in Indian style on the couch. She was watching the PowerPuff Girls and the episode was when Mojo kidnaps Bubble after they girls went in to the training simulator that the professor made and blossom and buttercup was doing grate. But when it was Bubbles turn the professor put it on a low setting. The show was about over when I got in there it was at the part where Bubbles goes berserk. I told her that I was going to take a bath and that she could continue to watch tv if she wanted to. She told me okay and off I went. It didn't take me long about ten minutes. I went back into the living room to see Jana wasn't there. I went and checked the spare room and she wasn't there. I thought where she was. I thought and then went into my room to see some her in my bed under the covers with her head under the covers. I could hear somewhat of heavy breathing coming from the bed. I went over there and pulled the covers back a little and Jana looked up and seen me and yelled No! I asked her what she was doing. She told me that she was doing nothing. I gave her that look and she sighed and said that she couldn't help it she said that she had an urge to masturbate so she came in here.

I looked down with the cover in my hands and seen her hands in her pajama pants. Calmly told her that if she wanted to masturbate you could have told me something and I would have left you alone. She told me that she didn't want to say anything because she was still embarrassed about the whole subject. In response to that I told her that it was normal for people to do that, and that it wasn't nothing to be ashamed of. At this point she looked away from me and I could see the sham in her face. I'm going to go back into the living room and if you want you can come back in there with me and we can watch something before it is time for you to go to bed. Jana quickly looked at me and told me no firmly. As soon as she said that she immediately turn red. I looked at her confused and asked her why she didn't want me to go. Still embarrassed she quietly told me that she wanted me to stay and watch her.

Jana looked so sad and I couldn't not but feel bad for her. So I sighed and told her that I would stay. She looked at me with an embarrassed look still showing on her face. She asked me if I would sit on the bed with her. She then sat up on the bed and waited on me to responded. I looked at her and did as she asked. I sat on the bed with my hands on my lap and Jana then scooted close to me and put her head on my shoulder. We sat there quite for a minute or two, it was quite enough that I could hear her heart beat. Did you know that you're the only person that I feel the need to do these dirty things to myself. Jana told me. Well. replied. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. She looked at me and told me that it was. That it makes her feel good just to be around me. To tell you the truth it made me feel the same way too.

Jana then looks me in the eye and got close to my face and then kissed me. I knew that I couldn't deny her advances to me and kissed her back. At first it was a small kiss on the lips. I could tell that she didn't have any practice, so I leaned in and kiss her deeply. I put my tongue inside and started to massage her tongue. It didn't take her long for her to realize what I was doing and started to do the same with me. Jana then started to move her hand back down to her pants, but I grabbed it and pushed it away and instead put my hand down in her pajama bottoms. I could feel how wet her panties was but that was to be suspected of someone that was just playing with herself just moments before. I started playing with her clit through the outside of her underwear and I could hear the soft moan escape her lips while we was still kissing. I knew that she was feeling it. Janas hands started moving up my body and to my back. She grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

As I continues with playing with her I could hear her breathing. This started turning me on. I stopped playing with her and took my hand out of her pajama bottoms and grabbed her by her shoulders and laid her down. I took her glasses off and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. She didn't say anything. I leaned down and started kissing her while I started to massage her developing breast with my hand over her top. She stopped me from kissing her and told me that she wanted me to touch her breast directly. I did as I was told and took my hand and put it up her shirt and under her bra, and started to massage them again. Janas nipples was erect. I took my pointing figure and made circles around the tip of her left breast. I then took my hand and put it back down her pajama bottoms and in her panties and started touching her private place directly. This apparently took her over the edge and she orgamed and started spasming. After a few seconds when she stopped I asked her if that felt good to her replay she told me yes. Jana had a satisfied look on her face and this made me even more aroused than I initially was.

I then took her and laied her down on the bed and started to take off her pajamas, starting with her shirt. She was wearing a pink bra. I could see her erect nipples through it. I looked deeply into her eyes and kissed her again as I took off her pajama bottom as she had panties to match. Her panties was completely soaked but this I already knew. I told her that we cant have her going around with wet panties. Janas face turned red and turned her face away form me. I awwed and told her that she is just the cuties little thing that I have ever laid eyes on. She looked at me, that must have got her attention. She said that I was the kindest person that she had ever meet. I proceeded to take off her panties and thus reveling her secret place. It was the prettiest thing I have seen as well the labia majora covered her opening so I couldn't see inside. I took both hands with two figures on each hand spreading her majora. Her face turned red again, trying to block my view with her hand, as she told me to stop because it was embarrassing for her, for me to be looking at something like that so closely. I told her that it was alright that there was nothing to be embarrassed about it is a wonderful thing to look at. She turned her head but let me do as I was.

As I did my thing you could see her minora and it was little that normal. It didn't or ever will ever protrude through her majora. As I spread that I could see her little hole. She still had her hymen. I got my face real close and started to lick her clit. Jana made a small gasp as she wasn't expecting me to do that. As I continued to like her I could hear moaning escaping form her mouth that she had covered with her hands. I stopped to tell her that she didn't have to hold herself back that it was just us too here. I then proceeded to put a figure inside her as far as I could but not enough to hurt her. After about three minutes I felt her legs lock up around my next before she started arching her back in orgasm. She laid there for a few seconds catching her breath. She finally laid up on the bed. She then proceeded to tell me that it wasn't fair that she was the only there feeling good. She crawled to me with her butt in the air as she undoes my pants and grabs my dick.

My dick it rock hard. I look at Jana and I can see that her eyes ain't like they was before she she went after me. They was like how they always are I could see life in them. I could feel her small hand around my dick. It felt so warm. I don't have a massive dick so her hand fit perfectly around it. Jana moved her head down and licked the tip of the head of my penis. As she licked it a few times she opened her mouth and took the head in and moved a little bit down the shaft. It felt good and I wanted to put my hand on her head and push down, but I didn't. I just let her do her thing. She started bobbing her head up and down. I knew if she keep this up that I wont last very long. After a minute I told her that I was going to cum soon that she needed to stop. She shook her head no and keep going. I couldn't stop her, or more like that I didn't want to stop her. I came twenty seconds later in her mouth. Jana removed her head from my swollen member and acted like her was going to spit it out, but she didn't. She looked at me in the eyes and swallowed it all. This imminently got me going again.

I instantly pounced on her looking into her eyes. As I did so I asked her if she was okay with this. With her replay being yes. I told her that I'll be as genital as I can to her. With that said I lined myself up with her and slowly inserted myself into her. I could see that she was in some pain but that was to be expected of her being a virgin. When I finally made it through her hymen I didn't move anymore. I asked her if she was okay. Jana told me that she was in a little pain, but wasn't anything that she couldn't handle. It didn't take very long when she asked me to continue. So I did. I pushed all the way inside. Jana felt amazing. It was really warm and tight but soft and silky at the same time.

As I humped I could hear her letting out little moans. It was really cute and really sexy. Her arms rapped around my body. I could feel myself building pressure inside. As I continued Jana asked me to kiss her. When I did I could feel her tightening up, and her legs rapped around me. Janas breather got really heavy. Then she orgasmed. I stopped for a minute for her to catch her breath. This was good for me to because It gave me time to get a hold of myself. I looked really deeply into her eyes and started again. I was close when her came but now I got some composer. About three minutes later she starts calling my name. This made me go faster. I told her that I was about to cum and where did she want it. Jana replied with that, that she wanted it inside her. I looked at her eyes again and told her that I loved her as I kissed her and came which made her cum as well. After that I exited her and laid there catching my breath.