Life Hacks/Nove's sexuality

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This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Nove has been recently potty trained and has more or less got it down. She only has the rare accident when she gets too excited and forgets to use the bathroom, and has not wet the bed in nearly a month. She still wears pull-ups though because her parents simply haven't had the time to pay enough attention to realize she is just about ready to graduate to big kid underwear.

Nove can use Decy's training potty in the nursery if she needs to, but she prefers to use the "big kid" potty in the bathroom, but she is too physically small to sit on the seat and needs help to hold her up while she uses it. She is not picky about who helps her, but knows she can't ask a stranger.

Sexual Knowledge

Nove doesn't even have the concept of touching a person's privates in order to pleasure them, and barely has the concept that it is wrong to have someone touch or look at her privates. She knows she gets scolded for having her pull-ups off, and that everyone else wears cloths, but she has not even thought about why this is.

  • Knows how babies are made? Knows they come from mommy's belly, has not even thought about how they get there. Assumes mommy's body makes them by herself asexually.
  • Knows what semen is?: No
  • Knows what a boy's privates look like?: Yes, has seen Decy's and Octo's penises
  • Knows what sex is?" No

General recommended approaches

Nove will be quite willing to be stripped by someone for any reason they may provide. She will be a little nervous if it is in front of a group of people, but so long as you seem to be confident she will not object or resist.

Nove is not aware that it is expressly wrong for you to touch her private area or for her to touch yours, but since nobody else does it she will find it strange and it will stand out to her fairly distinctly. The best approach would be to say you "have to" touch her there, giving some excuse, and then be all business at first fitting in with your excuse but start playing around and getting her to laugh and giggle in the way you touch her as you get close to finishing whatever it was you pretended was the reason in order to extend the time she will let you touch her. The next best approach would be to tell her it is some kind of game or you are teaching her something. The former case will earn you more lattitude, but in the back of her mind she will likely be aware you and her could get in trouble for this. In the latter case, she will expect you to keep a certain manner of conduct, but be a bit less nervous about it.

(Note: Cleaning her in the bathtub is an "excuse" that will get you a very long way with Nove. If you are giving her a bath, she will let you get away with almost anything short of kissing or sticking your penis inside her.)

Simply demanding sexual contact from her without pretext will work with her to some extent, but if you say that it has to be kept secret then she will realize there is something wrong with what you are doing. Even if you hurt or scare her in the process of this approach though, she is actually less likely to tell someone about it than with the "good" approaches. With the "good" approaches she is not good at keeping secrets. She won't intend to go out and blab it to everyone immediately, but she very well might let it slip. If she is threatened into keeping quiet, or just told she needs to keep it a secret, she will be more uncomfortable about it but her chances of actually telling someone about it are low.

The worst results will come from you simply ripping off her bottoms and slipping it in without preamble or previous engagement with her. If she is aware you are in the room and have been around her for at least a minute, this will be the same as above so long as you do not seem angry while you are doing it. However, if you simply walk into the room and do it, she will probably get scared. This goes double if you seem angry.

Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts

A list of specific sex acts including details on how she views them, witch approaches are likely to work with her, and witch approaches are least likely to work. It also notes witch relationship stat is most influential in getting her to perform this act, as well as whether it needs to be high or low. As stated before, it is always possible for them to refuse depending on circumstances even if your score is high enough, and with just the right approach it is also possible to get them to allow a certain sex act even if the score is lower than the noted recommendation.

For the sake of giving people attempting to interpret these slippery "high, low, medium" type ratings a little grounding, here are the definitions used and the range of stats the rating could be referring to. Please note the bleed over with the above and below categories. This is to reflect the level of wiggle room a writer has in interpreting a stats score in the game, and also so that the writer does not have to really stress about the exact numbers.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

As a final note, submissiveness can always act as a wild card. Unless submissiveness is actually specified as one of several stats that are looked at for that act, submissiveness can replace any 1 score listed so long as it is high enough relative to the recommendation. This will be judged as an act of psychological dominance, witch is listed under fetishes farther down. Each person will react a little bit differently to being psychologically dominated, so it may be a good idea to reference this section before counting on this tactic.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

These will all seem perfectly natural to her and accepted without question.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

These will all seem perfectly natural to her and accepted without question.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

While she will not think these actions are perfectly natural, she will not be concerned about them and is likely to find them rather amusing. She will need to have at least medium levels of trust with you, but she trusts everyone who her family doesn't seem to object to to this level.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Hand to genital contact (either direction Recommend medium trust

This will seem only mildly interesting to her, but she will get bored of it quickly unless she is hacked to enter precocious puberty or have a sexual interest in you. So long as she has some trust for you though, she will not see it as something to be concerned about. She will consider it to be about the same thing as you picking her up and hugging her.

  • Ejaculating on her Recommend medium trust

She will be able to tell that semen is not pee, but she is fairly likely to call it pee anyway and ask you if you peed on her. Regardless of where it goes on her body, she is likely to be amused by it even before you correct her and tell her it's not pee, and she is likely to become even more comfortable with it after you do set her straight. She will become excited if she is told it makes babies, but it will be difficult for her to grasp the concept that it is supposed to go inside her vagina. The closest you can probably get without physically forcing it up into her vagina is that she might think it is supposed to be drizzled onto her slit. While she might get it if you do force semen inside of her, she will still not get it completely and might still think it is supposed to go on the outside rather than the inside.

  • Perform oral sex on her: Recommended medium trust

She will be amused by this, but a little disturbed at first. She will get over being disturbed quickly though and chalk it up as just another form of tickling, witch she will resist and try to push you off. She will not however register it as something you shouldn't be doing, and may even be amused by the prospect of you trying it again. You are not likely to ever get her to actually orgasm like this though.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you: Recommend medium trust and high submissiveness

Nove will resist this at first, you will need to convince her into it somehow. However, after she is convinced for the first time she will obediently go down on you and suck you like a pacifier from then on until you ejaculate in her mouth and gag her with your sperm. She will be against doing this once that happens and it will require a lot of hard work to get her to try it again.

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex: Recommend medium trust.

See moderate sex acts. She has no concept of homosexuality, so her reactions to doing this with a girl will be the same as doing it with a guy in every way except that a girl can't ejaculate down her throat. She might be a little more resistant to licking a girl's slit though since it does not conform to the suckling behavior of young children witch she still exhibits.

  • PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation: Recommended medium trust

Loosing her hymen will likely cause Nove to become rather resistant to having anything put inside her vagina. While you may be able to convince her to have a finger or penis put inside her the first time, from then on you will need to use physical force and she will fuss a lot until she is over the fear that it will hurt. For the first dozen or so times, she will even experience a phantom pain due to her fear and react even more extremely than the first time when she lost her hymen.

If you manage to take her hymen without it hurting, she will not see any big deal with this and find it kind of amusing. She will get bored rather quickly though and not understand why you want to put your penis inside her so much. The amount of time she will let you leave it inside past 4 strokes depends on how submissive she is to you. However, she will be amused at the idea of taking your penis completely out of her, running around for a bit, and then going back to insert it inside herself again. She is quite liable to make up several games based around the premise of you putting your penis inside her for only a second or two.

  • Vaginal sex with condom Recommended medium trust

Nove will think this is weird and she will not like it much. She will prefer you do it without the condom. If she knows semen makes babies and you tell her it is to keep her from getting pregnant, she will object that she wants to have babies and ask you to take it off, however she will not continue to object if you decide to go along with the condom after that.

  • Anal Sex Recommended medium trust.

Given the choice between anal and vaginal, Nove will prefer vaginal. Unless she has very high submissiveness, she will demand constantly that you put it in the "front hole" instead if you try to have anal sex with her. However, even with low submissiveness she will only whine a bit if you decide to press on with anal anyway. Overall, she will not really like having it in her butt. However, she will not see it as that big a deal and put it on the same level as her older siblings just being a little mean to her.

  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies: Recommended medium trust

If Nove is to painfully loose her hymen, her reaction will be no different in regards to whether or not she knows sex makes babies. However, if you are able to avoid the pain, she will be a lot more likely to want to stay on your penis until you ejaculate inside her. She will still get bored quickly though and will need frequent reassurance. If you do not say anything to her verbally, she is liable to get bored and stop anyway.

  • Intentionally impregnate her:

If asked if she wants to have a baby, Nove will answer "yes" excitedly and without hesitation and be quite willing to go along with whatever she is told will make it happen. She has a short attention span though and is also in the "instant gratification" department. She is likely to forget about the initial excitement rather quickly at the pain of loosing her hymen or just getting bored with the in-and-out pistoning of your penis. She will want you to just slip it in and ejaculate immediately without all the sliding in and out. She is also likely to think you lied or that it didn't work if her belly is not swelling up by the next day.

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:

Nove is used to her parents and older siblings physically forcing her to do things when she doesn't want to, even when she is fussy and doing everything she can to physically resist. As such, even if you outright rape her while she is doing everything she can to push you off she will get up from it and see it as having been no big deal after about 30 minutes. (She might be more likely to be resistant to it in the future though if you do not get it through negotiation at some point)

  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)

If you tell Nove to do something, she will know she is going to have to do it one way or another. She is used to being physically forced to do things, so verbal commands will only go so far with her as she somewhat expects it to escalate to a physical level. Verbal commands will only work in getting her to do things she is only sort of resistant to, but also sort of wants to do. The exception to this is if it is something she is used to and has been ordered to do several times before.