WBWP/Time period

From All The Fallen Stories
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The time setting can make a great deal of difference to the entire story. There are even a fair number of other categories that may be altered quite a bit if you choose to change the time period too dramatically. It will greatly change the context of most of the other settings, and in the case of your location settings it is entirely possible that the location you specified might not exist in the new time period you set it to. If this is the case, your location will revert to default and you will need to change it. You may also have to change your relationship to your partner if you have specified one of you are in a position of authority over the other as most of the authority figure jobs would be removed from existence if you go far enough into the past, and there are also new relationship options that may become available.

Most options are kinda self explanatory for how they will affect things, but time period has a lot of considerations that you may not think about all that immediately. As such, the details of each time period (including the present) will be laid out for you if you click on them and then you will be given the option to select them or not.

What time periods are available will be influenced by culture settings for obvious reasons. Since the current setting is the judeo-christian culture, it will follow the history of the judeo-christian world which is matched in complexity only by Chinese and Japanese culture, and thus will feature more time periods than any other culture. If you select native american culture though, it will follow their culture back through time instead. However, your relationship and relative age to your partner will matter as well. For instance, if you are your partner's parent then jumping to before the 1990s will not make as much of a difference as it would being close to your partner's age as the big change in the 1990s was the raise in social awareness of date rape. As such, late 80s (a sub-section under 1900s) will only show up if you are closer to your partner's age.

So, what is your time period setting.