Disciplinary Action/Punishment Guidelines

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St. Andre Truitt Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers

(For internal use only, do NOT let the students read this document)

Here at St. Andre Truitt we aspire to educate well rounded individual that will server their community to the full of their capacities, and an unfortunate fact of education is that many children will not internalize a lesson unless a proper punishment is applied.

Experience has shown that short term physical punishments yield short term improvements in the students, and may even backfire, triggering in the student a rebellious response. This guidelines, therefore, will focus on alternative forms of punishment that will leave a deeper mark on the students and will minimize the chance of rejection.

After careful considerations, the kind of punishment that will be enforced are designed to affect the individual and social identity of the student, so instead of physical pain they will feel shame, both on their own and among their peers; and instead of fear of pain, it will be the fear of loss that will drive them to better themselves.

What does a student fear to loose? As we all know, our community is the strongest bond we all share, and both at home and during classes, students are reminded of this fact. We will take advantage of this conviction to make our students see how their actions can make them loose value in the community.

With this in mind, all punishments are designed to extend beyond the walls of the disciplinary office, and both peers and parents will participate in the punishment to drive the point.

Small infractions

These include failing to adhere to the school dress code, chatting or not paying attention in class, running or playing in the halls, or any other violation to the school rules of conduct.

For small infractions, students should be shamed according to their misdemeanor. This punishments should leave a mark on the student's own worth, but must not affect their status in the community beyond their term.

For small infractions a punishment should not last more than five days, if you think this is not enough, instead of increasing duration, move to harsher punishments.

Since shame is the driving force for this punishments, and each student might have a different concept of it, it's important to choose a punishment that really affects the student. Next are some examples:

Age regression

Many students want to appear "grown up", so forcing them to look or act younger can be a great shame on them.

  • Order them to use dental retainers to simulate child-like speech patterns.
  • Change their uniform for a little kid's pajama.
  • Force them to wear diapers instead of briefs/panties.

Partial nudity

Children are taught modesty from an early age, so forcing them to show their body can be a mayor source of shame.

  • Change their uniform to a much smaller model. Even if fully clothed, if the uniform shows their navels, back or the skirt barely covers their knickers is enough.
  • Remove shirt. (Note that if a girl already has noticeable breasts, she must wear a training bra).
  • Remove skirt/pants.

Middle infractions

For more serious violations, including lack of respect for their teachers, disregards for their homework, etc.

These punishments should impress on the student that they are on a path that the community doesn't approve. The student must feel they have loose some of their worth as a result.

For girls

As we know, for a girl, their purity is the most sacred attribute, so these punishments will tarnish that purity (not beyond recovery), to hammer the point home.

Nudity in controlled spaces

Forcing children to expose their "privates" can be a mayor source of shame. It's useful to explain to the students that even letting other see their privates taints their purity.

  • Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
  • Remove bra while at home/school. (Only for girls with noticeable breasts).
  • Remove panties while at home/school.

Private space invasion

If the fault was serious enough, besides other punishments, teacher and/or parents can be made to violate the private space of the student. Again it's important to have a chat with the student so they understand that other people touching their privates taints their purity.

(Orgasms may result from these punishments, which would be counterproductive, so make sure to explain that succumbing to the pleasure will only further taint their purity.)

  • Teacher or parents kissing their bodies for a set time.
  • Teacher or parents touching their privates for a set time.
  • Teacher or parents kissing their privates for a set time.

For Boys

As we all know, boys have the duty to prove their worth in society, and as such certain challenging of the rules is natural. One cannot use the same stick to measure boys and girls, and boys should be given more freedom than girls in order to develop correctly. This of course does not mean boys shouldn't be punished, but violations must be considered by gender.

To put an extreme example; a boy lifting the skirt of a classmate or grabbing her chest IS a punishable action, regardless of if the girl is compliant or not; but the punishment should be lesser than that for a girl that grabs the crotch of a boy.

On the flip side, a girl that willingly allows boys to touch her must be harshly punished, but a boy that allows a girl to touch him can't be expected to refuse such notions, and therefore there is nothing to punish him for.

Nudity in controlled spaces

Care must be taken when forcing boys to expose themselves. A strong willed boy can flip the punishment into a reward by bragging his masculinity. Therefore only administer this punishment if you're sure the boy is not confident in his physical appearance, or mix it with other punishments to ensure it remains so.

  • Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
  • Remove pants and underwear while at home/school.

Light emasculation

A boy's masculinity is one of the most important aspects of his future in society, so tarnishing it can have a profound effect on them. Again, care must be taken not to overdo it. Since we don't want this tier of punishment to affect the student future in the community, they should be limited to the school grounds.

  • Make him wear makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at school.
  • Make him wear a female uniform while at school.
  • Force them to give oral sex to a male in private.
  • Force them to enjoy anal sex in private.

Orgasm denial

A boy's libido is much higher than a girl's, so it can't be expected them not to indulge in masturbation, even against society's wishes. While usually we can overlook this, for a specially active boy, orgasm denial can be an effective punishment.

  • Make him wear a chastity belt to prevent orgasm.
  • Give him a drug to prevent erections and orgasm.

Severe infractions

Fighting, cheating on classwork on tests, skipping school and some other serious conducts should be dealt with with extreme measures. In this case the standing of the student in the community may be adversely affected forever, and the student must be well aware of this.

For Girls

For girls, the ultimate loss of their purity is getting pregnant before marriage, but a close second is the loss of their virginity.

Virginity loss

Since this is an irreparable loss for girls, they should be very aware they are to blame, but that they still have more to loose if they don't straight their ways.

  • Oral deflowering.
  • Anal prodding. Penetrate only the slightly.
  • Anal deflowering.
  • Vaginal prodding. (Without breaking the hymen).
  • Vaginal deflowering.

Pregnancy risk

A pregnancy is much more serious in the long run than just loosing their virginity; but since there is no guarantee of getting a girl pregnant in a single encounter, you can offer them to "save" their virginity if they accept the risk of getting pregnant.

  • External ejaculation. May be forbidden to clean it up, and keep it in their panties or diaper if that punishment was also used.
  • Internal ejaculation without penetration. If the girl still has her hymen must be very careful not to break it.
  • Deep internal ejaculation. May use a diaphragm to keep it inside.

For Boys

For boys, being stripped of their masculinity is a fitting punishment for severe offenses.

Public emasculation

The student must understand that his opportunities in life will be affected if the community start seeing him as a deviant, less of a man.

  • Make him wear heavy makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at home/school.
  • Make him wear a provocative female uniform while at home/school.
  • Make him wear a butt plug at home/school.
  • Perform oral sex on an anonymous male in public. (The recipient remains anonymous as to not damage his public status.)

Repeat infractions

If a student fails to learn theirs lesson, the punishment must be upgraded. Seldom is it worth it to just repeat a punishment, or extend it's duration.

This means that even a student that only commits small infractions might receive a severe punishment if they show no improvement.

Help from the family

Educating children happens not only at school, but also at home. Because of this it is encouraged that the children family be included in any and all punishments.

If the punishment is for a student to wear a diaper, send a note home so they ensure the student continues wearing the diaper even at home. The same can be done if the student must be partially or totally naked.

Incest is a deeply frowned upon activity, and children know it's bad. Forcing their parents or siblings to participate in punishments will increase the shame of the student, and the fact the family will also suffer some shame is justified, since it's their children that created the problem.

Transfer to special class

While we hope all our students learn from their mistakes and become excellent members of society, it's inevitable that some will fail, regardless all the support we and their families provide.

Any student that continues to misbehave beyond what the Disciplinary Officer considers reasonable will be transferred to a special class under direct supervision from the Headmaster, in a location outside the main school campus.

In particular, any girl that ends up getting pregnant before marriage, either as result of any punishment or for a fault of her own, will also be transferred to the special class.

Besides being a last option for those students that have decided not to follow a straight path, the special class will also serve as a deterrent for other students, since they all will know that anyone on that class has already loss most of their worth as a community member.

Staff Participation

The head of the Disciplinary Office will be the one to decide the punishment, which must be respected by other staff, family members and students as long as it complies with these guidelines.

Whenever a punishment requires the participation of third parties to be fulfilled, the head of the Disciplinary Office can request assistance from other teachers as well as family members. Students cannot be involved in other's punishments unless they are also being punished.