Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In/Grab Everyone

From All The Fallen Stories
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Try to Grab Everyone

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"Everyone stop!" you screamed in your most demanding tone, remembering how the mere sight of a teacher could hold you when you were a student.

They're only boys, I can hold them, you thought, trying to bring the boy in your grasp to the ground at the same time that you moved to intercept the younger girl.

Apparently teachers are no longer as feared as they were in your day; the boy in your hands kept struggling while the girl delivered a week but well placed kick on your knee, allowing her to slip thru your fingers and reach the door.

Maybe there's some truth to that idea that youth is loosing it's values, you managed to think as the combined kick of the girl and the pull of the boy in your arms finally made you fall. You still tried to hold on to the boy, but he was relentless, and with a more serious kick to your abdomen he finally managed to break free and ran out the door.

Recovering your breath you catch a last glimpse as the boy pushed his girlfriend's panties out the window, and then jumped out himself, leaving you alone in the dirty floor of the store room.

You took your time to get up, knowing it would be useless to try and follow them now. You're not even sure you could identify them among the hundreds of students. Worst still, between the running and the fighting, you discovered the joint had been stepped on, and was ruined.

Feeling like a complete failure, you examined the rest of the room, but there is nothing either useful to identify the students, or at least pleasant to take with you. All the beer bottles were empty, there was no more weed or even dirty magazines around.