Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In/Thiana/Office/Clean up/Explain

From All The Fallen Stories
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“That!” You say, grabbing her by the legs and dragging her back toward you, “is not acceptable behavior young lady. This is part of your punishment.”

“Mmm…” She whimpers, looking at you for half a second as you grab her by her knees and force her legs open again before looking up and away from you again. You begin tormenting her young pussy, gently parting it with your thumbs and running them up and down her length, teasing her clitoris and prodding her hole. The young girl jerks and shudders every time you poke somewhere new, and she has both her hands over her whimpering face she has covered up in shame. “P… p… please!” She squeaks out from behind her covered face. “C… can you just put the diaper on me already!?”

“You know? It wouldn’t be much of a punishment if I gave you what you wanted, now would it? I think a part of your punishment for peeing your pants should be that you don’t get to wear anything at all to cover your privates for a while.”

“Hmm…” She groaned. “And then I get the… the baby diaper like a baby?”

“That’s not what I’m saying. I’m telling you you have to walk around without a diaper so everyone can see your privates.”

“Butwhen..m I ssposed-ta wear da diaper?” She demands angrily, the slurring of her speech getting worse due to her emotional state. “Isn’t that the new punishment or s..ssomething?”

It’s useless, this girl is drunk enough that your words don’t seem to be getting through to her at all. In fact, it’s even questionable as to whether or not she will even remember a single word of what you are saying to her right now once she sleeps this off.