She do Brew/Start the story

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chris is sitting in his room in front of his computer surfing the internet when something caught his eye, it was a recipe for a new drink for St. Patrick's Day called She do Brew. As he read the description he grew more and more astonished. It promised that any girl who drank of the brew would immediately fall in love with the creator and give herself to him mind body and soul. He quickly printed the recipe and instructions. As the printer was finishing the last page his conscience peaked out through his lust filled haze that was his mind and reminded him that this was wrong, that striping a girl of her free will was not only wrong but impossible. With a grunt he grabbed the papers and tossed them in the trash.

The next day while Chris's mother Carol was cleaning his room, she grabbed the trash can and dumped the contents into the bag of trash she had brought in the room with her. The last page of the She Do Brew that contained the recipe fell from the can and landed on his desk. His mother looked at the desk and shrugged, there were so many papers scattered on the desk, she would never have figured which one was supposed to be tossed out.

Chris got home from school and tossed his book bag in the corner and plopped into his chair. with a grunt he began searching through the papers on his desk, he had a paper due that morning for his history class and some how one of the pages was missing when he got to school, his teacher told him if he brought it to her tomorrow she would only take of 10 points for it being late instead of getting a zero. His hand fell on the recipe he shook his head as he noticed the formula and frowned, as he went to crumple it up and toss it away he had second thoughts and then stared at the paper. It would not be too difficult to make this his mom had all the ingredients in the house, well all but one; he would have to supply his own seaman.

Chris continued to stare at the formula and then he decided he was going to do it. He got up from his desk and headed for the medicine cabinet, liquor bar and closet. He mixed the ingredients together; once he was finished her went to his door and locked it. Pulling down his pants he quickly jerked off thinking of his history teacher and the things he wanted to do with her if this formula worked. With a grunt he came into the pitcher to his surprise the formula turned green with a puff of smoke as the last of his cum fell into the pitcher, as he finished he herd a knock at the door.

Chris pulled his pants up and unlocked his door. His little sister Cathy burst in the room "Oh my god Chris, did you hear what happened after school?"

Chris stood there dumbfounded as she paced the room a bundle of energy and excitement. She was still in her Varsity Cheerleader uniform and Chris felt his cock starting to harden at the sight of her. He mentally scolded himself as this was his sister after all, but he so loved cheerleader uniforms, they turned him on. "What are you talking about?"

Cathy stopped pacing and looked at him "Kelly Monroe got caught giving the substitute English teacher Mr. Donaldson a blow job in the class room by Ms. Carter. Principle Monroe insists that’s why she does not allow male teachers."

"What?" He asked, "That can't be right, Kelly is the Freshman Class President and head of the Debate team and everyone knows she is a lesbian."

Cathy stood there nodding. "I know that's why everyone is buzzing so much, when Ms. Carter tried to pull Kelly off him, she fought like the devil and was screaming she needed her master’s seed. It was so surreal and Mr. Donaldson just yelled at Ms. Carter that she was his sex slave and she needed to leave her alone."

Chris shook his head and sat down at his desk. "That is so weird."

Cathy followed him to the desk and then stared at the pitcher. "Hey what’s that?"

"Oh it's nothing just a drink I made for St. Patrick's Day"

"Oooh," She said as she jumped up and down clapping her hands. "Can I try it, I wan’ a try it."

Chris shook his head "No, I have not fin..." He started to say.

Cathy scowled ad then grabbed the pitcher and ran from the room with a sequel, slamming the door behind her as she ran from the room.

"Cathy wait," Chris yelled as he ran towards the door.

He ran from the room and down the hall, by the time he had gotten to the kitchen Cathy had already poured a glass and was drinking it. "Cathy no don't."

Cathy put the glass down and smiled at Chris "Oh, wow that was so good, Mmmm, man Chris I want more." She said as she poured another glass.

She stopped with the glass half pored and then put the pitcher down. Turning to Chris she dropped to her knees "How may I server you master."

Chris stared at his younger sister in her cheer-leading outfit eyes glazed staring up at him in adoration and calling him master.

Before Chris can act his mother or older sister or both walk in

Chris enjoys his sister and then goes to check on Kelly.