Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Letter/window/Parents

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As always you manage to deliver excellent stories grabbing a prompt that just came up and without any time to prepare. I know that's what you do, but to me it continues to surprise me. The only issue I have here is there being a female deputy sheriff. In that community, where women working at a school is seemed like a failure on the part of their husbands, I find it hard they actually gave a position of physical authority to a woman. Not that it couldn't happen, it's just that now I need to know the backstory of that officer, while it would have remained a background character if it was a man. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 19:52, 17 December 2017 (CET)

Well considering Sheriff's are county officers and not town/city officers, she would come from another community and is forced to keep quiet about what is going on here. The Idea I had is that she was assigned here by the sheriffs office, hated it at first but decided to stay to help save those that she could. The new rules gate on her as more draconian bullshit, but secretly they turn her on. Over time she will grow to be corrupted just like everyone else, but still keep her desire to save those she can, especially those who are truly innocent. Telgar (talk) 11:12, 17 December 2017 (PST)