Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Franklins/Sex

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The Franklins

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Well, you had sorta had your hopes set on a severe grade punishment. However, considering the vibe you just got from the girls' mother, you think you can probably work this severe grade punishment in such a way that might have it extended indefinitely. With this in mind, you immediately set to work on the girls' punishment note. And, since they are both in school, they ought to have both received Dr. Hartell's treatment, which means their little pussies are up for grabs.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Meridith and Melissa Franklin. For misbehaviors by both girls at home, the girls' mother has sought the aid of the Office of Disciplinary action in regards to frequent temper tantrums on the part of Melissa Franklin and antagonizing activities on the part of the older sister Meridith Franklin. Several instances have been noted, including violence with one another and the breaking of objects such as the actions of Melissa recently resulting in a broken vase. Several of these actions can be regarded as severe infractions, while there are a number of lesser infractions mixed in.

For the above reasons, the following action(s) has/have been issued.

Both girls are to be sent to the disciplinary office first thing tomorrow morning, at which point they will each be issued a sexual punishment of the high-grade moderate to mid-grade severe levels. After this, they will each be issued diapers by the school. At any time either girl needs to use the bathroom, she will either be sent to the head of disciplinary action or informed that she may use her diaper which will later have to be changed by the head of disciplinary action. At this time, they will be issued another sexual punishment of the high moderate to mid severe levels.

As this punishment is in regards to a series of actions the mother has stated are frequent among the girls, the duration of this punishment will be special in duration and may be extended so long as the girls' misbehavior at home continues. This punishment will have a minimum duration of 3 days, but can be extended indefinitely as additional misbehaviors would have it upgraded to an extreme infraction. As such, this punishment will only actually end when the mother has stated the misbehaviors at home have ended and that their punishment can be considered over.


You are rather satisfied with this punishment, but you ponder over the last section of the note. You could easily phrase this in such a way that you are the only one who gets to have sex with these girls, or you could also make it so that the father is welcome to perform the sexual punishments at home. You DO live right next door to them, it would be easy for them to just send them over to your house when it is time for their bathroom punishment, but then the question is whether you really want to deal with them all the time even when you're at home.