Just a Taste/Start/Day3/The next Day

From All The Fallen Stories
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Day 3

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     Andrew tossed and turned all night, and when his alarm clock finally sounded he climbed out of bed more tired than when he went to sleep. He was covered in sweat and his bed sheets were a tangled, soaked mess, and his room reeked. He crawled out of bed and opened his bedroom window. Groggily he made his way to his dresser where he pulled off his damp clothes and grabbed a change of underwear. 
     He peeked out his bedroom door and made sure the coast was clear before he jumped across the hall into the bathroom and closed the door. He turned on the shower and took care of his morning business while he waited for the water to warm up, and then climbed in to wash off the night’s sweat. It was not until the door opened that he realized he forgot to lock the bathroom door. “I am in here.” He yelled to Lacey as he felt her come into the room.
     “I know,” replied Lacey from the other side of the curtain.
     Andrew went back to washing himself off as he saw the curtain move and a naked Lacey stepped into the shower. “What’re you doing sis?” “He asked.
     Lacey gave a grin as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I’m taking care of my master.” She said as she broke the kiss and rubbed her crotch against his hardening cock.
     “Andrew unwrapped her arms from around his neck. “Mom or Erin could walk in any moment and catch us.” He growled under his breath.
     Lacey smiled at him as she knelt down and began to stroke his hard cock. “No they won’t. Mom called after you went to sleep and said she would be working a double and won’t be home until after we leave for school and I locked the door so Erin will probably use mom’s bathroom.” She said this while stroking Andrew’s cock, and then began to lick along the shaft.
     Andrew closed his mouth and let out a quiet moan as he felt his little sister’s tongue on his cock. “Oh god that feels so good.” He said as her lips enveloped his cock and she began to slide her head down his shaft. 
     Andrew looked down at his sister and ran his fingers though her hair as she continued to suck on his cock. Her lips and tongue felt so good and all resistance to her giving him a blow job evaporated from his brain as he knew deep inside that this was his right, she was his and her only role in life was to serve his pleasure. It did not take long before he came in her mouth. Lacey held her mouth on his cock, quickly swallowing every spurt. He slowly pulled her to a standing position and kissed her on her forehead as his fingers ran over her young budding breasts.
     Lacey turned around and leaned into Andrew’s embrace, her ass pressing against his hardening cock as his hands continued to fondle her breasts and tease her nipples. “Oh god, I love you Lacey.” He whispered into her ear as he brought his left hand down to play with her clit.
     Lacey moaned against him as she continued to press her ass against his now rock hard cock. Their lovemaking was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. “Hurry up in there you’re taking all the hot water and we are going to be late for school.” Erin yelled through the door. “And if you see Lacey tell her to hurry up too, Mom dropped off the car last night se we can drive her to school.”
     Andrew grabbed a towel from the linen closet and quickly dried himself off as Lacey finished her shower. He could not help but stare at her as the water cascaded down her beautiful budding body. “God you’re so beautiful, Sis.”
     Lacey smiled while she washed the shampoo out of her hair. Andrew watched her for a few more seconds and then peeked out of the bathroom to ensure the coast was clear before he made a b-line for his room. The odor of his sweat was still strong in the room and he made a mental note to wash his clothes and sheets when he got home. 
     He got dressed, closed the window, and headed downstairs as Lacey was walking out of the bathroom, She had a towel wrapped around her head and nothing else. Andrew gave her breast a quick fondle as he walked by her and headed down the stairs. As he was eating his morning cereal he felt a flash in the back of his mind and another presence was added to the three already there. “Crap.” He said under his breath as he tensed and looked in the direction of the feeling.
     “Is something wrong?” Erin asked with a look of concern from across the table.
     Andrew shook his head. “Sorry, I though I heard smoothing outside.”
     Lacey came down a few minutes later and quickly made herself a bowl of cereal. “You had better wolf that down, Sis, or we’re going to be late for school.” Erin told her as Lacey took her seat at the table.
     Lacey nodded and quickly ate her breakfast as Erin and Andrew finished theirs. 
     They dropped Lacey off at the middle school and made it to the high school with a few minutes to spare. Surprisingly the day went by pretty uneventfully. Ms. Crabtree all but ignored Andrew and Aaron during class and Andrew was excused from PE due to his team’s win the day before. He used his free time in the library with Kelly getting caught up with the homework he had missed while he was in the hospital,. He was pleasantly surprised at how well Kelly did with math and history and he even managed to have a nice conversation with her without any help from his new abilities. The only issue he had was the almost constant erection he had all day from feeling the growing arousal from the unidentified girl in the back of his mind.
     After school Andrew and Aaron went to meet Ms. Crabtree in her classroom. “Aaron did you give anyone else a dose of my saliva this morning?” Andrew asked as they walked into the room.
     Aaron shook his head. “No, I gave everything I had to Ms. Crabtree.” He replied.
     “Can I help you?” a masculine voice inquired.
     The two teens looked towards the front of the classroom to see Mr. Bee one of the schools substitute teachers wiping down the blackboard. “Um… we were looking for Ms. Crabtree?” Aaron said. “We were supposed to meet her after school for some tutoring.”
     Mr. Bee gave the two boys a polite smile as he continued to wipe down the board. “I am sorry; she had to go home after lunch. Andrew, she did ask me to give you a note, it is on the desk.”
     Andrew walked up to the desk and picked up the folded piece of paper with his name on it and began to read it. “Andrew, I had to go home to take care of some things. Your sister is coming home with Ellie; I called Jill and asked her to drop you and Aaron off at my house after class.” 
     Andrew handed the note to Aaron “Thank you Mr. Bee.” He said as the two boys headed out of the classroom. They met Aaron’s mom in the parking lot and Andrew noticed that she and Aaron were giving each other quick glances and blushing as the two boys got into the car. “Did you two have fun last night?” Andrew asked with trepidation over their response.
     Jill looked at Andrew through the rear view mirror as she backed the car out of the parking slot. “Oh, yes Master, it was wonderful thank you. Can we do it again?”
     Andrew looked from Jill to his friend and saw the look of expectation on Aaron’s face. “Any time you want to, as long as you are careful to only do it when it is safe. We would not want you to get caught.”
     Aaron gave his mother a smile as he turned to face the front of the car. As they drove to Ms. Crabtree’s house Andrew felt the presence of the new girl getting closer. When they pulled into the driveway he knew without a doubt that she was in Mrs. Crabtree’s home. “Shit, the girl I felt this morning is in there.” Andrew said to Aaron as they got out of the car.
     Aaron looked from Andrew to the house. “Well then I guess that explains who used to stuff.”
     Jill got out of the car with them, “Ms. Crabtree asked me to come in as well, since I am now part of your harem.” She said as she walked around the car and headed for the front door. Andrew and Aaron quickly followed.
     None of them had noticed the small sedan that had followed them from the school. A dark haired woman sat in the diver’s seat and she stared daggers at the two teen boys. “So that is the young man who has corrupted you? Which one is it?” The woman asked the young girl sitting in the passenger seat.
     Jen sat in the passenger seat staring at Andrew with utter adoration. “The dark haired woman asked her question again and Jen snapped out of her daze. “Yes mother that is him. He is the shorter of the two, his name is Andrew.” She replied.
     Two more dark haired women almost identical in appearance to the one in the driver’s seat stared at the trio as they headed for the door. “They are all corrupted, Morgan, the boy the most.” One of them said in an emotionless voice. “We may have to take serious action before he can affect others.”
     The woman sitting next to her gave a slight frown, the first hint of any emotion from the three women. “I don’t think drastic measures should be considered, just yet. We need to study this more. Before we can determine the course of action for Jen and her sisters and cousins we must first study this boy and maybe one of his girls. The little red head that arrived earlier looked to be a prime candidate, do you know her Jen?” She said in an equally monotone voice.
     Jen frowned at her mother and the other two women. “Yes, she is his sister Lacey. She is a very nice girl, please don’t hurt them, they are nice.” She said as tears began to form in her eyes.
     Her mother looked at her and shook her head. “Get a hold of yourself Jen. This display of emotion is a disgrace to your heritage. Nothing must come before the protection of the Coven, not even friends or family. Mordeth, I agree we need to study this. I think we need to arrange for Lacy and Andrew to pay us an unscheduled visit.