Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office/Melany

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Handle the older girl

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With the young redhead in your office, you looked at the paper your secretary gave you, telling you she was Melany Loso, from the 3rd grade. You were a bit surprised she was already on the 3rd grade, since she looked quite young, but thinking about it, it was logical, since the other three were in 1st and 2nd grade, and she was a bit older.

“Do you have anything to say?” you finally asked the downcast girl.

She just looked at you and shook her head.

“You know you’re not supposed to run in the halls, right?”

She nodded, holding back a sniffling.

“Look, I’m glad yo at least obeyed when I told you to stop and stay,” you comforted her, “who were the boys running with you?” you asked.

“I… I’m not sure. I just wanted to play in the patio, I wasn’t with them…”

Well, that didn’t really helped you, but so far Melany had not committed any serious offense, since she actually obeyed you when you told her to stop running and came to the office without making a fuss. While you would love to have your way with her, you really had nothing to justify doing so, unlike the other younger kids.

Deciding not to waste time when there was nothing to be done, you quickly typed a simple low level punishment, at least with that on her file, next time you could try and push the limits a bit further.

“Have you ever shown your privates to someone?” you asked, trying to gauge her response.

The girl shook her head once more, but her eyes did shown a glimmer of fear.

“That’s good, you shouldn’t show your privates to anyone, only very bad girls do so, and you don’t want to be a bad girl, right?”

Once more she shook her head, and this time her little hands came down to push her dress down. It wasn’t a short dress, so the gesture was pretty pointless, but at least she looked worried.

“In order to punish you from running, and to help you to remember it, I’m going to force you to be very careful to remain a good girl,” you explained to her, “now please remove your underwear and give it to me,” the girl froze, looking at you with eyes like saucers, “hurry up, this is your punishment, if you don’t do it I’ll have to make it worst.”

You saw her eyes getting misty, but before the tears managed to overcame her, she nodded turned around, bending down. She probably turned to feel less exposed, but it had the opposite effect, since while bending and getting her hands under her dress, you manage to get a quick glimpse at her little behind. It wasn’t much, but at least you felt you haven’t leave empty handed from the encounter.

Once she handed you her small and still warm, white panties, you finished making the simple report.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Miss Melany Loso. Today at recess Miss Loso was caught running on the halls.

For the above reasons, and given this is the first recorded violation of Miss Loso, the following action(s) have been issued.

Miss Loso will relinquish her panties for the remainder of the day. Miss Loso must continue with her normal school activities wearing the skirt with which she came to school, without underwear; and if someone notices she is required to confirm that she indeed lost them for misbehaving.

Once at home, Miss Loso is allowed to redress, and tomorrow can come to school in her normal clothes.

Her teacher, Mrs. Moore, must ensure Miss Loso does indeed confesses to her undressed state and misconduct if any of her classmates notices.

That should be enough for now, you thought as you finished with the note, and once more focused on the scared redhead girl.

“Now,” you spoke to the little girl, handling her the note, which she took with a trembling hand, while the other was forcing her skirt between her legs, “you must be very careful, so no running, Ok?” she gave an almost imperceptible nod, “but since this is a punishment, you must tell the truth if someone asks you,” you expanded to her, “that means you have to say that you are not wearing underwear, and that it’s a punishment for being naughty, understood?”

The girl swallowed, her face red with embarrassment, but also gave a small nod, crumbling the note in her small hand. You decided not to tell her that the way she was holding her skirt would make it much more likely for someone to ask.

“Well, recess is almost over, so go back to class,” you instructed her, calling for the secretary to unlock the door. At least you had her panties if you felt the need to relieve yourself later on.

Tell Mrs. Varano to send in the next offender