Life Hacks/Numerical values breakdown on physical attributes

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Male fertility

NOTE: Male fertility levels typically start out around 60 points lower than what they will eventually be when they first hit seminarche, rapidly increase by 30 points in the space of 1 year, and then slowly peak by the age of 16. A male stays at full fertility until the age of 25 and then it declines very gradually at a rate of around 1-2 points per year until his health begins to decline, barring any issues such as an STD or cancer of the reproductive system.


All entries will be in the following format.

  • Age of puberty: Self explanatory
  • Semen volume: the maximum amount of fluid in an ejaculation (assumes "blue-balls" state, highest possible semen amount)
  • Sperm count: the number of sperm cells per ml of semen (assumes 1 ejaculation per day)
  • Semen recovery rate: number of ml of semen recovered, and the amount of time it takes to recover that amount
  • Full volume recovery: the amount of time to recover full volume of semen
  • Sperm life expectancy in uterus: The amount of time the sperm can survive in the uterus, 3 values given 1.Female has 50 fertility / 2. Female has 100 fertility / 3 Female has 200 fertility
  • Sperm life expectancy in vagina: The amount of time the sperm can survive in the vagina, same 3 values given as above.
  • Sperm life expectancy in open-air environment:
  • Sperm swimming speed: Time it takes the leading sperm that uses the fastest route to reach the fallopian tubes from the cervix. (Note: with 100 million sperm, at least 1 will take this route by sheer probability.) Sperm that are at the entrance to the vagina will take about the same amount of time to reach the cervix and enter the uterus. Note, the mucus membrane of the vagina is somewhat acidic, to protect from yeast infection, and thus sperm in the vagina will be damaged and reduce their life expectancy at an average rate of 4X the rate they would age in the uterus.

(Note: Sperm swimming speed assumes an adult woman. Assume 3/4 value for a 14-year-old, 1/2 value for a 10-year-old, and 1/4 value for a 6-year-old)

50 fertility

100 fertility

  • Age of puberty: 13 years, 0 months
  • Semen volume: 2-4 ml
  • Sperm count: 100
  • Semen recovery rate: 1 ml / 12 hours
  • Full volume recovery: 1-2 days
  • Sperm life expectancy in uterus: x / 1-2 days / x
  • Sperm life expectancy in vagina: x / 6-12 hours / x
  • Sperm life expectancy in open-air environment: 20-60 minutes
  • Sperm swimming speed: 20 minutes

200 fertility

Female fertility

NOTE: Female fertility levels start out around 60 points lower than what they will eventually reach when they ovulate their first egg, this rapidly increases by around 10 points by just the second ovulation, and then an additional 30 points within the next year. Female fertility levels eventually peak around 3 or so years after puberty begins, and then maintain peak levels till around the age of 21 at which point they very gradually begin to decline at a rate of around 1 point per year till age 35 at which point the decline accelerates to a rate of 3-5 points per year till around the age at which they hit menopause.

There is a special-case exception for females with fertility levels higher than 150, who will have a far more gradual decline that does not accelerate so rapidly. The sharp increase in their decline only occurs at the age which their health begins to deteriorate due to natural old age. Also, fertility levels over 180 will not decline at all barring health reasons until around age 70.


All entries will be in the following format

  • Age of puberty: Note, in females, low fertility can produce both delayed and expedited puberty as possible outcomes, so early puberty is not necessarily a sign of higher fertility in girls.
  • Age of menopaus
  • Length of period
  • Frequency of ovulation
  • Frequency of period: Counts 1st day of period. Note, normally matches the frequency of ovulation, but can exceed it at low fertility levels.
  • Rate of successful implantation
  • Rate of miscarriage
  • Rate of birth defects
  • Rate of pregnancy complication
  • Length of egg viability: Amount of time an ovulated egg can be fertilized and subsequently successfully implant and become a successful pregnancy
  • Hospitability of uterus: Amount of time sperm cells can live in the uterus. 3 values given 1. Male has 50 fertility / 2. Male has 100 fertility / 3 Male has 200 fertility
  • Hospitability of vagina: Amount of time sperm cells can live in the vagina, same 3 values as given above.

50 fertility

100 fertility

  • Age of puberty: 12 years, 6 months
  • Age of menopaus: 52
  • Length of period: 4 days
  • Frequency of ovulation: 28 days
  • Frequency of period: 28 days
  • Rate of successful implantation: 50%
  • Rate of miscarriage: 60%
  • Rate of birth defects: 0.01%
  • Rate of pregnancy complication: 5%
  • Length of egg viability: 3 days
  • Hospitability of uterus: x / 1-2 days / x
  • Hospitability of vagina: x / 6-12 hours / x

200 fertility

  • Age of puberty: 8 years, 0 months
  • Age of menopaus: None, so long as physically healthy.
  • Length of period: 6 hours
  • Frequency of ovulation: 10 days
  • Frequency of period: 10 days
  • Rate of successful implantation: 100%
  • Rate of miscarriage: 0%
  • Rate of birth defects: 0%
  • Rate of pregnancy complication: 0%
  • Length of egg viability: 10 days
  • Hospitability of uterus: x / x / 8-12 days
  • Hospitability of vagina: x / x / 8-12 days