Life Hacks/Bastian's sex-changed sexuality (Bethany/Beth)

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This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Bethany's memories of her sexual play with Charity and her other younger sisters from a few years back are a bit muddled because she can't quite reason out why she would be targeted by Charity in particular in that way and shown off to her younger sisters. In her mind, she has decided that Charity is a lesbian. Beings she has no such sexual feelings toward girls, this will strain her relationship with Charity a little.

Bastian's sexually submissive tendencies, however, have carried over for the gender change and are possessed by Beth, and she really likes the idea of her brother, Xander, holding her down and doing those same things that Charity did with her. This is further amplified by the fact that she and Xander share the same room and she feels, therefore, it would be easier to get away with. This is further compounded by the fact that she always gets kicked out of her and Xander's room when March comes over, and she is somewhat aware that they show each other their penises when this goes on. She does not want to show her privates to March, but she does wish Xander would play with her in the same way.

As Bastian, Beth learned a little bit about sex from her health class, although he/she at the time was more distracted with the cross-section view of the penis and the inside of the woman's body in the picture as he/she had triggered memories of her molestation at the hands of her older sister. She is not certain why she has memories of what a boy's penis looks like in person, and reasons she must have seen Xanders or her dad's while she was younger. She also has some vague memories of talking with her male friends a little bit about the subject of sex, but they didn't talk about anything worth-while. She has heard the word "cum," but she's not really sure what it means.

As Bastian had started having wet-dreams before the gender change, Beth will remember these events and, upon learning of vaginal lubrication, will likely decide that this is what was happening to her at night before. She will not think Bastian's wet-dreams are the same as a girl's period by any stretch of the imagination.

NOTE: As Bastian shares a room with Xander, this will not change upon becoming Beth. Nobody will be able to remember why they put the two together despite them being different genders, but nobody will worry about it being inappropriate and will be less likely to suspect Xander doing something with Beth Vs. any other member of the family.

Sexual Knowledge

  • Knows what female genitals look like?: Yes.
  • Knows how babies are made?: Yes
  • Knows what sex is?: Sort of
  • Knows what semen is?: Sort of

Beth/Bastian did not pay very good attention in sex ed class, and did not get a good background in it from her older siblings. She will remember the odd conclusions she had reached as Bastian due to having wet-dreams and putting the pieces together, thinking that the boy has to fall asleep with his penis inside the girl and the semen comes out at night, but she will think less seriously about whether or not it's possible to make it come out while the boy is not asleep because it no longer directly concerns her. As such, she will be more rooted in the false conclusion that it has to be while the boy and girl are both asleep.

General recommended approaches

One way or another, Beth has a sexual submission fetish for Xander and wants him to touch her in the same ways Charity did. The things holding her back are the fear of getting caught and the fear of Xander's rejection. If the two of you are in a situation where there is no risk of interruption and the mood feels right, Beth may even suggest doing some "inappropriate" things of her own initiative. If you were to suggest it to her, she would be surprised and fear getting caught, but after some reassurance, she would gladly (if not a little nervously,) strip off her clothes right that moment in order to make herself ready for you.

Beth will allow you to do almost anything with her so long as it remains just you and her, although she is actually in a mental state where rather than allowing it because she wants it she allows it because she is psychologically unable to say "no." As such, she will not say much even if she is very uncomfortable with the idea of what you are doing with her.

General overview (How Angel will be likely to react if have sex with her)


Beth is Ok with the idea of you looking at and touching her outer genitals, and sorta Ok with you putting a finger inside her. Since she had a penis back when Charity was messing with her, her hymen is fully intact with no damages.

If asked to see or touch your genitals, she will have vague memories of her own but won't quite be able to reason them out, so while she will feel like she's touched a penis before and be familiar with the shape it will bother her. She is likely to be a little strange about it the first time but at the same time very curious.

She will not be accustomed to much else and is likely to give you strange looks, but she will permit you to do absolutely anything else, including PIV sex, even if she actually doesn't really like the idea. She will really not know what to do if you kissed her on the lips or even french-kissed her. She would likely be swept away by it and feel like she's become your real girlfriend.

Sex with Beth

Beth, after being gender changed, will begin to fantasize about having sex with you. However, she does not actually want to do it because she knows it would probably be a bad thing for her to get pregnant. Because she does not understand semen all that well, she will at first think it needs to be kept inside her for something along the lines of a full night sleeping with you in bed in order for it to work and think you plugging it in and out of her is just you messing around and think it's alright. After you ejaculating inside of her and her beginning to understand that that's semen, she will likely give up since it's already too late and allow you to keep doing it in the future.

She will not voice a complaint at any time other than maybe an occasional whimper, but she will be quite scared once she learns that she might be getting pregnant because of you.

Other relevant quirks

In order to get the full submissive effect from Beth, you will need to have couched it in the terms of doing sexual things with her in the same context of how Charity did them. In other words, coming in and doing a blitz rape on her will likely result in full normal resistance to the act and her telling someone about it afterward.

Breakdown of specific sex acts

For the nitty-gritty stuff that wasn't worth mentioning above. Lots of repetition of the same points, you probably won't be surprised by much or see a lot you couldn't guess from the above content, but there might be a little new content relevant in strange off-beat situations.

(Too much content without enough purpose, content is linked below.)