Talk:Life Hacks/Beth/Privacy/Make her understand

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 05:25, 5 April 2018 by TodNaturlich (talk | contribs) (Stages of grief)
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I had actually intended to write the cuddles without sex route after the previous post on this line. Unfortunately, my spontaneous writing method involves creating the characters in my mind, placing them in the situation, and having them show me how they react and then writing down what I see. You can probably imagine, the character of Beth was not quite able to process being put into a different situation after this one even if it was something she would much prefer over the current situation she's in.

As for the pregnancy notifications mechanic I just wrote in, I am quite aware there is at least 1 other route Xander successfully impregnates someone without this notification going up. I plan to modify this at a future date. Jemini (talk) 06:48, 5 April 2018 (CEST)

Well, Beth has gone pretty fast from Denial to Anger, so I wonder how receptive she will be to his embrace, after all, in this instance her anger at him is well deserved, but might be mitigated by her submission to him. I wonder what she will say when she enters the bargaining stage. Will she try to bargain with Xander to help her not being pregnant, or just focus on what she could have done different to avoid it. If she's as fast in this stage as in the previous ones, she might accept his embrace as the depression sets in, crying on his shoulder for the lost of her childhood. I don't see the next part as a happy one, but a needed one for things to be able to move along (or he can simply pull the duck and fix everything). --Tod Naturlich (talk) 07:25, 5 April 2018 (CEST)