Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJs/Wet/Change

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Clean Perl and give her a new pajamas

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“Thanks, Mrs. Carmichael, I can take it from here,” you assured the fidgeting teacher with a smile, trying to save her any further embarrassment.

“Oh? Ok… then I’ll be… seeing you latter…” she said, apparently surprised you hadn’t requested her to stay, but still looking anxious, “goodbye Perl, remember we have cheerleading practice tomorrow afternoon,” she said to girl in the partially opened bunny pajamas, like it was the most normal thing in the world, and exited your office, closing the door behind her.

Once the teacher was gone you focused your attention on the flustered girl, her eyes down and her hands holding the open ends of the small pajamas over her developing breasts. You could see the middle of her white bra in the opening of the pajamas, as well as the top of her panties where the zipper had stuck. Looking closer you could clearly see the outline of her panties under the wet material of the pajamas, she had made quite a mess of herself, all the crotch area of the suit was a damp spot that ran down her legs, probably all the way to her feet.

“What happened, Perl?” you asked with hones curiosity. The girl raised her reddened eyes for an instant, but immediately lowered them again when she saw you looking at her. It was clear she’s been crying before, but for now she managed to hold her tears.

“I…” she started, pausing several times before managing to go on, “I needed to go… to use the bathroom… I tried to use the…” she used a hand to point to her backside, and you remembered that pajamas model had a detachable flap for easy bathroom access, “but I couldn’t lower my… my panties,” continued Perl, pressing her legs together like she was remembering the urge to pee, “I tried to… to lower the zipper…” by now small whines accompany her speech, “but… but it wouldn’t go down!” she said with frustration, and you could see her fighting new tears.

“And you couldn’t hold it anymore, right?” you finished for her. Perl nodded without rising her face, thankful you hadn’t force her to say those last words, “that is why I offered you a bigger pajamas, but you refused, remember?” Perl almost flinched at your words.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Well, if you had just wet yourself, I could’ve just given you a new pair of pajamas and send you on your way,” you said in a serious tone, “but you decided to break the rules by trying to remove them,” you reminded her.

“I wanted to take a shower!” she said, looking at you in a mixture of fear and outrage, “the punishment says I can take them out for a shower, Sir.” she added in a much more composed manner.

“Oh, yes, you broke into the gym showers without permission,” you said, as if she had just reminded you of it, “but you tried to remove the pajamas before, you just told me you tried to lower the zipper before wetting yourself,”

The way her expression went from a forced neutrality, to fear, anger and doubt, and back to neutrality was amazing. It was clear this girl had practice controlling her emotions, and it was only the gravity of the situation that throw her off, “I… I wasn’t trying to break the rules, Sir,” she finally said, “I just needed to pee. I wasn’t going to remove it, just lower it. I’m really sorry, Sir.”

“I’m glad you didn’t intended to break the rules, but be as it may, you did, so you will face consequences,” you informed her, “for now, let’s start by getting you out of those wet clothes, and yes, you have to do it here, consider it the first part of your punishment,” you told her in a no-nonsense way.

“Yes, Sir,” replied Perl almost automatically, though it took a little before she actually turned around and lowered her hands to the zipper. Only then did you noticed the flap on the pajamas was still unbuttoned, and her wet panties were completely exposed to the world, the white material sticking to her well defined buttocks.

Averting your eyes from that sight, you went to the bathroom attached to your office and returned with a plastic tray, “Put them here, we don’t want to give the janitor extra work, right?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered once more, still fighting with the zipper, “Sir? the zipper is stuck, I can’t move it,” she said, her hands pulling and pushing against the offending thing.

“Let me see,” you said, kneeling by her and moving her hands to get to the zipper. The ammonia odor wasn’t pleasant, but you were still happy to have an excuse to be so close to her. The zipper was indeed stuck on her panties, and all the pulling she’s done had made it harder for you to loose it. Perl almost lost her footing when you applied force to it, which in turn let to you embracing her legs and getting your face against her naked navel. Even with the overpowering smell of pee, you still managed to sniff her womanly scent.

“Sir!” Perl complained, her hand trying to push you away. You ignored her and continue to fight with the zipper with the girl in your arms, each pull you did sent her body against you, and made her try to get away. It was becoming almost a game when finally the zipper gave up on her panties and came down.

“Ok, finally!” you said, “you have to be more careful, I wouldn’t like to add damage of school property to your punishment.”

“Sorry, Sir, I promise I will take better care of it,” she replied after a moment. By now her face had recovered from the tears of earlier, but you could still see her flustered cheeks, except she didn’t sounded ashamed.

“Ok, put all wet garments in the tray,” you ordered, standing by the changing table to enjoy the show.

“Yes, Sir.” replied Perl and started to get her arms out of the pajamas, her back turned to you. Since the suit was too small for her, she had some trouble freeing her arms, but finally managed before you could offer her some help.

All the while you were absently watching her ass move. The pajamas fit her like a second skin, so even with the flap closed you would have a nice view of her developing curves, but it felt weirdly exciting to see her exposed panties thru that hole, even if wet. You show ended when she finally pulled her arms free and dropped the body of the pajamas down her naked back, where only the straps of her bra were visible to you. She then lean over and pushed the wet garment down, and you had to smile as she inadvertently took her panties with it, giving you a quick flash of her naked buttocks and even a glimpse at the back of he pussy, before quickly pulling them back in place with a whimper.

“I said all your wet clothes,” you reminded her as she finally turned around and deposited the bunny pajamas in the tray. She opened her eyes wide when she realized you were talking about her panties, and quickly both her hands jumped down to cover her crotch.

“But, Sir…” she started, apparently not too sure what to say, “I can let a man see my… my privates… naked… that’s a sin!” she cried out.

“Why do you think that’s a sin, Perl?” you asked, a little annoyed the first reason she brought out was a religious one.

“My mom…” she started, but paused before continuing, “the deacon said so, that woman who let men… see their privates… they are whores, and whores and sinful, right Sir?” she answered with much less conviction than before.

On one hand you really wanted to fuck the holy spirit out of her and tell her to just think for herself. She was clearly a bright girl, but in this town she was rotting, just like everyone else. On the other hand, you really wanted to fuck her, and her indoctrination would make that so much easier. In the end you decided to forget about it and just do your job for now.

“Are you a virgin, Perl?” you asked her, falling back to the official explanation for middle range punishments. Even though Perl’s was a minor one, you felt this was the best way to help her in the long run.

“I… yes…?”

“That didn’t sound too sure,”

“No, Sir, I’m sure. I’m virgin.”

“Perhaps I should ask, what is a virgin, Perl?”

“A virgin is… the mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She was a virgin because she was untouched by men so the Holly Spirit could made her bear the Savior.” she answered, and even though she started unsure of herself, soon her voice turned steady. No wonder this girl had won so many school contests.

“Right, virgin Mary is an exceptional… example,” you wanted to say myth, “but in your case, your virginity is the measure of your purity. I do believe you are a complete virgin,” ohhh, how much you believed it, and how much you wanted to change that, “and it’s something you have to ward, which is why your parents told you anything that attempts against it is a sin.” You could see her absorbing the information and closing her legs even tighter while pushing her hands between them, in an inadvertently sexy pose.

“Then if… if I let you see my… will I not be a virgin anymore?” she asked with real concern in her voice.

“No, no, nothing like that,” you assured her, smiling at her to help her relax, “you would have to do something much more… involved to completely lose your virginity,” this apparently relaxed her a little, but she remained with her hand between her legs, “it will tarnish your purity a bit,” you continued, “and you will have to work hard in order to regain it, but that’s why it’s a punishment, so go ahead and put your underwear with the pajamas,”

Perl slowly nodded, and after shallowing twice she relaxed her legs and let her hand move to her hips, “What should I do to regain my… my purity, Sir?” she asked as she slowly pulled the panties down, getting them out and putting them delicately over the pajamas in the tray. She then stood back up, her hands still in front of her naked crotch, but no longer touching it. It was a very exciting sight, the young teen standing there in only a simple white bra, her hands just barely covering her naked privates, all with a blushed face that exhibited a mixture of shame and submission.

“First you have to accept that what you did was wrong,” you answered after a moment of enjoying the sight, “fulfill your punishment, and then ask… forgiveness,” you caught yourself before mentioning God, she had enough of that already.

To your surprise she smiled at your explanation and visibly relaxed, apparently she had imagined something much harder, “Thank you Sir. I know what I did was wrong, not paying attention in class, attempting to remove the pajamas and entering the shower without permission. I will accept any punishment you decide to give me and promise I won’t do it ever again,” she recited in a convincing way, using her arms to put further weight behind her words, and thus giving you an unobstructed view of her hairless slit. As you expected it was just a line between her legs, perhaps a slight fuzz was beginning to grow on her mons, but it was clearly still a child’s innocent pussy.

“I’m glad to hear that,” you said, paying more attention to her crotch than her speech, “I have to write the amendment to your punishment, while I do, I need you to wash the pajamas and your panties, we really should not burden the janitor over your mistake,” you said while pointing her into your bathroom, “you can use the basin, and don’t close the door.”

Perl nodded and quickly picked up the tray and went into the bathroom while you got behind your desk to update her punishment. From your seat you had a clear view into your bathroom, and you spent quite a bit enjoying her naked buttocks moving as she washed and rinsed off the pee from her panties and pajamas. She had apparently forgotten her nakedness momentarily, and you loved the way she moved, almost like she was enticing you.

You knew you could not do something with her right now, so you tried to focus on her punishment card:

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Perl Accardi. Today Miss Accardi failed to devote her attention fully to the class in progress, to an extent that it was determined disciplinary actions were appropriate. While this is a fairly minor infraction, it was determined that she should be sent to the office of disciplinary actions for a punishment appropriate to her behavior.

Furthermore, after receiving her punishment, she attempted but failed to circumvent it, which resulted in her being sent to the office of disciplinary actions once more.

For these infractions, the punishment that has been determined to be appropriate is as follows.

For the remainder of the day this punishment was issued, and continuing on until the end of classes the next day, Miss Accardi is to wear a set of pajamas that have been issued to her by the school, and her school uniform is to be confiscated until the time at which she exchanges her pajamas back for the return of her uniform. She is to wear the school issued pajamas at all times, including at home and to sleep until she has exchanged them back for her uniform, an exception made only for the occasion if she is to take a bath or a shower.

In addition to this and for the same period as the previous punishment, Miss Acardi shall be supervised whenever she has to use the toilet, both at school and at home, and is forbidden to remove the pajamas in these situations.

While dressed in the pajama outfit, Miss Accardi may not wear anything over her pajamas with the exception of her school bag and may not obscure it in any way except at night when she is sleeping under the covers of her bed. She must also attend all personal and extracurricular activities while wearing this outfit assigned to her by the school. On the occasion that the outfit is soiled in some manner, she will have to either continue to wear the outfit or appear before the Director of Disciplinary Actions and request a new outfit.

Being distracted by the almost naked pubescent girl in your bathroom, it took you a long time to add the simple extension to her original punishment, but you managed to do it before Perl turned around after squeezing the excess water out of the garments. You passed her a hanger and she efficiently laid it out and hung it to dry. She knew what she was doing, but in this town, where females were breed to be housewives, that wasn’t a surprise.

“Goor work Perl,” you congratulate her, and she again smiled at your praise with surprising honesty, “now, before I give you a new pajamas, we need to also clean you up, it would be unhygienic for you to put it on while dirty.” The smile left her face as she looked around your small bathroom, there was no shower there, only a toilet, basin and a small sink in the floor, “don’t worry, we can use these,” you said, showing her a box of wet towels. She extended a hand to take them, but you remove it from her reach, “as part of the punishment, I will be cleaning you.”

Perl’s body stiffened, but she forced herself to nod and lower her arms. She was really committed to her earlier words. In fact you were pretty sure you could fuck her right not and she would not complaint, only the memory of Mrs. Varano stopped you from even trying.

You started at her feet, gently and carefully swiping the wet towel all over them to make sure no pee remained. She was no longer wet, but the pee had dried on her skin, so you had to be quite thorough to ensure she was clean. You then moved up her lower legs till you reached her knees, “please open your legs a bit, Perl,” you asked the shaking girl and then continued upwards, making sure to clean all sides of her thighs.

As exciting as this was, you decided to leave her pussy for last, and once you finished with her inner thighs, you moved behind her to clean her buttocks. You really loved being able to caress those small orbs, even if you were doing it over a wet towel. With her legs partially open, you could see between them at the rim that her pussy made, but resisted the temptation to just insert your hand form behind and touch her. Perl had not complained so far, but the way her body trembled whenever you touched her made you think she might if you surprised her. You finished cleaning and massaging her buttocks and lower back, and couldn’t resist to give one single swipe between them, caressing her ass and getting a muffled cry from the girl.

You then took a new wet towel and moved to her front, anxious to explore her. Her mons were as beautiful as you expected, and indeed a light auburn fuzz was beginning to grow there, but it was so little it could easily be ignored, which made it quite weird that she clearly trimmed what few hairs she had.

“Don’t you think you’re too young to be shaving?” you asked, as you began to clean her belly and around her mons, again saving the best for last.

Liliana said we had to to… to be on the team, Sir. Should I stop doing it?” she said as steadily as she could, but could not hide the trembling in her voice.

“The cheerleading team?”

“Yes, Sir. They all do it… I think. Liliana said it would be gross if… a hair was visible outside the uniform, Sir.”

“She might be right,” you answered, more to yourself than to her. You had not yet seen the cheerleaders in uniform, but if there was a risk of pubic hair showing, you really had to remedy that, “in that case you might want to shave it completely,” you added, cleaning her mons several times to make sure it was spotless. While a bit of pubic hair didn’t bothered you, especially if it belonged to a young girl, you really preferred completely bald pussies, preferably because no hair had even begun to grow there.

Perl tried to agree with your instruction, but at that moment you finally swiped the top of her pussy, and her agreement was interrupted by a mixture of a moan and a small cry. So far you’ve thought she was trembling out of shame and embarrassment, but that was clearly a pleasure moan, and now that you had her pussy right on your face, you could clearly see it was quite wet, and not from pee anymore.

You resisted the urge to give her pleasure center a kiss, and had to conform with giving it a long caress, from bottom to top, with the wet towel. Perl almost jumped at your touch, and she tried to close her legs, but your hands were in the way, “I need to make sure this is clean, stay still,” you ordered, pretending to be unaware of the effect this was having on the child.

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” managed to answer Perl in a broken voice.

You repeated the caress three more times, swiping between her pussy lips almost from her asshole all the way to her young clit, that after the second pass began to emerge from it’s hood. While your middle finger, the one applying most of the pressure was covered by the wet towel, you made sure your other fingers could caress her inner thighs and outer lips each time.

The sound Perl made were making your already uncomfortable pants even tighter, and you weren’t sure you’d be able to control yourself if the girl had an orgasm right there. So with great regret you stopped after three passes. Perl was breathing heavily and her pussy was even wetter than before you started cleaning her.

“You know you’re not supposed to touch down there, right?” you asked as you stood and throw the last towel to the trash.

“Yes, Sir. I only… do it to wash myself and after… bathroom,” she said, beginning to recover her center, even though you could see her legs twisting, trying to continue rubbing her young pussy.

“I’m sorry I had to taint your purity by touching you,” you continued, slowly walking out the bathroom, it was hard to walk with your cock bent in your pants, “but as long as you didn’t enjoy it, I’m sure you can regain it,” you added. You knew that comment would probably weight heavily on Perl, but you were a bit frustrated you could do no more with her, so it just escaped your lips, “now let’s get you a new set of pajamas.”

Perl followed you in silence out the bathroom, and when she spoke you could hear the pain in her voice. She had enjoyed the experience, and now was unsure if she could remain pure for it, “my… my panties are still wet… should I… put them on like that, Sir?”

“In order to prevent you from having another accident, and also as part of your punishment, you won’t be using panties under the pajamas,” you informed her, “that way you will be able to use the bathroom without trouble,” you said handing her the updated note, and turning to choose a dry pajamas for her.

“I have to be… supervised when going to the bathroom?” she asked with incredulity.

“Yes, either by a teacher or myself while at school, and by one of your parent while at home,” you explained as you pulled out the selected pajamas. It was an exact copy of the one she had soiled, down to the flap on the back and being too small for the girl, but that was exactly why you choose it.

“But then the will… the will also tarnish my purity!” she complained.

“That’s why it’s a punishment, I did told you it would be hard to regain your full virginity, did I not?” you chastise her.

“Yes, Sir, you did. Sorry for complaining, I will endure and lear from it, Sir,” she said, finally back in her composed and submissive attitude.

She didn’t complained when you handed her the too small pajamas, and didn’t turned around while she dressed herself. Having had some practice with that model, and without any underwear to jam the zipper, she was quickly turned into a sexy bunny girl, her curves in full display. While it was a nice show watching her change, it didn’t compared to what you had done just before, so it actually allowed your organ to soften a little.

“That is all,” you said to her with a smile once she pulled the hoodie over her head to finish the transformation, “be sure to bring the note signed by your parents and teacher tomorrow afternoon,” you reminded her as you called Mrs. Varano to open the door and let her out.

Once she left you sat dawn trying to calm down. If you didn’t do something, you wold be left with a severe case of blue balls. This was the real price in what otherwise would be a dream job: being unable to find relief while being presented such delicacies in a silver platter.

Without options, you grabbed Perl’s wet panties and got your member out. Even if they were still wet tomorrow, you could tell Perl it was just water, but now you needed them.