Talk:Daycare manager/Let's begin

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 18:29, 26 May 2018 by TodNaturlich (talk | contribs) (Modern day magic, cool. So, do we still have electricity, or was that never needed?)
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I like the world setting we're getting. A mixture of modern day society... with magic! One thing you have to explain is how he actually passed all the red tape and background checks if he had a disposition to abuse the children under his care. I assume the magic is not only used to ensure the license can't be faked, but there was magic involved in all the background and personality checks, so I'm assuming he had to do something to pass them, either bribes or use some magic of his own. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 20:29, 26 May 2018 (CEST)