Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Mary

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Marry Marry

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You ask Ms. Varano and the other two teachers to keep an eye on the cheerleaders while you take marry into the Nurses office to ask her a few questions. You lead the very frightened young tween towards the office. She walks ahead of you, her head down and showing no sign of resistance. You close the door behind you, as the two off you enter the nurse's office and motion Marry to take a seat on the nearest examination bed. She is still looking at the floor, obviously avoiding eye contact with you. "Marry, it's okay, I'm here to help you and I'm not going to hurt you." You say quietly as you come and stand next to her.

"You're the one who did things with my little sisters this morning?" She asked, still staring at the floor.

"Yes, I did. According to your mom, the did some pretty bad things and I had to give them a punishment. I really did my best not to hurt them."

Marry nods her head, "Yeah Meredith told me at recess that you were nice and that it felt good. I thought it was supposed to be punishment. Punishment isn't supposed to feel good, is it?"

You chuckle and place your arm around the young cheerleader. "You're right punishments are not supposed to feel good. But there are many different things that can alter the nature of the punishment."

She looked up at you, her eyes filled with unshed tears, which almost broke your heart. "You did sex things with them."

"Yes, that was the punishment that they were supposed to receive."

"But you did sex things with other girls and it didn't feel good, you hurt them as part of the punishment. Why did you make it feel good for them?" She asked still staring into your eyes as a single tear fell down her cheek.

"did you want me to hurt them?" You ask a bit confused about the nature of the conversation."

She looked back down at the floor and covered her eyes with her hands. "No, no, I am glad you didn't hurt them, I'm just confused why you didn't. When mom told us about the punishment last night, it almost destroyed my dad. Especially when mom started telling Melisa and Meredith how much you were going to hurt them and make them suffer for their misbehavior. Then Meredith ran up to me at recess, smiling and happy and told me that the punishment felt really good and she was looking forward to when she needed to change her diaper so she could do it again. She turned red at the mention of the diaper, but that seemed to be the only thing that bothered her." She replied as she started shaking and crying.

"You pull the crying girl against you and wrap your arms around her. "I'm not a monster, and I do not want to hurt anyone. I love little girls and nothing is more beautiful to me than a little girls smile. As I told you, different situations cause different punishments. Your sisters are very young. and if I treated them like I did the older girls I would not be punishing them, I would be abusing them. their bodies can't take as much as you or other older girls can. Look at it this way, can your sisters do the flips, jumps, and things that you do as a cheerleader.

Marry looks up at you and shakes her head.

"No, if they tried at such a young age they would get hurt really badly. It is the same thing with the sexual punishment. I can only do so much with them without risking doing them serious harm. So with them, I have to be more gentle and ensure that it feels good to them to avoid hurting them more than necessary."

She nods and starts crying again.

"Why are you crying, sweetie."

"You're going to hurt me like you did the other girls, I'm older and can take the painful punishment."

You pull her tighter against you and pat her head. "No, I don't think that is going to happen. I already said punishments can be different depending on the circumstances. So, can you please tell me the circumstances of this particular issue."

Marry gently pulls away from you and gives you a questioning look. "Circumstances of what?"

"Your friends attacking the two boys?"

"Oh, that." She replies as she pulls one leg up to her chest and wraps her fingers around her knee. "Well, Freddie and Jason pick on my friend all the time. So when I can, I talk to them about it, to try and get them to stop. I may have said some not so nice things, when they got rude about it, the last time we talked. Today I was headed to the gym for a shower before class, The cheer squad had decided to do some extra practice at lunch since Liliana hasn't been around much, we have had to work harder on our routines, and the issues with Perl have made it even harder. I got ahead of the rest of the squad, as they stopped to flirt with some boys." She stops at this and blushes as she looks at you. "I shouldn't have said that."

You smile at her and chuckle. "It's okay, girls will be girls, please continue."

"Well," She started looking back at the floor. "that was when I ran into Freddie and Jason. They started yelling at me and calling me bad names. I got mad yelled back and then Freddie hit me. Jason tripped me when I tried to run and they started kicking and punching me." She started crying again and completely broke down into near hysterical tears. "I tried to stop them, but they just kept hurting me..."

You grab the young tween and pull her into your arms and she cry's into your chest. Her arms wrap around you and she holds you tight. You hold her for a few minutes when she looks up too you with her tear-filled eyes. "Please don't make it hut when you punish me."

You kneel down in front of her and look into her eyes, "oh, sweetie, I would never hurt you. Even if it does turn out that you have to share in any punishment that the others receive. You have been hurt enough and I promise that whatever happens, I will be as kind and gentle as I can with you."

"Thank you," she cry's as she once again wraps her arms around you.

You hug her tightly for a few more seconds as she cry's in your arms before you gently pull back and look into her beautiful young eyes. She stares back at you, her heart and soul completely open to you. You can't resist the temptation as your lips press gently against hers. She stiffens at first but then starts kissing you back. You pull her tighter against you as her mouth opens to accept your tongue.