Pass It Along/10

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Please, don't stop." That wasn't the words going through Barry's mind, but it was the words that came out of his mouth. What? No! I...I don't want this. He could barely fight to get his own thoughts out as the spitting image of his brother sucked him off without end.

"Do you like being sucked off by your brother? Maybe I should join in the fun." The succubus uttered the words in a seductive manner as she change her form to that of Barry's slightly younger sister. The extra height allowed her to lean in to give the conused, seduced teenager an intimate kiss directly on the lips. Throughout all of this, Barry's eyes flickered between the beautiful, breasts of his sister and fascinating penis of his brother. He couldn't help noticing Brittany was just a little padded in the chest, he thought b-cup at most. His brother was smaller than Barry expected him to be, with a skinny erection at only half his size, but an oh so georgeous 3 inches he had!

No I don't want this! Barry continued to strain against his body, tryming to keep his thoughts pure. It was becoming harder with each passing moment. He noticed immediately when the incubus stopped massaging his grossly inappropriate boner, and began pulling him downwards toward the floor. As his butt collided with the soft carpet, he was pushed slowly back wa until he lay flat, his dick pointing vertically into the air.

"Come on Barry, feel your sister's pert little breasts as you taste your brother's adorable dick." The succubus had taken his hand and began stroking it along her body. The incubus had moved from one end of the body to the other, and began lowering Aaron's penis into his mouth.

No I can't do this. You my brother and sister, this is so wrong! He continued fighting, losing more of his grip with each passing second. That's when he found his own dick back in the small mouth that did such a good with it before.

Oh shit I want this! I want this so much! I want these kids! I want to fuck my brother and sister! I want them both together, I want them alone, I want my real brother and sister! I want Aaron's tiny butt on my dick, I want his cock up my ass! I want Brittany's pussy in every way I can! I don't care I just want sex!!!

Barry had lost, his mind forever broken. He no longer cared who it was with, how old they were, what gender they were or if they were related to him. The temptuous twins had opened his mind to a whole world of sex, leaving him with a craving that he wanted nothing more than to fill. Cruel however, they stopped as soon as they got what they wanted.

"You're one of us now Barry." The girl grinned. You can play with whoever you like, we've given you our power to tempt others like we tempted you."

"When you say I'm like you?"

"You're an incubus now!" The boy answered with more glee than Barry had expected.

"Does that mean..."

"You don't have all our powers, not yet. You can't make anyone else like us, and I don't hating you can hcnageyour age or appearance like we can. But if you want to play, you just have to find whoever you like to join you!"

"When you say whoever I like..."

"You like eveyone now! Boys, girls, strangers, family, kids, teenagers, toddlers, adults. Whoever you can th of, you'll be sexually attracted to them. Barry,!"

* * *

Meanwhile . . .

Ophelia had discovered a book that had captured her interest. Practical Applications of Magical Energies. The book itself was plain, ordinary, boring. The shelf it came from was possitively uninteresting. Orphelia, however, couldn't help but explore the item she held firmly in her hands.

Magic isn't real right? She thought to herself as she slowly opened the cover. All of sudden, it felt old, heavy, and like it hadn't beeches in decades. The first page held an introduction written 3 times. The first, she recognised again as being Latin. The second was a language she had never even seen before; whatever it was, it was definitely old! The third, much to her delight, was in English.

Magic is all around us. It is an energy that permeates the very fabric of reality. It exists in all things, both those inanimate and those living. What if we could manipulate those energies. What if we could use them to bring about our greatest desires? The possibilities would surely be endless. In this book, we have explored just some of what could be done.

The world is truly yours to control, but be warned...

The rest seemed to have faded out. Ophelia had no clue, no way of knowing what the writer was warning about. In truth, the corruption of the magic had already begun to work on her, she no longer even cared about the warning hidden within. She flicked through the pages until one in particular caught her eye. To put the best days ahead of you.

This looks interesting. She began to read through the page slowly, taking in every word on the page. Eventually, she was ready to pronounce aloud the words instructed to her.

"Emens sic de ventis tempus et ante dies mihi quam maxime sublimis erit". And she waited. What she was expecting, she had no idea but, as much as she wished, she noticed nothing different to the way it was before. "Of course not. It's all just nonsense, that's all. Still, I'll keep hold of this for now. Oh to be 10 again and believe in this sort of magic"

And with that, the deeed was done!

--Jackmaster (talk) 17:51, 23 August 2018 (CEST)