Life Hacks/She wanted the points for being raped, keep going

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In response to her pleading, you just press down harder. This time, you feel a much more serious ripping sensation that causes Lisette to let out a silent scream, and then gradually a guttural squeal of pain that gradually increases in volume. "aaaaaAAAAA!" She lets out her pained complaint. "That! I think you tore something!" She says. "It's not supposed to hurt this much!"

No, you definitely tore something. If you were doing this to a normal 12 year old girl, she very well may die from internal injuries just from you sticking it in like this. She should be able to do something with the hack though in order to keep Lisette alive after you're done. In fact, the damage could still get worse if you were to start fucking her like this. Fortunately for her, you are a virgin. Part of being a virgin is that it's a lot easier to cross that edge and ejaculate just from sticking it in. You would normally try to fight such a thing using the improved stats you gave yourself, but in this case in order to minimize her suffering you just decide to let it out.

With a groan you relax your hands and let the weight of your arms simply fall onto Lisette's hips. She, in response sinks down a little more and with the first 2 inches or so of your cock literally splitting her open you begin to fill her 12 year old vagina with your virgin load of semen.

"This isn't funny!" She protests, apparently not noticing that you're cumming inside her. "I don't care about the points for being raped anymore, you're going to kill Lisette at this rate!" She doesn't know the half of it. You can tell by how none of your cum is coming back out. You know for a fact you are just pumping wave after wave of semen into her, WAY more than you have ever produced in your life, but all of it is staying inside. There is no way her tiny vagina has the ability to hold all of what you are pumping into her. That can only mean you've fully perforated her vagina and your sperm is going into her pelvic cavity and spraying all over her intestines. From the blood loss to the likelihood of infection, this would normally be a very serious life-threatening injury under normal circumstances.

"Hooo... good." You mutter. "Good thing I'm almost done then."

"Seriously! Let me go!" She protests.

"Not until I finish cumming."

"Rrr!" She growls and starts trying to stand up. You tighten your grip again as you finish getting out the last few spurts. Once you are finished, she immediately pushes herself up off your cock and then staggers to the side. She goes weak in the knees and then collapses in a heap on the ground. You immediately notice a rather large quantity of blood on your dick. Compared to that, there's not as much coming out of Lisette's vagina as you might expect when you look down at her, although her pussy is definitely a bloody mess. "Ahhh..." She groans and pulls out her duck from somewhere and gives it a squeeze. She brings her finger up toward the window that has appeared in front of her, but her finger is shaking so bad that she can't press anything.

"Damn it! My avitar is going into shock!" She says and looks up at you. "I'm going to have to do this in privacy mode, you better put your dick away if you don't want everyone here to see it."

She gives you exactly enough time to do as she says, stuffing your deflating monster cock back into your pants, before time suddenly starts again and the very first thing of note that happens when time starts again is that the little 12 year old bleeding from her vagina on the floor begins crying and wailing in pain.

Is this what that privacy mode thing is all about? Your accelerated mind quickly begins piecing things together. Judging by the huge sudden difference in her behavior, you take it Ms. "PrettyPrincess1478" is no longer the person controlling the actions of the 12 year old girl you just raped. And now she's crying loudly with your semen inside her perforated vagina with everyone in the food court watching. Great. Your only hope at this rate is for her to get back out of "privacy mode" before someone notices the state of things between her legs.

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Life Hacks Xander.png
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 9.5 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 55%
Focus: 85%
Stress: 85%
Arousal: 100%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Cool clothes, smartwatch
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, pocket protector, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Page Tally:
WIP points
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
12 year old avatar of acquaintance player, (currently in autonomous mode)
Life Hacks LisetteYoung.png

Notes: Perforated vagina

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old
Life Hacks Brittany.png

Notes: '

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old
Life Hacks Ingrid.png

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Charity.png

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old
Life Hacks Bastian.png

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Angel.png

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old
Life Hacks Roni.png

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old
Life Hacks Richard.png

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old
Life Hacks Shauna.png

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Rahne.png

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old
Life Hacks Kizzie.png

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old
Life Hacks Loki.png

Notes: '