Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox)-(Preg)/(Wells House/Danica-Everybody-Ellie)/Stop time and get a little more refined with your cheats on this subject

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You walk right behind Roni as she makes her way excitedly into the bathroom, and in the short time you know you are going to have before she turns around to start trying to hurry you along you reach into the door frame and use it for the infinity pocket in order to pull out the duck and give it a squeeze, quickly putting it back into the pocket by the same method.

"Come on!" Roni turns and begins bouncing excitedly in front of the toilet. It almost feels bad to do this when she's so clearly excited about this, but you wind up hitting the "time dilation" button anyway to bring time to a crawl and then a stop with your little sister excitedly bouncing and literally asking you to fuck her. Well, part of this is for her pregnancy as well. You came to a realization that it shouldn't just be knocking up Siobhan that you are thinking of, there is also how Roni's going to be able to have the baby at her age to consider.

You can't help but grin as you look around the frozen scene. You've got your sister in the bathroom, happily bouncing up and down in her excitement over repeating the actions she just saw you perform with Ellie. Then, if you turn and look back the way you came, you can see Ellie frozen in step as she is walking very awkwardly but with a clear purpose as she holds both her hands over her pussy as it drizzles cum everywhere. And behind her, Siobhan has stopped at the corner and is looking at the door way. Rather, if you trace her eyes and recall where you were standing at the moment you froze time, she is looking directly at you with a very apprehensive expression.

Now then, let's take a look at your options. First off, you have your cheats. Fucking Danica and Ellie seems to have given you a lot, in the neighborhood of 4K points each if you recall how things were just after you did it with Trish. That's a pretty hansom price. You could likely get away with not doing anything about the pregnancy related cheats using these points since you are likely to get a lot more fucking Roni and maybe Siobhan too. You should probably focus on something to help you on fucking Siobhan first.

The thing is, you're not really sure ANY of these cheats will really help you out with getting Trish to ease up on the idea of impregnating Siobhan. Rather, she would object to you impregnating any of these girls, it's just that she is under the impression none of them can get pregnant. While usually she would probably be right about that, a little tweak from the duck was all it took to change that. Or rather, you recall Danica had already started precocious puberty even before you tampered with their puberty settings. Had she not had her first period yet? You don't think Trish would have missed that.

Your brain suddenly stops in shock when you realize that somewhere you had actually thought that Danica was always a girl. You have to shake this off and remind yourself that you actually changed her gender while the two of you were about to get into the bath together. Is this how everyone else feels when you modify something with the hack? Because you are both a lifie and a player at the same time, it seems you also get both the real and the fake memories at the same time as well, and it's messing with your head a little.

At any rate, in order for Trish to accept seeing Siobhan impregnated by you, you are probably going to have to directly mod her personality. She has quite a few mistaken pieces of information in her head, maybe there's a way to modify that to include something else. For instance, 16 being the best age to be pregnant due to being at the peak of fertility and having the least degradation of the eggs. Actually, you imagine she has probably seen that one already considering all the other things she came across, you just have to figure out how to set that portion of her mind to be more dominant than the portion opposed to Siobhan getting pregnant.