2T4U/Character Sheet - Tiffany Gunderson

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Character bio

  • Full Name: Tiffany Jane Gunderson
  • Common Name: Tiffany
  • Gender: Female
  • Character Type: Human
  • Age: 3 years old
  • Height: 3'0"
  • Weight: 29 lbs.
  • Measurements:
  • Penis: None
  • Hair: Medium, Light Blond
  • Eyes: Deep Blue
  • Significant Other: Mister Pickle - Imaginary Boyfriend
  • Details: Tiffany is a surprise baby. The Gundersons hadn't expected another child, but birth control is only useful if you use it, and a night of spontaneous passion made Tiffany a reality. Tiffany is relatively well behaved for a toddler. She is very creative and adventurous. She is skilled at making up make-believe stories, though they are still as strange and disconnected as the stories of other kids her age.

Sexual knowledge (characters under 12 years of age)

  • Knows what sex is?: No.
  • Knows where babies come from?: She not only does not know, but also has never really thought about it. However, she wants to have a baby of her own.
  • Knows what a penis is?: Yes.
  • Is aware of her vagina?: Yes.
  • Knows what semen is?: No
  • Ever seen a boy naked?: Yes
  • Body shyness?: Tiffany has no concept of body shyness aside from the fact that she knows she will get in trouble if she is naked when there is someone who is not a member of her family around. She is also likely to accept any form of touching from a member of her family. She will not allow a stranger to touch her sexually, but only because she is not comfortable with strangers approaching her. If they could re-assure her and use the right approach, she would likely allow them to do anything with her as well.
  • Masturbation?: Ever since Tiffany discovered that it feels good to rub herself between the legs, she masturbates all the time and will do so any time she is bored and not occupied by something else. That is, unless someone scolds her for it. In this case, she will stop until she things they are not looking any more.
  • Details: Tiffany has vague memories of a year ago when her older brother Aaron used to take baths together with her and her big sister Missy. She knows what a boy's penis looks like, but has not seen one in what seems like a VERY long time to her and she would like to be able to see one again and examine it. She has asked a few times recently for her older brothers to show her, but both of them rejected her and said they are not supposed to do that. Tiffany likes her big brothers, even though they won't show her their pee-pees. However, she really does not like her older sister Missy because she is the one who is most frequently scolding her for giving herself the good feelings by rubbing her privates.

Activities in the time-line (please read this section before including this character in any leg of the story)

This is what this character will be doing if they are not the featured character (The one who's perspective is being told.) It will say what they will do in the absence of any interaction with the main character, and will give alternate possibilities if the main character is doing something that would make their default actions impossible.

  • Day 1, Morning: Tiffany will have pulled off her pull-ups sometime over the night in order to masturbate. If a character walks into her room soon after they wake up, she will still be asleep and have a finger up inside her vagina. If the character takes the time to do some activity such as taking a shower, she will be masturbating herself against the nose of her teddy-bear. If the featured character does something with Missy (and is not Aaron,) Aaron will enter Tiffany's room while she is still asleep and have vaginal sex with her. If Aaron or the featured character do not enter Tiffany's room, she will be forgotten in her room as the rest of the family goes to be compelled into sexual debauchery by the curse.