Life Hacks/Charity-preg/Chrty pick + 78 pick/Rape girl - Billie/Mother4/Sit Billy on the toilet and let your sperm drain out

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Alright,” you lean forward and begin trying to set Billy down, but she just keeps clinging onto you, and you can’t help but notice the sensation of her cervix pressing against the head of your penis in response to her gripping your waist with her legs. You manage to shake off the thoughts of how hot the concept of her clinging to you with your penis inside her is and begin considering what to do.

You could easily force her off with your strength and ability, but you simply don’t have the heart to do that to her. Did she seriously break down this much just from you holding her and telling her she did nothing wrong? If just a little bit of comforting and setting her mind at ease is enough to do this despite the obviously frightening things you have been doing to her, it paints kind of a dark picture of what her normal home life has probably been like.

Her wailing echos off the walls of the bathroom, and you are quite certain they can be easily heard by the kids and parents in the playground outside. In fact, your enhanced hearing can hear some children saying things like ‘What’s going on?’ and ‘Someone’s crying in the bathroom’ before their parents tell them not to worry about it.

Well then, one way or another it looks like you’re not going to have an easy time of just convincing Billy to let you go in the state she’s in.