Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Lobby/Kids' Club/Milly/Room/Rape/Titties/Taste

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A sleepy "whatcha doing?" comes as I move a hand slowly down her stomach and hook a finger underneath her briefs. "Just gotta take these off sweetie, it's bedtime," I reply soothingly.

"Oh, ok," she watches trustingly as I pull them slowly down, revealing first the 'V' of her pelvis and then her hairless little slit as well. She's smiling at me as it comes into view and even lifts her bum off the bed to allow me to pull them off all the way. I lift them up above us and twirl them round my finger like a prize before throwing them aside.

"Ohhhh, so beautiful," I croon again. I run my hand up the inside of her leg and when it reaches the top I finally have my first proper touch of preteen pussy. Her cunny is warm and soft and she makes no effort to resist as I gently spread her legs apart. There is a little jolt when I finally run a finger up the slit and press in slightly but the wine she has drunk has relaxed her a great deal and I wonder how far I can really go with this. She is still gazing down at me dreamily and I drop her a wink before moving in and probing into her heavenly little pussy with my tongue. Her taste is the sweetest thing I have ever experienced and after licking gently up and down a few times I press in a bit harder and feel her arch up off the bed with a "oooohhh" followed by a series of pants. For the briefest moment I'm sure my tongue rubbed her baby clit and after gently pressing her belly back down I go in again. This time I definitely feel it and with my hand gently keeping her in place I am able to probe further and feel her trying to buck against me. There is no doubt she's a virgin and had she not had two glasses of wine she may be starting to get spooked now. As it was though she clearly had no problem letting me give her these feelings and I continued lavaciously, licking and sucking her sweet little sex with relish.

After a while, no idea how long, she let out a small muffled cry and I looked up to see that she was leaning over and biting into a pillow. I had worked a finger inside her up to the second knuckle but I could see she wasn't in pain. No this was what my French friends might call the "petit mort." Her slim young frame convulsed and thrashed under my gentle hold before slowly slackening and falling limp. I had given this little angel her very first orgasm and I was very close to my own. We would soon be fast asleep but first...

Let the good times role...