Offline/Sneak down to the beach for a bath

From All The Fallen Stories
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You don't have much at the cabin to clean up with. Besides, Asha's hair has soaked in your sister's pee for a while now, your cousin having laid it the whole time she ate out your sibling. Hard to just pat that dry. Even though the sun is creeping higher into the sky, you should at least try to wash up properly.

"How about we go down to the beach and get cleaned up?"

"Sure!" Emma turns and runs without another thought. But when she discovers that neither you or Asha are nearly as willing to run off through the forest butt naked your sister stops and hurries back to you. "C'mon!" she encourages, hauling Asha up off of the forest floor.

"You really still want to run around naked?"

Emma coyly shrugs, trying and failing to hold back a grin. "Maybe. But... well, I still have pee on me! I can't get dressed. I'll get my clothes dirty!"

Asha hadn't considered that. She had already taken a step toward the cabin before her friend made that comment. Asha is soaked worst of all, and even though it was mostly confined to her face and hair at first, standing upright the liquid trapped in her locks is now dripping onto her shoulders, running down her neck, and trickling down her body. Worse than that, she doesn't have any of her own clothes out here to choose to get dirty, her swimsuit being given away yesterday. So if Emma doesn't want to get her clothes dirty that severely limits Asha's options for coverage.

Your cousin turns and looks at you pleadingly but you don't pick up on her predicament and worries until after.

"I think... just don't do anything stupid, like getting caught. Run behind the cabins like we did yesterday. I'll grab some stuff for us to change into and meet you down there."

Emma squees happily, hugs her cousin in an awkward and unintentionally pee squishing embrace, then drags the flustered complicit girl off with her down the trail.

Watching their cute bare butts scamper off into the forest, you acknowledge that it's pretty stupid to let them go like this. There's a very real chance they get caught. In some ways that's all the more reason to not be with them if they do, because surely you'll get in way worse shit than they will since you're supposed to be the older responsible brother. At least that's what you've been pretending to be. But the girls are already gone. Whatever happens now, happens.

Stepping back into your cabin you're reminded of what you woke up to such a short time ago. Your open sleeping bag is still damp. Asha only let out a few seconds worth urine, but that's a lot of liquid when it's hitting you straight in the face. And seeing a thick wet spot along with scattered spray all over the top of your bag reminds you of why you got so angry at them.

Glancing to the side, it's clear that your sister's backpack is totally empty, its contents having been strewn about the cabin over the course of yesterday's fun. Your pack is also lighter than normal after having doled out your own clothing as towels. Distracted by the messy cabin and limited clothing choices you can barely remember what you came in here to grab.

Digging through your pack you manage to locate a small bottle of all-in-one body wash. Mom made you pack this thing ages ago and it's stayed in this bag ever since, unused. Now your mom's insistence on being, well, motherly, is paying off. You really would like to get clean, and finding this is certainly a lot easier than asking to borrow some shampoo from someone while reeking of pee. You're sure Asha will appreciate it anyway.

What to do about clothes? You don't have many clean shirts left but there's at least the one that Asha wore as a nightie, albeit not for very long, that should be clean. You don't really want to wear it though, not yet. Your sister had a good point about not getting pee on her own clothes and you don't really want any on yours either. So you just pull on some shorts while scanning the rest of the room for whatever else you should grab.

Your sister's scattered pile is indeed quite sparse now. Although you should be able to scrape something together, there's at least not a lot of "clean" clothes lean thanks in to all of the rambunctious running around and smoky campfires you've been participating in each night. You can see a tattered pair of jean shorts that she hasn't worn yet and one clean unicorn t-shirt along with a couple pairs of panties. There's not a lot else though. You know Mom has both her sweater and her jacket since she shed those on previous nights. Aunt Becky took a few of Emma's things to help dry them yesterday, then there's the sopping pile of stuff left outside in the rain last night... since your sister packed pretty light there's not much else here besides some makeup, slime bags, beanie babies and useless garbage.

You pick up the only two pairs of panties you can immediately spot. One of those isn't even clean being the pair Emma wore on her first day here. But do they even deserve this? To be dressed like normal people? Or be dressed at all? They're practically feral anyway, pissing on each other, shedding their clothes as casually as most people sneeze. The evil part of your brain tingles as you picture them scurrying through camp ducking from cabin to cabin bare ass naked.

For a brief moment you consider leaving them stranded in camp just like that, running around without a thing to wear while seemingly wanting to get caught. Of course you did agree that their punishment was over so that doesn't seem fair, but it's also not fair that you now have to sleep in a bed sprinkled with your cousin's pee. You feel like you're the one getting the worst end of this stick. Maybe you're bitter, maybe you want to see them squirm, but you never did say what you would bring them to wear...

Bring the two pairs of panties

Bring a single outfit and let them fight over it