Daycare manager/stats

From All The Fallen Stories
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Players won't really need to know all this, but these are the stats that are meant to drive the game. We have kicked around a few ideas on the Trello, and a few have been agreed upon.

Here are the ones that seem to have been agreed upon so far. Of course, since I had a hand in it, it became one of those things that are a little complicated in explanation but deceptively simple in function.

Please note, ALL of these stats are subject to change. The mechanics are still being worked out. In fact, the entire reason for sharing this now is to look for feedback. Please share any feedback in the discussion section.

Independent stats

These stats are the ones that are more simple in explanation, they have a lower number of things that they actually do directly in the game and most of their more complicated functions relate to altering the function of the "dependent" stats.

Aside from "trust," which is the single most important stat in the game, most of the independent stats will be invisible.

Child's stats

  • Trust

The most important, and most mobile stat in the game. There are a lot of ways to gain trust, and also a lot of ways to lose trust. It has few effects on its own, but it alters the effect of almost every other stat in the game in a way that cannot be sold short. The key function of trust is how far the child is willing to be pushed outside of their comfort zone. Since the only way to raise the children's comfort level in performing various types of actions with you is to push them outside their comfort zone, trust is vitally important in achieving the raunchier parts of the game.

    • Trust is 1-10

At these levels, it means the child has very little trust in you. Not only will they not feel comfortable doing various things with you, their comfort levels will effectively be 1 level lower than their actual stats indicate due to how little they trust you.

    • Trust is 11-20

The child is still a little uncertain about you, but they have gotten used to you. They will now perform any action they are comfortable with willingly, although they will act in a manner that suggests they are uncomfortable about it because it's you.

    • Trust is 21-40

The child is at ease with you so long as you do not push them beyond their comfort zone. At this point and higher, they will act in a manner that is completely comfortable with any action that their other stats indicate they would be comfortable with. However, they will not be willing to go beyond that comfort zone until their trust is higher.

    • Trust is 41+

For every 10 points of trust above 40, you can push a child outside their comfort zone by 1 level. As such, if you max out your trust at 100, you will be able to push them 6 levels beyond their comfort zone. (7 levels would require 101 trust, but 100 is max.) When they are pushed beyond their comfort zone, whatever stat is being pushed will raise by the number of levels they are pushed, and you will also lose 2 trust for every level you pushed them by as well.

For instance, if you have 100 trust and push them an entire 6 levels beyond their comfort zone, they will gain 6 in whatever stat they were being pushed on. (Will replace this "for instance" with a specific example once the dependent stats are laid out.)

  • Obedience

The degree to which a child will follow orders or consider a particular method of punishment as acceptable. (Will not lose trust for punishments they consider acceptable and can exceed comfort and trust levels with those actions. Will still get a "hates it" reaction for actions that exceed comfort and trust levels, but will receive no negative consequences.)

    • Obedience Lv. 0 (0-5)

Will only follow commands they like, and will hate any and all forms of punishment. Will lose double trust if something is done in the context of a punishment.

    • Obedience Lv. 1 (6-20)

Will follow reasonable commands if they are in a good disposition, and will follow the general clothing rules. Children 5 and below will not consider it strange for you to go with them to the bathroom (but may still be uncomfortable with you watching them on the toilet) will accept a scolding, time-out, or spanking as legitimate punishment, but is not likely to sit still for a timeout.

    • Obedience Lv. 2 (21-40)

Will respond to all reasonable commands and will accept commands to remove shoes or socks, children 7 and below will not consider it strange for you to go with them to the bathroom (but may still be uncomfortable with you watching them on the toilet) Will sit still for a time out of up to 1 minute and will accept cleaning chores or revoked privileges as legitimate forms of punishment.

    • Obedience Lv. 3 (41-60)

Children who are naive will accept commands to remove their shirt on their own (comfortable with it or not,) Children 9 and below will allow you to go with them to the bathroom (will consider it strange, but won't protest or lose trust), will naively accept touching with hand in places that make them uncomfortable (2-5 levels higher than comfort level) or a naked time-out as acceptable forms of punishment. Non-naive children will not accept the punishments mentioned.

    • Obedience Lv. 4 (61-80)

All children, naive or not, will accept commands to strip down to their underwear, or change into something that would require them removing their underwear such as a swim-suit with you watching. Naive children will allow you to go to the bathroom with them regardless of age and non-naive children 10 or below will also allow it. Non-naive children will accept uncomfortable groping and naked time-outs, and naive children will accept fully nude touching and being forced to perform non-penetrative sex acts as legitimate punishments.

    • Obedience Lv. 5 (81-90)

All children, naive or not, will accept commands to strip completely naked on command. Children of any age will allow you to go with them to the bathroom (comfortable with it or not). non-naive pubescent girls will not accept vaginal sex or ejaculation on the groin as legitimate forms of punishment, but children not fitting any one of those 3 criteria (being non-naive, female, and pubescent) will accept these acts.

    • Obedience Lv. 6 (91-100)

All of the above, plus pubescent non-naive girls will accept sex that risks pregnancy as a legitimate form of punishment.

Obedience Version 2.

Currently overhauling obedience to adjust to the new naivete mechanic. Instead of the current version, all things they will allow will be assigned a level and that level can be modified by certain advancements in the naivete stat.

  • Horniness

Child's horniness stat. Unlike your horniness stat, the child's horniness varies not only in their current horniness, but their max horniness can also change by being sexually stimulated repeatedly and can also go up to a max of 50 instead of 10. There is some variation, but for the most part the max horniness is determined by race. Elf children start at zero, human children start at 10, and some of the more promiscuous races start at 30. Mammalian beast-folk girls who experience going into heat will automatically have 50 horniness.

  • 5 :Becomes interested in their own privates.
  • 10 :Will try to find somewhere secret to masturbate because they like the way it feels.
  • 20 :Exposure and love +10 until horniness is reduced.
  • 30 :Touch and love +10 until horniness is reduced (love stat stacks with previous)
  • 40 :Exposure, Touch, and love +10 until horniness is reduced (all stats stack with previous)
  • 50 :Will accept any sex act even if they normally hate it.

  • Trauma

A negative effect on the child obtained from performing a sexual or sadistic act with them against their consent. Will lower happiness and reduce the rate at which trust and love are gained.

Trauma Lv. 0, 0

  • Status = Normal (default start for all children)
  • No change to love or happiness mechanics

Trauma Lv. 1, 1-3

  • Status = Stressed
  • Increase conditions = Unfair / disproportionate punishments, mistreatment in casual interactions, non-consensually touching a child in a way they consider sexual (child is non-naive)
  • Lowers happiness and love gains by 1 per point, and increases happiness and love losses by 1 per point. (this effect is extended into the later Trauma categories)

Trauma Lv. 2, 4-6

  • Status = traumatized
  • Increase conditions = non-consensual acts of sexual intercourse, frequent non-consensual exposure, inconsistent punishment patterns (previous X punishments were very inconsistent in the level of severity and also did not match the violation. NOTE, letting them off without punishment counts as a punishment level.)
  • -1 level per 2 points of trauma to all comfort-level categories. Non-consensual sex increases obedience by 1. If obedience is below 40, it is automatically increased to 40.

Trauma Lv. 3, 7-10

  • Status = Highly traumatized
  • Increase conditions = non-consensual BDSM activity, physical beatings severe enough to cause injury, inconsistent punishment patterns (continuous with Lv. 2)
  • Can never produce the "likes it" reaction, will hate every interaction that takes place in private, obedience = 100.

NOTES: Increase conditions are the acts that can increase a child's trauma level to this point. Acts that are 2 levels higher than the current condition add 2 points of trauma. Acts that are 1 level higher than the current level add 1 point of trauma. Acts that are on the same level as their current level of trauma have a 10% chance of adding 1 point of trauma. No trauma is added for lower level trauma acts.

Also, in regard to the Lv. 2 trauma's decrease in comfort levels, this applies to the level, not the stat. For instance, a touch stat of 25 which would normally be Lv. 5 touch and make them comfortable with having their chest touched will only produce a result of Lv. 3 if they have 4 points of trauma and will feel comfortable sitting in your lap but not with being touched in any way that could be considered sensual. Their actual touch stat will still be 25 though. (Note, touch stat gains will be calculated based on comfort level, not the absolute number of stats. Thus, it is easier to raise stats on a traumatized child.)

  • Stokholm syndrome

Increasing a traumatized child's "touch" stat to 91 will result in Stockholm syndrome, child's love stat will instantly increase to 50 and will proceed to develop love every time they are raped and begin to gain happiness with a capped limit of 70. Happiness cap will increase to be equal with the "love" stat once it exceeds 70, and will instantly max out to 100 for females who get pregnant while they have the Stockholm syndrome status (regardless of whether they wanted to be pregnant or not)

  • Denial

An abnormal condition in the child's psyche as they cope with being taken advantage of in ways they don't understand by someone they trust. Has several complicated effects on trust, naivete, and several other aspects of their behavior especially in regards to the manner in which they were taken advantage of.

Details in regards to denial

  • Vaginal size

The size of an object a girl can fit painlessly in her vagina. (Note, stretch-tolerance = % beyond number that can be stretched to.) The vagina's default starting size, for the purposes of the game, is 1 + (0.1 / year of age) cm in diameter, and has a 10% stretch tolerance per year of age. Upon hitting puberty, 50% is added to the stretch tollerance. So, a 10-year-old who has hit puberty would have a stretch tolerance of 150% with a 2cm vagina. This would bring the size of objects that can be inserted up to 5cm, allowing her to fit a penis all the way up to the high end of average.

The vagina's size can be increased by repeated stretching or by use of reproductive magic. Repeated stretching adds 0.1cm every time the girl is penetrated with an object larger than her current base size. (requires the stretch tollerance to be utilized.)

Player Character stats

  • Horniness

Represents the PC's desire for sex. If it gets high enough, the player will begin to receive options to proceed with sex acts that they know the child is uncomfortable with. This stat can complement the "abusive" stat which is a dependent stat influenced by horniness. (Horniness is added to abusiveness)

  • Patience

Represents the PC's restraint. If it becomes low, nicer options or options to end the interaction may disappear. This stat can complement the "gentleness" stat which is a dependent stat influenced by patience. (Patience is added to gentleness)

  • Penis girth

The thickness of your penis, as measured in diameter. Affects your ability to penetrate. (Note, penis length tends to trend around 3.5X the girth.

  • Very small = 1cm diameter, 3.5cm (1.3in) length.
  • Small = 2cm diameter, 7cm (2.6in) length.
  • Low average = 3cm diameter, 10.5cm (3.9in) length.
  • Median average = 4cm diameter, 14cm (5.2in) length.
  • High average = 5cm diameter, 17.5cm (7.5in) length.
  • Large = 6cm diameter, 21cm (8.8in) length.
  • Vary large = 7cm diameter, 24.5cm (10.1in) length.

Dependent stats

These are the more visible stats of the game, the stats that feel more immediate and tangible. These are the stats that you actually go through your efforts in the game to try to raise in order to reach your goals.

A lot of these stats have their effects influenced by the independent stats, and some such as the 3 base stats for the children, "Touch," "Exposure," and "Love," also have cross influences on one another.

Child's stats

  • Touch

The child's willingness to be touched in various ways. At the lowest levels, they do not even like physical contact with others period. At higher levels, those who do not have sexual knowledge may even agree to sexual intercourse via this stat (although for those who do have sexual knowledge that will be considered an act that is in the domain of the "love" stat.)

Detailed breakdown

  • Exposure

The child's willingness to be exposed to others doing things they would normally consider private, as well as themselves doing such things. At lower levels, they are uncomfortable even changing their clothes in a pool changing room. At higher levels, they are comfortable with doing any sex act their "touch" or "love" stats would allow for in public. Please note that every single sexually explicit activity that involves getting under their clothes requires some level of exposure in addition to the "touch" or "love" required, even if it is in private.

Detailed breakdown

  • Love

The degree to which the Child wants to keep up a long-term relationship with you, and in terms of romantic feelings it is the degree to which they will allow or even crave to do things that lovers would do. The default for this stat is zero, so it being low does not have any particularly noteworthy effect. This is the default stat for performing sex acts. While those who are sexually naive can be tricked into casual or "play" sex dependent on the "touch" stat, those who know about it will not willingly engage in sex acts without raising the love stat. At the highest levels, female children will actively desire to be impregnated by you.

The love stat does not raise in the same way as "touch" and "exposure" do by the child being pushed outside of their comfort zone. Rather, some of the actions that would raise happiness may also raise love. Also, contrary to those other two stats, performing a "love" based action that they are 100% comfortable with can raise the love stat. (+1 love every time you perform the highest level act they are fully comfortable with.)

Detailed breakdown

  • Naivete

Represents a child's lack of awareness of certain subjects both social and sexual. Has a similar effect to trust in that it will make them more accepting of various actions. With a few complicated exceptions, naivete cannot be gained and can only be lost.

Detailed breakdown

  • Happiness

How happy the child is in general. This stat does not have much impact on your seduction of the child, but it has a HUGE impact on your "reputation" stat. It will be measured at the end of each game week. Depending on the average happiness of all children in your care, you may gain or loose up to 2 points of reputation. This stat will increase with all positive interactions, casual or sexual, and decrease with most of the actions that lower their trust.

The movement of this stat can be influenced greatly by the "love" stat.

    • Average facility-wide happiness is 1-20
      • -2 reputation
    • Average facility-wide happiness is 21-40
      • -1 reputation
    • Average facility-wide happiness is 41-60
      • No change to reputation
    • Average facility-wide happiness is 61-80
      • +1 reputation
    • Average facility-wide happiness is 81-100
      • +2 reputation

Player Character stats

  • Reputation

An important stat for the financial part of the game. Influences the speed at which you receive applications for new children to enter your daycare, and also influences how much you can charge per child per day. Most importantly, should you ever be "almost caught" and have an abuse allegation thrown against you, your reputation will act as a buffer against this. (Of course, even maxed reputation won't protect you against truly getting caught with concrete proof.)

There are several ways to gain reputation, and it is influenced by the scale and presentation of your facility as well as what amenities are offered. (New thought, might cap your reputation depending on the facility.) The best way to gain reputation is by slowly and gradually building it up by keeping the kids happy. Of course, it is very easy to lose by having an abuse allegation thrown at you.

  • Abusiveness

The degree to which the PC will push a kid beyond what they know they are comfortable with. (Stacks with Horniness) This goes beyond simply pushing their comfort zone and goes into the territory of ignoring consent. At higher levels, PC will become actively sadistic about it. It is a required stat for BDSM and torture content in possible future builds. (Note, you will see this stat next to higher level sex acts during this early build that really amounts more to author's note-taking before the game gets coded. This is the level in that stat needed to try the action even if you are reasonably sure they will not like it. It does not mean the action is off limits until abusiveness is raised, if the required touch/exposure/love stats along with trust are raised the option will still become available once the MC thinks it is reasonable they might possibly accept it.)

With an abusiveness of 1-10, the MC will not care whether or not the child consents to a sex act, they will just do what they want. They will not go out of their way to make the experience more unpleasant than it needs to be for the child though, and may even want them to like it. At 11-20, the MC becomes sadistic and may choose to intentionally cause pain or distress during a non-consensual sex act, or attempt to make them no longer like a sex act they would normally have consented to.

  • Gentleness

The degree to which the PC wants the child to enjoy what they are doing with them and does not want to scare them. (Stacks with patience and resists horniness) Raising this stat will limit choices received under the effects of horniness to exactly what the PC believes the child may be comfortable with and may just push them a little beyond their comfort zone. High levels in this state can raise the amount of "trust" awarded and reduce the trust penalty for exceeding their comfort zone, allowing faster trust replenishment and thus allowing the player to more quickly obtain consent.

With a gentleness of 1-10, the MC will want something that resembles consent from the child before performing sex acts above a certain level. With a gentleness of 11-20, that demand for consent will not just be for consent in form, the MC will want to make sure it is fully informed genuine consent and not just the child going along with it because they feel pressured.

NOTE: Abusiveness and gentleness are mutually exclusive, and each run from 1 to 20 for a 40 point spectrum. Patience and horniness can add 10 points in either direction and will contribute to gentleness or abusiveness respectively regardless of whether or not the opposing factor is in play. For instance, if you have 5 abusiveness, 10 patience, and 10 horniness, the net result would be 10 gentlenesses and 15 abusiveness. Thus, due to patience, gentle actions can be taken even if your morality has aligned in the abusive direction.

There is no zero. If you have a -1 on your morality and then perform a gentle act, this will place you immediately at positive 1 and move you to the gentle category. There will be a choice near the start of the game that will result in either +1 or -1 morality in order to determine your starting state.