Talk:Life Hacks/Timeline

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 20:36, 23 April 2019 by Telgar (talk | contribs) (Created page with "One concern I have about the Angel situation with her period. Having been around many households that have mostly female members, normally their periods cycle around the same...")
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One concern I have about the Angel situation with her period. Having been around many households that have mostly female members, normally their periods cycle around the same time, literally within days of each other, in some cases hours. This is true of the first period as well, if a girl was to have her first period it would normally start in the middle of, the start of, the family cycle, which means in Xanders household at least one if not two of the three females old enough to have periods would have started theirs, and the rest would start that day or the day after. So to keep true to biology, Mom, Britney or both would have started their period that day or the day before, and whoever had not would start it the next day, unless something happened to interrupt that cycle. This interruption would raise alarm bells with at least mom as to why her daughters appear to be missing their period. --Telgar (talk) 16:00, 22 April 2019 (PST)