Life Hacks/Timeline

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This is a rough time-line of events which will happen should Xander not intervene. This should be used as a guide on what events should pop up and when in the story. It is possible to slightly fudge the exact time at which something happens, and time kinda moves at the "speed of plot" for the author's convenience so it's possible to have time move as fast or slow as the writer feels necessary, but please keep the events roughly in-line with one another.

How to read this timeline

Time of day will be written under major headings. (Like the heading you are reading right now.) Locations where something relevant or at which Xander might have access to at that time will be under sub-headings. Times will be given in 1 Hr. time periods. The exact time of any event that doesn't have a "X:30" mark on it can be fudged to take place anywhere inside of that hour time period. Events with an "X:30" indicator on them mean that it's possible for Xander to enter a space before or after the event happens depending on how much time he takes within the time-block.

Any events that will absolutely find Xander wherever he is and he will absolutely hear about them regardless of where he is in the story at the time will appear in a grey box with the following text.

MANDITORY EVENT Xander will be somehow pulled into this event regardless of where he is in the world.

(Insert text describing the base essentials of the event.)

(Insert text describing what might change about the event depending on certain conditions that may or may not have been met on the current timeline.)

Any event that Xander will have a high likelihood of hearing about in some way, but will not track him down, find him, and force him to be involved will have the following note in capslock bold text before describing the event.


In cases where there is an event that is likely to trigger as the fallout of one of the possible events Xander could be involved in, this message using the same font will appear.


Saturday, Approximately 6:00 AM

Pre story-start

  • Bastian wakes up and goes downstairs to watch Saturday morning cartoons
  • Roni wakes up and goes downstairs to watch Saturday morning cartoons

Saturday, Approximately 7:00 AM.

MANDITORY EVENT: Story start Xander will be somehow pulled into this event regardless of where he is in the world.

Xander wakes up, rolls out of bed, and notices Loki sitting in his computer chair. Loki is using a time-stop effect, so nobody hears Xander's resulting freak-out. He has already been altered to be a player, so Xander is able to interact with things and winds up getting himself dressed as he's conversing with Loki.

After Xander calmed down, dressed, and is sitting down with Loki, the events of the 1st page happen.

Loki leaves and re-starts time.

  • Charity wakes up and starts getting dressed at approximately 7:30

Saturday, Approximately 8:00

Holliday house


Jan will ask March if he is going to play at Xander's today, and ask that if he does she wants him to bring her. She has heard about them playing naked with each other, and she wants to get involved. March thinks this is a good idea.

If Xander calls March before spending too much time fooling around with the hack, this event might be avoided entirely. Otherwise, if March is called over to Xander's house then March will ask to bring Jan along with him and explain why. Meanwhile, if Xander goes to the Holliday house instead, March will go find Jan and tell her you are coming over and she will be waiting in March's room.

Cole house

  • Roni goes upstairs to grab her baseball glove
      • If you have both maxed out your skills and have also transformed yourself into a child, she will ask if you want to join her for her game. (proceed down the list otherwise)
      • She will bug Charity first to take her baseball game a short time later.
      • If you have not transformed yourself into a child, Charity will reject her and tell her to bug you.
      • If you are occupied by Brittany or Angel, Roni will decide not to bother you and bug Charity again, meaning you will not hear about this.
  • Brittany arrives home and wants to greet her family.
      • If you have enhanced your physical features using the hack, she will insist to go wardrobe shopping for you having decided you just have no fashion sense and that's why such a good looking guy is dressed like you are.
      • Will just pop in to say "Hi" if you have not modified your physical appearance.
  • Angel wakes up and finds a lot of blood in her underwear. He has had her first period while she was asleep, and gets really scared as Charity's sex-play games when she was 6 was the closest thing she has ever had to sexual education.
      • Brittany will be her first choice of who to go to if Brittany is home. Xander will be her second choice. Author can decide whether or not Brittany is home in time to catch Angel before she defaults to you.
      • Angel will go to Charity if you leave the house with Roni or Brittany before she gets to you.
      • If Roni or Brittany take you out of the house, she will go to Charity.
      • If you left the house with Brittany, Roni misses her game.
  • Bastian goes upstairs because he is not interested in the show that's on right now.
      • Will decide to spy on you if you are in your room doing something.
      • Will enter your shared room and flop on his bed to play a mobile game if you are not in your room.
      • Might find you and bug you if you are milling about the house and somehow not occupied with anybody else's thing.
  • Charity starts having sexual fantasies about Xander.
      • Charity might decide to go bug Xander and have him fix a fake problem with her phone. (will be especially hostile in order to hide her sexual intentions)
      • If this event happens, Charity goes to the bathroom, locks the door, and starts the shower to hide the noise, then starts masturbating with her phone.
      • If Charity's "love" stat is "accidentally" turned up, Charity will want to masturbate on her bed instead and not have the presence of mind to conceal what she's doing.

Saturday, Approximately 9:00


  • Roni's baseball game starts, with or without her.
      • Billy will be present at the game.
      • If Charity took Roni to the game, she will physically toss Billy out of the game and send "him" off crying. This route produces the fastest response from "his" dad.
      • If Brittany took Roni to the game, she will allow Roni to handle it and Billy will storm off on his own. Billy will not fetch "his" dad at all on this route.
  • Charity's friend Elizabeth is babysitting some kids on the playground.
      • This event has no bearing except that they will be there and available should Xander pursue them.
  • 3 young tween-age boys are playing near, but not on, the playground. (are actually distant enough away to not be immediately noticed)
      • If Xander initiates some activity on the playground or in the nearby tree-covered ravine, these 3 are likely to notice and try to join in.


  • The player, PrettyPrincess1478, is present at the mall.
      • Is likely to notice Xander if he happens to use the hack while at the mall.

Saturday, Approximately 10:00