Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Airport./Angels/Spying/Blackmail

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I covertly adjusted my cock as I muted the sound, restarted the video and paused it at a point that showed clearly without a doubt what was happening in that stall. I then headed over to the father and his two happy daughters. I took a seat next to him in the seat that was once occupied by his wife. “Hello, I’m frank.” I said as I extended my hand to the man. He looked at me, a confused expression on his face. I could clearly see that he was shocked that I had boldly sat next to him and his daughter and a little annoyed that I was interrupting his time with his daughters.

He made no move to shake my hand, and simply cleared his throat, and glared at me.

I cleared my throat in return and continued with my reason for sitting next to him. “I found something I think you really need to look at.” I said quietly.

“Excuse me, I’m trying to spend some quality time with my daughters, do you mind…” He growled.

“No, problem I understand, far be it from me to interrupt you very pleasant and enjoyable family vacation. I guess then, I should head over to the security and customs desk, over there and show them this?” I replied as I turned the screen of my cell phone so that he could see it.

His face paled ad his middle daughter tried to adjust herself on his lap, in an attempt to get a look at the screen. “Um, where did you get that?” He hissed at me.

“That is not important, what is important is what are we going to do about it?”

He moved his daughter from his lap, back to her seat and stood up, motioning me to a more private portion of the airport, near a pillar, were the two of us could talk without being overheard. The middle daughter crossed her arms and pouted cutely; I couldn’t wait to get those cute pouty lips wrapped around my cock. Once we got to the pillar he looked around and then asked. “What do you want?”

“Well, that all depends on what you’re willing to offer, but first let’s show you exactly what I have here.” I replied as I hit the play button and let him watch the entire video.

As he watched the video, his reaction was mixed, his face paled, and he fidgeted nervously, but he also reached down and adjusted his cock, obviously aroused by watching his youngest daughter sucking his cock. Once the video finished, he looked up at you and let ought a lowed sigh. “What do you want, you obviously have me by the balls. What will it take for you to delete that video?”

I chuckled “I have no intention of deleting this video, I fully expect to masturbate to it for years to come. What we are negotiating is whether I get to keep it or whether I have to hand my phone over to the security guards over there and watch them arrest you, maybe your wife and take your three very lovely daughter into protective custody?”

He let out a deep sigh and looked into my eyes, his face was almost sickly pale, and it looked like he was about to get sick. “What… do… you… want?” He replied in a shaky voice.

“Well first off, what hotel are you staying in?”

He pulled up his itinerary on his cell phone. It appeared he was staying at a hotel close to mine, so the first thing I had him do was change his hotel to the one I was staying at. Judging by his reaction to that request, I knew his wife was not going to be happy, they were moving from a five-star hotel to a three-star. “Well, you could always book me into your hotel? The choice is yours.”

He looked at me, gave another sigh and quickly booked me a room in his hotel, on the same floor as him. “Is that it, were you blackmailing me to get a better hotel room?” he growled.

I shook my head, “Oh no, I was actually happy with my motel, but the sight of your little girl and her willingness to suck cock, got my mind thinking, that and how close you seem to be with your middle daughter, so I want an honest answer, how much have you done with your daughters and is your wife aware?”

He looked around, nervously, obviously not willing to answer my question, but he knew he didn’t have much choice. “Only oral, I couldn’t’ bring myself to do more with them. It started with my oldest, Kate when she was eight, she caught me masturbating, one thing led to another and next thing I know I’m teaching her to give me oral sex. Eventually she brought in Kelly, the middle girl, and they both brought Kayleigh in when she turned eight,” He looked away with that and whispered, “And their mother doesn’t know.”

I nodded, I felt a little sorry for the guy, but fuck I was horny and I wanted them.

Tell him to arrange time for you with the youngest during their stay

Tell him to arrange time for you with the two youngest during their stay

Tell him to arrange time for you with the all three daughters during their stay

Ask for him to arrange time for you with his wife and daughters during their stay

Tell him, his wife and daughters will be available to you whenever you want, you intend to knock them all up and he can watch (Claimed Telgar)