Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office/All Girls/Melany done/Aliya done/Rape/Finish

From All The Fallen Stories
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You get some tissues to wipe your dick clean. There are some streaks of blood that are not coming off easily, so you wind up tossing the tissues and switch to a baby wipe. This does the job like a charm. After this, you stuff your dick back in your pants and fix yourself up, and then leave the little 1st gradder you just raped crying and leaking your semen on the changing table and buzz for Ms. Varano to unlock the door again. This time, it is you who walks out the door. You look around and see that the two girls are sitting in the chairs in the waiting area as instructed. The boy who Ms. Varano is sitting next to them as well, and has his legs pressed tightly together with an ashamed look on his face. Upon closer inspection, you can see that the front of his pants and all down his pants legs are soaking wet, and there is a smell of urine in the air.

With the sounds of the blond girl crying and sobbing as a backdrop to draw the attention of the girls already out here, you inform Ms. Varano of the punishments for the girls, and also have her tell you all their names so you can write up punishment notes. As for the one still in your office, apparently named Benevolence Fine, you decide to choose your words carefully considering the wording since you are certain they wouldn't like you exposing the other two to the language for what you just did. "Well, Ms. Fine was responsible for the most egregious disrespect, and she also continued to resist her punishment when it began. She actually wound up kicking me over the course of it, so I wound up having to upgrade her punishment level to severe."

"I see," Ms. Varano responded. "Just as well you sent out the other girls so they were not exposed to that.I can handle the notes for these two since you have told me this much. Also, for the least severe punishment given to Ms. Loso, you said it was to be only until the end of the day? You do realize there are only a few hours left in the school day, right?"

You think about that a little. Her punishment could be extended, but she seemed like the most put together and respectful of the bunch. She was more or less perfectly obedient from start to finish, with the exception of running in the first place. "She was the best behaved of the bunch, and I think she really understands what she has done is wrong." You tell Ms. Varano. "Just until the end of the day is acceptable for her."

She nods, informs Melany Loso that she can return to your office in order to retrieve her underwear at the end of the day, and begins working away at her computer in order to write up those notes. Likewise, you go back into your office with the crying child in order to write up your own note.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Benevolence Fine. Today Miss Fine was caught running in the hall. Upon being told to stop, she directly disrespected the staff member who called her out by saying "no" as she continued to run. Physical restraint was required to take her into the disciplinary office, during which time she yelled loudly in the halls and disrupted multiple classes. Finally, during the course of her punishment, Ms. Fine kicked the director of disciplinary action during her continued resistance to her punishment.

The majority of these infractions all would be considered middle level infractions individually, and the kicking of a staff member is regarded as a severe infraction. With her previous behavior taken in totality, it has been determined that Ms. Fine has performed a very severe infraction and the following actions have been put into place.

For the action of running in the halls, Ms. Fine has been asked to surrender her undergarments for a duration of 1 week, and will be required to continue wearing skirts for the duration of her punishment in order to discourage further running as this would cause her inappropriate regions to be revealed.

For disrespecting a staff member and continuing to run in the hall after being called to stop, Ms. Fine will be watched by an adult during all toileting activities for the duration of her underwear free punishment. While at school, this will take place in the Office of Disciplinary Actions.

For yelling in the halls and requiring physical restraint to be brought to the disciplinary office, Ms. Fine was to be exposed to a male penis and to receive an ejaculation on her exposed genitals. Due to kicking the director of discipline during the course of this punishment, her punishment was upgraded to being divested of her chastity and receiving a deep internal ejaculation.

Due to the totality of Ms. Fine's actions, this punishment will have conditions placed upon it that may cause its duration to exceed 1 week. During this 1 week period, any and all additional infractions at the school regardless of severity will be punished by way of internal ejaculation by the disciplinary director or an appointed male of his choice. If Ms. Fine fails to receive these punishments obediently, the duration of her punishment will be extended by 2 additional weeks and she will be made to surrender another article of clothing.

If Ms. Fine has committed no infractions over the course of the week, she will not simply have her punishment ended. Instead, due to the unfavorable direction of her actions thus far, she will be given the opportunity to earn the right to wear a missing article of clothing back by receiving an internal ejaculation without complaint. Any resistance will, likewise, result in a 2 week extension of the punishment and the loss of an article of clothing.

If Ms. Fine has committed any infraction, no matter how small, over the course of the week but has obediently received her punishment, she will not receive the opportunity to earn an article of clothing back and the punishment will be extended by 1 week.

Well, that ought to do it. You did not like raping her like that, but with the way this is phrased you will have the chance to try and make her enjoy it next time. Hopefully that will make up for this. You will have at least one more chance to enjoy her pussy, likely more.