CF/Kevin/Second Day/El Keeps the Load

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Looking at her belly, so taut and full of your seed, you can't help but imagine that your child was growing in her. You are a bit surprised how horny that makes you. You can just imagine how big her belly would get. She said she could stretch like rubber; but what were the limits? Could she maybe get bigger, so she could carry your child? Can fairies have children with humans? Is she even old enough to have your baby? Could a power allow you to do these things if they aren't currently possible? Will you make it to the bathroom before you pee yourself?

"Ugh," you groan, then dash to the bathroom. You whip your cock out and unleash a torrent of piss into the toilet. You feel Elruel alight on your shoulder as you piss.

"You really want to get me pregnant, huh?" she asks.

"How do you - oh god. I forgot you could read my thoughts. I'm sorry!"

"No," she says, "you don't need to be. What you were thinking was pretty hot, actually. I guess I could at least give you an idea of what we're looking at." She flutters to the sink, rubbing her swollen belly. "First, fairies can have children with humans. It hasn't happened in a very long time because we've been in the Faerie, which is a complete other universe, and you humans are here.

"Fairies can't change size naturally. We need other magic to do that. We can stretch to ridiculous levels, however. If I had a child with a human, my belly would get tremendously large. I would get so big that I wouldn't even be able to fly or walk, and would have to depend on others a lot . . . but I could successfully give birth to the baby.

"Fairies are born fertile . . . well, as fertile as fairies get. You see all of the fey have. . . difficulty reproducing. We don't age past adulthood, but this relative immortality comes at the price of fertility. Magic is the best way to try to get a child, but between fey even that's a challenge. When another race is involved, it's actually easier to get pregnant than with another fey.

"As far as using cum powers that you've earned to ensure pregnancy, that is entirely possible. It will be a while though. You'll have to build up more power by getting your cum in more people though. The first powers are always a bit weaker than the ones you can get later on. Your starting to get to the interesting stuff; but we'll have to get a couple of your family . . . or anyone I suppose . . . to take in your cum before we'll have enough power to start ensuring pregnancies. If we're going to start a family, though; there are some other powers you might need . . . like dick strengthening cum."

"Dick strengthening cum?" you ask suddenly. You were taking in the information, trying to let it all sink in . . . but that phrase snapped you out of it quickly. Such a bizarre name for a power."

"If you want to have a baby with me, that means we're moving into a deeper relationship. I expect sex if we're going to have something more. If you don't want sex with me to be painful; you're going to need a stronger penis than human penises get. Since I can only enchant your cum, that means that I have to make your cum strengthen your cock . . . or to make it more versatile genitals in general . . . and more flexible so the baby's pussy can get to where you can fuck it like you want. Wait . . . that will mean it takes longer to get. Hmmmm." She shrugs. "I'll figure it out. I can only give you three choices at any one time anyway."

You stand there with your mouth open as it sinks in. You could actually get her pregnant! You could even get baby Jill pregnant! This is incredible.

You hear a knock on the door. "Hey," says your twin sister Kat on the other side of the door, "hurry up in there. Other people need to use the bathroom in the morning too."

What do you do?

Kevin Mark Anderson
Cum Powers


  • Delicious Cum
  • Infinite Cum


  • Pheromone Cum
  • No Refractory Period


  • Dick Strengthening Cum
  • Perfect Impregnating Cum

Cum Target Tally: 2

Elruel Eselavehl
Love Interest
Full of your Cum