CF/Kevin/Second Day/Play off of your twinship

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"I just always thought we had a special connection was all," you say, "being twins. I didn't think it would be a big deal to shower together. I thought it might bring us closer together."

Kat shuffles a bit. "Yeah," she says, "maaaybee . . . If we were both girls or both boys it would probably be okay . . . but we're not."

"I don't think we should let that stop us.," you say.

"Oooh, oooh," says Elruel, "But if you aren't comfortable with it; I guess I understand. Say that!"

Guilt trip? Might work. "But if you're not comfortable with us deepening our twin connection . . . I'll understand."

"It's not that-" she says, trailing off.

It isn't? you think. "Then what's wrong?"

"It's stupid," she pouts.

"You can tell me," you say. "What's wrong?"

"You'll see me without my ears."

You blink a couple of time in surprise. "I've seen you without your ears. You've only had them for . . . what, six months?"

"Yeah, but . . . I still look like a cat without them right?"

"Let's find out," you say as you start taking off your clothes.

"Oookay," says Kat, "but lock the door."

You turn and lock the door, then turn back so you can watch your twin sister undress.

You watch as she slowly takes off her night shirt and sets it aside. Her almost flat chest shows just the barest hint of swelling beneath her nipples, hinting at the changes that were coming. She stands in just her panties and ears for a moment as you throw you pajama top aside, and grab the bottoms and start lowering them as well. When she is sure that you are actually getting naked, she strips off her panties and throws them in the hamper. Her pre-teen cunt is puffy and smooth with the barest hint of peach fuzz. The labia majora are full and puffy enough that they completely obscure her inner workings leaving only a slit to indicate her sex. It's still pretty incredible to see up close. She still hasn't taken off her ears as she looks down at your painfully erect penis . . . which has actually been at full mast for a rather concerning length of time.

"Wow," she says with a giggle, "it's almost pointing straight up."

"Yeah," you say, "with how pretty you are, it's about the most excited it's ever been."

She blushes fiercely at the complement. "Can I touch it?" she asks timidly.

"Okay," you say, "but with as excited as I am right now it might umm . . . go off, if you know what I mean?"

"Huh?" she asks.

Oh yeah . . . she probably doesn't know enough about sex to know about ejaculation. You dad is too religious to teach you, and the Christian school you attend doesn't teach sex education until ninth grade. If it wasn't for some of your friends telling you how to get around parental controls on the computer, you'd probably be just as clueless.

"Umm when a guy's penis feels really good, he shoots out white stuff called semen. If it gets in a girl's privates that is old enough she can get pregnant. It's how babies are made."

"Oh," she says, "that makes sense. I've seen the bull with the cows and stuff. I just didn't know he shot stuff into them." She gets onto her knees so her face is right next to your penis and lightly touches it. The feeling is completely different than touching it yourself, and you can't help but moan. "Oh sorry," she says quickly, "did I hurt you?"

"No it felt really good. You can keep touching it if you want to."

She strokes you a few times, and you can tell that you could come at any moment. "It's so wierd. It feels hard and soft at the same time . . . and so hot."

You're about to blow your load. It would be great to get some in her somehow . . . but you don't want to ruin the rapport you've established.

What do you do?

Kevin Mark Anderson
Cum Powers


  • Delicious Cum
  • Infinite Cum


  • Pheromone Cum
  • No Refractory Period


  • Dick Strengthening Cum
  • Perfect Impregnating Cum

Cum Target Tally: 2

Elruel Eselavehl
Love Interest
Full of your Cum