The Entertainer/Benedict, the pervert scientist

From All The Fallen Stories
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"A new partner, huh?" The little scientist said, he let his half-filled bowl of veggies on the table behind him. He quickly came up to me and began to check me up like a lab rat. Taking my arm right arm, sniffing it, brushing his other hand across my body "Hey hey! Watch it!" I said while still allowing him to do so. Up close he was two heads taller than me, but not as tall as the King or the men...Or even myself in general just yet. He then reached inside his lab coat and got a measuring tape out. "Stand still, I want to measure you!" "Fine..." I've made myself in a T pose, and quickly he took some measurement, pressing the tape across my body...And then he measured up my butt. "You sure that's necessary?" "Of course! Everything is necessary! Here, come sit on the table!" He said, heading just next to the operating table and letting his hand slide on top, then pat.

"Fine." I said as i sat up. "So your name is Benedict? How long have you been working here?" He turned back and went to fetch some stuff. "As long as i could get something under my hand!" He turned back with some containers, one containing ear swabbers, a small circle plastic container, and the last one had little wooden stick. He placed them next to me. "Now now the first thing I'll do is look inside your mouth!" He took a stick "Open your mouth!" And so he did, he placed the wood on my tongue and took a good look around, and began to rub my tongue with it. "Hmhm, very nice mouth!" With one finger he reached inside and began to check my tongue. "Hmph." He slid his finger across my teeth, had it behind my tongue, rubbed the tip of my tongue with two fingers and even had me gag while reaching down my throat. I pushed him. "Okay okay, no need to go that far." Without shifting his gaze from me, he threw the stick behind him toward a bin...It then hit the floor instead. "Let's swab that tongue of yours and check it under the microscope!" "Microscope?" I ask.

"Yes, yes!" He opened the swab container, then set it in front of me. "Say ahhh!" "Ahhhh!" He slid the swabber on my tongue, then rubbed it upward downward motion...for a few instant. He had a big grin doing so. "Hmph?" He stopped, reached for the circular container, swabbed the thing inside and began to walk away. "Come!" We made way to a table nearby with a strange device. He set the container underneath and began checking the top with one eye open. "So you can see up close what's lying in my mouth?" He didn't respond for a second. "...Ah-HAH!" "Huh?" He turned to me "Come take a look!" He got off the chair and allowed me to check it up. I had to raise myself on the chair to see what he was talking about. I've looked inside the top and...Weird stuff in there. "You have a perfectly normal mouth, the best I've ever seen too!"

He began to feel me up, pressing his hand against my body and pressed his nose next to my neck, sniffing. "Plus you smell nice...heheh!" I pushed him back. "Come on, no need to act up that way." I said. "You'll get plenty of chance doing that to girls once you grow up." I finished. He then took my arm and inspect it "But it's also part of the process! You'd think I'd be just fooling around wanting to do things to a little girl...?" I gave him a 'Really?' style of look. "...Well okay, I DO want to do things to you, but that's all part of science, right?" He began lifting my dress. "Come on, let's have some fun!" "No." I said while pressing down my clothes. "Beside i need to sample your urine, fecal matter, all the nasty stuff. You may as well get comfortable and undress for that part!"

"I still have pride! ...Unless you want me to turn into you?" I said smugly. "Er, no...That won't be necessary." He paused for a moment. Then smiled. He reached the side of my ears. "What if i lick you up like a ice cream? You wouldn't say no to that, wouldn't you...?" He then lick the side of my ear. Fucker's good. "...Fine." He immediately took me up, sat on the chair and set me on his lap. "I won't deceive you! But first, let me feel up that body real good~" He said as he began to rub one of my arm, and the other my left leg. He then start to lick up the side of my ears. "Hm...No fur left on my tongue. Very good! It has a somewhat slight different texture from what you have on others." He kept licking while feeling me up, one of his hand rising the bottom of my dress. "I can't quite say what it is, I'll have to take a fur sample too." He began sniffing me up, then had one hand rub my hair. I could feel his little boy rod hardening on my ass. "...Pretty hair too, they're long and compared to your fur, they seem fine." He pulled on one little hair and pulled me back. "OW! Stop that!" I ask, it's kind of painful.

"Huh? Strange? I can't seem to pull it out!" With that he tugged on it some more. "Want me to stop you?" I said in a annoyed voice. "No, no..." I could feel him lick up and put some of my hair in his mouth, thoroughly tasting it." "Hmm...Perfect normal little girl hair except they're strong!" Is he biting them? Plus one of his hand is looming the rim of my panties, i could feel him hesitating to get inside for a moment. "...Maybe we should stop, I still need to get some samples." He put me down and start pushing me. "Come on! Let's hit the operating table!" "Fine, fine." And so we are back to it, he made me sit up. "Silly me, i even forgot to do a little something earlier!" He turned back to a drawer and picked up two small hammer like tools, setting one next to me. "I need to test your reflect first." He lift up my dress, revealing my bare legs. He then hit it up lightly, and I've kicked up my leg involuntary. "Okay, that's good! Other leg!" Same hit and response on the other leg. "Okay, your nervous system should be the same as a normal being then!"

He then swapped the tools. "Can you control your ears?" "Yeah, want me to lift them up?" "Yep!" I've rose both of my ears up, he began to check them with the little tool. Feels weird to have someone so close to them that way. He checked both ears and backed up. "Perfect! Nothing seems wrong with them!" He turned back and got yet another tool, this time it was some sort of metal circle with a headset attached to it. He set the headset around his neck for the moment. "Okay, next your heartbeat! Let me undress you for that part..." He began lifting my dress. "Is it necessary?" "Oh yes! Very even!" He dropped my dress down and took a good look at me. "Don't worry, you can keep your panties on for that part. Lie on the table!" And so i did. He placed his headset on and placed the metal circle directly on my left tit. "Take a deep breathe!"

And so i did. He then began placing the thing on other places on my stomach and ask me to keep breathing as deep as i can. Then had me turn on myself. It was cold but i kind of want to laugh. He then ask me to turn again one last time and checked one last time "Well...That's no good!" He said "Huh?" He got on top of me and began to rub my stomach and little girl tits "You don't have a heartbeat! That means you need a heart massage, lil girl!" His expression clearly said otherwise, beside i know what he's talking about. "You're kidding, right?" "Nyeeeeop! You need one presto!" He teased as he approached his face toward my left tit and began to playfully lick my nipple. With one hand i began to pet his head. He then began to suckle up my tit. I've set my other arm comfortably behind my head, letting him rub and do as he please.

He then began to slide his tongue down, and removed my panties...But didn't go straight for the deal. He instead got down of the operating table and took a long sniff of them. "You don't mind if i keep those, don't you?" He said while putting the panties over his head. What the fuck. "You sure you should be doing that?" I'm disgusted but... "I am professor panties! Release all your clothings to me!" This kid. I let out a little laugh while he turned his back and look at one of the drawer. This time he took a thermometer. "Alright, before we continue I'll need you to turn around on your back. I'll insert a little something in your rectum but it shouldn't hurt much." "My ass? Why so?" "This thermometer is a suppository!" Don't you have the normal one, doc?" He let a hand on my shoulder. "Oh please, you're already naked and ready to go, why even bother at this point?" I giggled, doesn't help this kid has my panties on his head. "Alright, alright." I turned my back, spread my legs on the table and crossed my arms to rest my head on them.

"If it hurts, I'll kick your assSSSSSS!" Well he just shoved the thing inside my ass. Ow. "Owies!" I've rubbed the entrance of my hole. "Wait wait, don't move it now! Let it there!" He said. "How long?" "A...Minute!" "A minute?" "Maybe more! Yes! I'll tell you when it's fine!" "Alright..." In the meanwhile he began moving around me, taking a good look at my position. I could just hear him stop at time. He then set himself in front of me. "How does it feel having something in your ass?" He said with a grin and began to rub my hair. "It's hurts." I said, giving him a pissed off look. "Don't worry, it should be complete in a few minutes." "You said a minute!" He look away, still sporting a wide smile...Then fix up his glasses. "Yes, yes! My sense of time is always shorter than what it should be, don't worry!" He then went behind me, took a moment before i could feel his breathe against my butt and slit. I've even raised my ass upward to let his breathe reach the rest of my slit and stomach, seriously hoping he'd make the move with his tongue. He then began to rub my legs "Juuuuuuuuust a few instant now!" At this point it was fairly obvious he was ecstatic to have someone in that position.

And with a quick grasp, he removed the suppository. "OWWWW!" I've turned and rubbed my ass. "I still can feel pain, you know?" "Oh, sorry! I thought you couldn't!" He said while checking it. "A piping hot...Normal temperature! Deceiving but at the same time I suppose no illness or anything bad!" He smelled the thing, then took a big sniff...Only to lick it. "Yep, and your ass seems to taste good!" He approached himself toward my slit, placing two hands on the table. "I'd dig in right now but i still have one more task to do before that!" He turned away, put the thermometer near a sink nearby, then reached out for the swabs and some containers along with a tweezer. "Alright, first I'll take some samples!"

With the tweezer he tried to rip off a piece of fur. "Ow! Ow! Stop that!" I ask as i stop him with a hand. His smile turned to a frown. "Hm, so that's the only thing abnormal with you currently?" He smiled again. "Well that's good! I guess that's one thing i can't sample out!" He said while putting the tweezer away in a pocket of his. He then took some swabbers out of their container. "Okay, stand still!" He got next to one of my ear and gently rubbed the stick at the entrance. He then took a good look at it. "Hm, odd. It appears there's nothing. He placed the swabber in it's own container." He went to my other ear and did the same. "Same results! It appears you got nothing in those ears, lil girl!" As he made way through the other end of the table, he left a hand slid from my chest to my leg. "Okay, time to swab that cunt good..." With that said, he took a sample of it, gently rubbing it against my slit...Then my clit. "Feels good, huh?" "Yeah..." He stopped, put the stick inside a container and took another stick out, this time rubbing the entry of my ass. "Alright, I'll let it enter, okay?" "Sure...Try not to- Ow." He forcefully entered it again. What the hell!

He left it there for a second, then removed it, taking a good look at it. "Seems there's not much on that one either, but it's looks more promising than your ears!" He said while containing the last sample. "Is that it?" "For the samples? Yes!" He said while putting those aways. "I'll check on them later, for now i want to see your sexual reactions...heheh!" He said as he went in front of me. "First, let's see how your inside looks like! I want to see if you're...really pure!" "Hm? You can tell?" I've rose myself, looking at him pressing his head on the table in front of my slit. He then began to open the entrance with his hands. "Of course!" He took a moment to look inside "...Congratulation! You're a virgin!" "Really? Pfffffff..." I began bursting into a laugh, holding my side, and putting myself on the side. Me? A virgin? Oh man this guy has no idea!

"Huh? You already did?" I look back at him, tears in my eyes. "Not in this form, no...Hell, I was thinking of fucking the maid that will be doing my room later. You think a little girl like me's all innocent? Look at me!" I spread my arms and leg. "I'm the epitome of sick fuck!" "You mean epitome of cute, heheh...Beside! That's impossible!" "Hm?" He had a wide grin on his face "See, I've led my little research with the town folks. In a hundred case over a hundred, there are always leftovers from their mates. Male. Female. Doesn't matter. Plus there is a distinct smell to them, and you can easily tell if a woman or man has many relationships or not. They can try to cover up and clean themselves all they want, the smell is still there even after a thorough rub!" He then got up on me. "The chances that you are not a virgin are zero to none!" He chuckled, grinning at me.

I've crossed my hands behind my heads "Hm? You really are sure about that, buddy?" He let himself slump gently on my body, pressing himself against me. "I know for a fact that you are a virgin and you're just trying to look like you've got experience." He began licking my ear and slides his hands to mine, rubbing his fingers against mine. "I know you're acting up like it's nothing, but you'll be begging me to stop soon enough." He slid his tongue on my lips, then pressed his lips to mine, trying to let his tongue slip through. I've allowed him entry, he then explored my mouth before licking up my tongue. At the same time he let his hands slide across my body, gently rubbing my arms, stomach, tits, slit, he even let a finger press inside my navel. He then began to remove his clothes along with the panties on his head, throwing them next to the table. He kept his pants however and kissed me again before letting his tongue slide downward toward one of my nipple and suckling it up, and letting his other hand do a sucking motion on the other tit. With one hand i pet his head, looking at him. For a young teen he's sure is experienced and...Now that i think about it, that nose of mine, I don't use it as often as I'd like, too much scents in the air for me to try and decipher them all.

He then slid down his tongue to my slit, lapping it thoroughly. I've wrapped my legs around his head, it felt pretty good. He also began to rub my legs while doing so. I let out a little moan as he focused his attention on my clit. After a good moment, he then motion me to turn around, which i do so. He began lapping up my ass too, feeling up his tongue between my crack and pushing in. "Hey, you wouldn't mind having anal, right?" "Maybe" "Hm, that's good!" He kept licking it while rubbing my back, then had me turn around for a second lap up of my cunt. He then look at me "But don't worry, that will be for later." He had a malicious grin as he removed his pants, revealing his erect little boy dick. I had a little grin too. "You know, i was expecting something bigger for someone acting up so well!" His face quickly turned to a frown. "Hm, way off to kill the mood." As he made way to enter his dick, I've stopped him with a foot, rubbing his dick. "Wait wait, you think I'm gonna allow that to enter me?" I teased him, still rubbing him off. "Errr..." "Come on, you think I'm gonna allow someone like you to take my virginity? Plus, what if we get a kid? I'd much prefers the Prince'...Erm..." I look away. "The Prince? You mean that small five years old?" He began to laugh, pressing himself onto me. "If someone's gonna take that virginity, it's gonna be me!" He said while placing his dick in front of my entrance. "Hm, sure."

In a quick motion I've swapped place with him, me on top of him and I've turned back as my old form. A man in his twenties locking between his legs this little teen boy, letting my dick press against his butt cheeks "Smell that boy? That's the scent of a true man!" I proudly boast. "THE SCENT OF A VIRGIN MAN! AHHHHHHH! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" He tried to get away, wriggling and trying to fight back but just couldn't with the way I was holding him up.