The Entertainer/Out of Prison

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"No way! I have to go back up as soon as i can!" "Hm, are you sure...? I can just cover it up again!" "No." He got on his knee. "How about you tell me what to do and I'll do it?" "Huh?" "Tell me what you want to be done, and I'll gladly do it." "And you won't ask for anything else in return?" He straightened his back, taking the position of a vow, smiling. "I promise i won't! ...However." "Hmm?" "I'd like to be your personal guard." "Huh?" "Working in the prison is getting boring. I was thinking of asking the King for a change of pace anyway." He pat my head. "Plus, I'm sure you will need someone moving to places you don't want others to know."

"So that's all?" "Yes." "Hmm..." I've put my hand on my chin looking at him from head to toes. Even if he was on his knees, he was still tall...And now that i think about it, there's that thing with smells he spoke about, and that little scientist too. "Um...I'd like to know..." I tilted my head. "Can you still tell i was with someone despite the soap?" "I'd have to move really close to tell that." "...But can you guess what happened?" "Of course." "...Can you teach me?" He smiled. "For that, Princess, you'll have to remove your clothes." "I guess so..."

And once again i was naked, letting my dress fall onto the ground next to me. "Alright, I'll tell you exactly what you need to know." He pat the ground. "First, I'd like you to rest on the floor, spread your arms and legs, okay?" "Alright..." He then bend over. "Now then, first you have to move reeeeeeeeally close to the person, put your nose close to the spot you want to know what happened!" He approached my right leg at the bottom and began to smell it. I could hear him from here, feels weird to feel his nose deeply breathing in and out. "Smells like someone grabbed you by the foot...Probably trying to drag you, am I right?"

"Not really..." "Oh?" He took a sniff on the other leg. "Well that one smell like another hand, what happened then?" "...Four guards grabbed me and put me on a table." "And what-Wait now, I'll decipher it with my nose...heh" He sniffed the rest of my left leg "I can tell you had someone came over here...You know what that means, right?" "Yeah..." "Not a playful word you want to know at that age. Anyway..." He smelled the other leg. "Same guy's load there..." Then began to smell my slit. "Smells like you've been licked thoroughly and had grubby hands in but...No sign of a released load! Don't worry, that's good!" He playfully gave my slit a lick, then moved up to my chest. "More hands, more saliva smell..." He then got to my arms. Sniffing both of them. "...Yep, I can smell two different distinct smells on your wrist despite the rest of your arms. Your story is right!" Then finally got to my face "And your lips are weakly covered with the smell of your own creamy goodness...I can also smell you were kissed by two different men. Alright, turn up." I've turned myself. "There's one place I'll check here..." He sniffed up my butt. "...Yeah, more saliva and fingers, but that's about it." He then backed up. "It seems you were with around six people, am i right?

I sat up on the floor "You're right. Is it really that easy?" "Ah, don't sweat it, little girl. It's a little skill you pick up with time...Beside, someone of your stature shouldn't be learning it." "Why not?" "Because you already have a good life!" He pat me on the head. "That skill won't serve you at all!" He grinned, honestly the only way it serves is to know if someone's cheating on you...Or to know some crimes i guess. I crossed my arms at him while pouting. "If you say so..."

"Okay, before we go...Is there anything you want me to do?" I got up. "Not really, I should get dressed up and go upstairs get myself clean." With one hand he grabbed my leg. "Are you sure you don't want to feel anything good on your body? I'm all ears!" He said while moving his ears about. I took another good look at him and sighed. "...Fine." I got on the floor, pressed my head against my dress and spread my legs. "If you really want to do something, then lick my slit." I said pointing down to it. "Of course, Princess."

He got in front and began to lick it up. He stopped for a moment. "...Do you permit me to use my hands on your body?" "Yes yes, do as you please." He smiled, got himself in a more comfortable position on his stomach and went back to doing his job while sliding his hands across my body. With one of my hand i began to pet his head. "...And here i thought you wouldn't want to do such things with me." I teased. "He look back up with a little grin." "Well...It's kind of hard to pass up, my lady. A fine young little girl naked? How could one resist?" "I can..." I said as I've let my head slump back on the dress. I could hear him laugh. "But you're a girl! Of course you can! Do you even love someone...?" "Yeah..." "But...Do you even know what love is?" He said, then circled my clit with his tongue, giving some gentle lashes with his slippery little meaty prehensile tentacle. He then got on top of me. "...You know? Love isn't all about sex!" "Um...What's sex?" I've asked, trying my best at sounding innocent. He let himself flop next to me and began to laugh.

"...We should really get going!" I said as i took up my dress. "Wait!" He got back up, then took back the handkerchief and soap. "First, cleaning." He took the dress and set it aside "As a body guard, i want to take the term seriously..." He began to soak the two together. He then turned up to me. "A young princess like you shouldn't run along with all those men. From now on, I'll be checking on you!" I rolled my eyes and groaned. "...Really?" He got on his knees and began to clean my body again, specifically the parts he touched up. "You may not like it, but I promise you can use me as relief. You've done enough damage as it is, I wouldn't want you to be discovered...Beside!" He began to rub my slit. "Do you know what happens to princesses that gets found having these sorts of relationships...?" "No...?" "They get killed!" I crossed my arms "I doubt the King will allow that." "Well...The current King maybe not, but that was a rule well known to the guards. Did you know that your father lost three sisters that way?" "That much?" "Yes...They could have been amazing Aunts, but they got found out and got the bitter end of it." He look at me in the eyes. "Look. There's enough killing around here, I wouldn't want to hear a pretty thing like you got killed for doing stupidities. You stick with me, and you'll be fine...Okay?" "...Fine." He pat me on the slit and gave it one last thoroughly rub. "There! Good as new!" He got the handkerchief back on the sink.

"Before we go...I'd like to know your name." I ask him while putting back my dress. "Silly me! I completely forgot about that!" He said while washing his face. He then bowed down "I am Torrick Evan...However everyone here calls me Jumper. He then got on his knee, took my hand and kissed it. "...For you, I can be named anything you please." "Shall we go out, Jumpy?" "Of course, my lady. Destination and method of travel?" "Um...I'd say my room. For method, i guess walking?" "Would you like me to pick you up?" "...I...Guess so?" He did so. "Now you'll have to show me where your room is, but that won't be a problem!" He chuckled while opening the door and making his way out of the washroom.

We finally made way out of the prison, looking at a nearby clock it was...eight o'clock. Hm...So much for making her wait...I should grab a bite too before heading off. I've instructed my guard where to go and we finally reached the room. "Okay, wait for me here outside, I'll tell you when to come in." I've entered the little girl's room, tossed aside my clothes in a bin, assuming it was for my clothes...Hopefully. My clothes weren't there so I'll have to go back to the resting room....Instead, I've shifted into my normal appearance for working around this castle, then turned back to a little girl. Taking a good look at the mirror nearby, I've changed back my eyes...It's a bit irritating to get it right. I've picked up a new dress, this time it was a teal little dress. Time to test out that little theory again. I've opened the door and allowed Jumpy in.

"Ohhh, that is a cute dress, my lady! ...And what a cute room!" He notices the dolls on the bed. "Oh, so you're a natural when it comes to sleeping with others?" He chuckled "Hmph...Yeah i guess so." I've walked toward the bed, setting myself in a comfortable position on it while removing my dress and setting it aside, then got my hands behind my head, and spreading my legs. "Come here!" He came and stood next to me, awaiting my orders. "I'd like you to use your nose again on me." "Well..I know the results but..." He began sniffing me out. "Huh?" He placed his nose on my slit and took a big sniff. "What the hell? What did you do?" "What do i smell like?" "As if you never even washed or had sex! You're completely pure! What did you do?" "Royal secret." I teased him. He placed himself firmly. "Well a secret is a secret but...Don't you think it's wrong to completely cover up those scents?" "Not at all! Why?" With a little finger he scratched his face. "Well...Let's just say when you'll be an adult, you'll want these smells to stick." "...Not really, I mean, why would I?" He let out a sigh. "Whatever happened, happened."

"You should leave for the night, Jumpy. I'll be going off to sleep soon." He had a smug smile. "Me, leave? I'll just be in front of your room, guarding it. I've noticed a lack of guards and I'm sure your Father would prefers that anyway." I've put back my dress. "...Then i suppose you'll have to come with me." I said as i made way to the door. "Oh? Did you forget something, my lady?" "Yes, just a little something i forgot to fetch at the resting area for the maids." He came next to me and grabbed me by the hand. "Wait, where do you think you are going without panties...?" "Huh?" He then made his way toward the drawers with me. "Think I wouldn't notice?" He opened them, took the first pair of panties and turned back to me. "A little girl like you shouldn't want to be caught without these!" In a quick motion he stretched the panties twice in a teasing matter and got on his knee to make me wear them. He then pat my butt. "There, now you're ready to go!" He said as he picked me up. "Fine..."

And here i was again pressed on his chest. "You like it when I'm in your arms, hmm?" He licked my neck. "H-Hey stop that!" I giggled. "There! I like having a little smell left on those i protect...Well, girls at least." He sniffed up my neck. "Just so weird you can remove those smells in an instant...Promise me not to remove mine?" "You know i can't promise that." "Awww..." "Do you know where the resting room is?" "I've been there a few times, don't worry." We made way toward the room, only seeing a few guards and maids walking about. I suppose the King was busy doing other things and I doubt the Prince will be out for the night at all.

Entering the room, no one was inside. I quickly made way for one of the drawers...And removed some clothes. My dull gray clothes meant to wear around when I'm on break along with my boxer. I've had her keep a pair in case something happened. I could have went to my own little room but it's further in the Castle and i don't want to waste more time. Now to get rid of jumpy... "Is that what you came for? What are those clothes for?" "Oh, these? Don't worry about it! They're Daddy's lucky sleeping clothes and I was meant to bring him these in person!" He look at me with a disgusted look. "You mean..." "I'm gonna bring these to him!" With an angry look he took my hand. "That's it, I'm quitting my job, I'm taking you with me." He said as he pulled me out of the room. "Hey! Hey! Wait! What the hell is wrong with you?"

He bend over me. "I REFUSE TO SERVE A KING THAT ABUSES HIS CHILDREN!" "Nooooooo you moron! I don't have any relationship with my Dad, it's...It's not even that at all!" "Then what it is?" "Those are my clothes." I blurted out without thinking. "Huh?" I've let myself bounce in a childish way. "Oh...Sorry! Beside...You're really jumpy for a man that has ask me for sex...And even took a good lick at me!" He look around "Hey, don't say that...Walls have ears you know?" "You can keep a secret, can you...?" "Of course! Anything...For a little lady?" "Go outside and guard the door, I'll tell you when to enter." "Yes, my lady." He got out the room, and here i was alone...And another one is about to know my secret...Now I know why his name is that way.

I tossed out my clothes in a corner, the maids won't mind. I've transformed back to my old self and got my clothes up. Looking at a mirror, i was just back as me. Now to knock Jumpy if he jumps on me...I went back to the door and opened it, not saying a word. He took a moment but then turned back on his own and... "WHO ARE YOU?" He shoved me away, darting the room with his eyes. "Relax, Jumpy." It was weird seeing him the same size as me now and not as a tall tower. "I told you, didn't I? Those are my clothes, you lickin' good bastard!" He gave me a good look from head to toes...Then sniffed my neck. I pushed him away. "As much as i loved that as a little girl, you can't just jump on me while I'm in another form, you know?" "So...You're some sort of wizard? Did you take over the royal family?" "No, and No. Hell, didn't you receive the memo that everyone was gone but the King and the heir? I've been working here for two years now."

I wrapped my arm around his head and nudged him with my other hand. "I'm a lucky bastard, and you'll be protecting me from now on." "Err...I'm not sure about that." "You like little girl me, right? Go talk with the King and he'll assign you to me. At this hour he's busy with his wife but i have no idea what he should be doing now that she's not around." "...But i have one condition." "Hm?" He got off from my arm, and straighten himself up. "I want to see you transform." "Are you sure? You may lose your sanity!" "I don't care. Just do it and I'll believe you, okay?" "Hm, fine." I began to remove my shirt. "Wait, can you not transform with clothes on?" "I can, it's just annoying." I continued. "I don't want to look at your dick." "Fine you big whiny baby." I turned myself "Wait, no turning either!" "Make up your mind already." "Just...Turn in your clothes, okay?"

"Alright...There it goes." In a moment, i went from me to little girl me. I've fixed up my eyes to the blue that should be and my voice as well. My clothes were definitely too big, and piled up underneath me. Looking at Jumpy, he was REALLY Jumpy, standing like he's just seeing a ghost. "B-...But-...Butbutbut! BUT!" He grabbed his head with his two hands." "Awww don't be so Jumpy, Jumpy!" I twirled on myself, trying to make myself cute for him. He shook his head and had a little manic laugh looking at the ground. "That it. I must be dreaming. It's all a dream." Yeah, there's really not much i can do now. "Now if you excuse me, I have a date with someone." I picked up my clothes. "Wait." He said, looking up at him, his ears are perked up. "A...Date?" "Yep, this little prison escapade took all of my time and now I'm making someone important wait on me."

He got on his knees and grabbed me, giving me a hug. He then whispered in my ears. "Are you sure you don't want to have fun with me instead? I have a big dick!"