The Entertainer/Little walk in the night

From All The Fallen Stories
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I've transformed back into little girl me, set my clothes in the lowest drawers, hidden from the other layers of clothes and made my way to the door...But then realize something. I can't just go there being all happy go lucky, I also need something to prove i was scared or some shit. Looking back at the room...Let's see. Lots of Dolls, just need the right one. There's that big baby doll right on the opposite side of where Torrick is sleeping.

I went to get it, put it right between my arms...I'll never get why people find it adorable to make naked doll version of babies for their kids, least it looks cute with the blue color, big lopping ears...Except for the mouth. It looks sad, I hate it. Eh, that will do. "Hmm..." I could hear Jumper shuffling on the bed. "Princess...?" He whispered. "Go back to sleep, faggot." "Okay..." I snickered as i made my way out.

Outside I've purposely yawned, and tried to make myself look as sleepy as i could, tugging the doll close to me in my arms. I've began walking toward the room of the Prince's.