Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Bevvy/Escalating nudity rape/Stay out/Calm/pee/stop/Clean/Slow sex/Let her

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Sure," you say, "just leave the door open." You have a very satisfied grin on your face as you watch the little girl scamper off toward the toilet to sit and drain your semen. This all went quite well. Despite the fact that she seems to think you are peeing inside her and seems a little concerned over that, she seemed to really enjoy having sex with you this time.

Now, it's time to consider what to do about how she wet herself. Technically, evading a punishment and wetting herself as a result can be counted as infractions. You can easily count it as two if you want. On the one hand, this will mean you can have her in here riding your dick two more times. On the other hand, her punishment is written up such that she would have to give up an article of clothing over this. She didn't have much left to loose, meaning that at this point with two more punishments she would be sent out completely naked.

While considering this, you go back to your desk and notice a blinking light on your intercom, an indication that your secretary wants you to contact her. This was a special function installed to your intercom in order to allow her to alert you without disturbing you in the middle of a punishment. You could just wait until you are done with Bevvy, but you decide that since she is mostly done anyway you can at least see what is waiting for you next so you can decide what to do with the next student up for punishment before they are sent in.

"Yes Mrs. Varano, you needed to talk?"

"Yes Mr. Gardner." She responds. "I know you are busy in a punishment, but there is another student here. Miss Charity Fine was reported by a fellow student for taking his hand during recess and pushing it into her own underwear... and I do mean inside."

Wow, really!? That's a straight up unmodified severe infraction, and from exactly the girl you were thinking about too. It is almost enough to have you believing in some sort of divine providence.

Finish up with Bevvy first

Have her sent in while Bevvy's still in here