Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Charity/Bevvy/Skirt only, augment punishment/Love/Climax/sex

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I'm going to give the white stuff to your sister, It can also stop girls from bleeding inside their privates."

"What! What!?" Charity has a confused and panicked reaction as you turn back to her.

"It's Ok." You tell her. "I'm just going to touch your privates with my privates now. Have you ever seen what your brother's privates look like before?"

"Mmm... Mmm-hmm." She responds in the positive. Oh really now?

"Alright." You say, kneeling on the couch and bringing your penis up to her slit. You drag the head of your dick through her sopping wet pussy. Interestingly enough, she barely even reacts at all. "Did your brother ever touch your privates together like this?"

"Yeah." She gasps.

"Really? Did he do anything else while he was touching your privates with his privates?"

"Mmm... he peed on me once." She said in a weak shaky voice. "He said he was stealing my virginity." You can't help getting a little electric twinge of irritation at those words, but considering everything else you've seen and heard in this town and with these girls specifically so far, you feel there is probably something else to this story.

"Was their anything weird about his pee? Was it a weird color or anything?"

"No." She said.

All of a sudden, Bevvy piped in and asked the exact thing you wanted to know. "Was it white pee?" She asked.

"Huh? No? Why?" She asked.

"He must have been trying to be mean then!" Bevvy concluded. "That's gross! He peed on you with the gross pee!" You can't help smiling at her response. The kid's definitely learning quickly. She hops down from her chair and makes her way closer to you and her sister, and is looking down eagerly at your privates. "Are you going to stick your privates inside!?" She asks. Looks like she's eager to see it again, even if it's on her sister.

"Yeah, I am." You confirm.

"What!?" Charity responds, clearly getting overwhelmed and confused by everything.

"Don't worry. I'm going to stick my penis inside of your hole here now. You've already kinda answered this, but... has your brother ever stuck his penis inside the hole down here in your privates?" And, just to make your point clear, you time this question with the moment you have already lined up your head with her entrance and begin to penetrate her the very second you finish asking the question.

"Ahh!" She yelps, and then shakes her head.

"So, he has never stuck his penis inside you?" You ask again.

"No!" She responds aloud this time.

Alright, this is good. Seems like you are really the man to claim her virginity, even if she has already taken her own maidenhead with a marker and her brother, in his ignorance, claimed to have taken her virginity simply by peeing on her like a dog marking its territory. It seems it was actually in his intentions to have sex with his little sister though, the only thing that stopped him was the poor sex ed in this town.

"Alright, I'm going to start moving in and out of you for a while." You tell her.