Sexy Fun Times/Alan Simpson

From All The Fallen Stories
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Alan Simpson and you have been friends since high school when you both discovered that you were paedophiles. You didn't think of it that way of course, it was just that long summer when you were fourteen and you both "volunteered" to help out on a school trip. You and Alan were already friends, mainly because his dad had a good supply of hard-core porn magazines, and you both took them to your secret den in the woods so that you could masturbate while looking at pictures of big-titted women being fucked by men with huge cocks.

The trip, for a bunch of fourth-year kids, was organised by Alan's mum, so he had little choice about going so you went along for the ride. You hadn't realised, until you got there, that you were sleeping under canvas; luckily, the tents were already erected so all you had to do was move your stuff inside, before helping the kids to get sorted out. There were twelve of them; eight girls and four boys and trying to get them to do anything was a bit like herding kittens, until it was time for lunch when they all magically appeared in the mess tent.