Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Doctor

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Cant sound too desperate. --MrPib (talk) 18:38, 25 December 2019 (UTC)

Basically, just ask and agree (no choices this time).

At the end of the day, Mr. Williamson and Maria show up at the same time. You decide to interview them at the same time.

Keep it somewhat casual, ask roughly how many papers Sonia turned in last year and what the average score was on the papers she turned in. Then explain her situation.

Sonia has a special case:

  • she wasn't caught for cheating, she brought it up herself.
  • She has a federal document explaining she has certain disabilities.
  • She was doing work for someone four grades above her (getting high scores)
  • There's some medical exams I would like the Guerra-Fuentes family to undergo, your wife included Mr. Williamson.

And due to these circumstances, I will only consider the cheating from this year. According to Sonia, that's 19 papers, she has also requested that, because she is attracted to Elias, that she take on his punishment as well, which would make her punishment 38 pregnancy risks. Now, you both realize that me having sex with a girl that many times would mean she would most certainly end up pregnant. By now, you may have heard and it's fairly obvious, I am a pedophile; and while I may be a pedo, I do have my moral limits. And for that reason, I'll try to do everything in my power to ensure that she doesn't get pregnant. But please, I beg you both to keep what I've said between us. I don't want to lose my job just because even I see how twisted this town is.

(Phew, I practically wrote a whole page, surely that'll give you enough to write the page after you've cleaned it up a bit.) --MrPib (talk) 22:57, 25 December 2019 (UTC)

This is assuming the MC doesn't want to knock Sonia up. I have no problem whatsoever planting that baby and making Elias responsible for it. In the meantime, we haven't interviewed a male teacher yet who wants to help with the boys, but it's possible to find one. Instead of Sonia having nearly 40 risks, as an equal offender, Elias could technically be required to suck a male, and let him use his teen ass (19 times minimum). That is another option that might spur his mother into offering up her daughters. Especially if John insinuates that the more homosexual interaction a teen boy has, the more they crave such in the future (not necessarily true, but the hint in that direction will make her more eager to save her son from the experience). --Notsooldpervert (talk) 07:36, 26 December 2019 (UTC)