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Ethan knew he needed to figure out about Shelly's immunity first if he was to understand these new powers. Something huge like that bore immediate study. The best way, he supposed, was to keep Shelly with him as he explored his powers. Looking at his friend Dana made him want to explore his powers right now. His shota cock became instantly hard, and began to poke Shelly in her pull-ups. She looked to the side a bit as if trying to ascertain what was poking her but, but that just made him harder.

"Umm, why don't you pick one dawg," in his very best street accent. He would be the first to admit that it was, in a word, terrible.

"Alrighty then," said Dana, abandoning her street accent, "that's the end of that." She made her way over to his game cabinet and opened it. She bent over slightly to look through the games, raising her skirt a bit higher as she did. Ethan couldn't resist any longer. He slowed time as much as he possibly could, bringing it to a relative standstill. He felt a strange, almost electric sensation from where Shelly was sitting on his lap. It wasn't uncomfortable, really . . . just odd.

"I'm tingly," said Shelly with a giggle. She then looked around the room. "Hey! Bubby . . . it's all froze again." She got off his lap, and immediately went to Dana. She tentatively reached out and touched her leg; pulling back quickly when she did. When she got no reaction from Dana, she touched her again.

Well, that cinched it. Shelly was immune . . . unless. He supposed that she could be exempted by virtue that he was touching her when he slowed time . . . but that didn't explain the condition she described earlier. In any case, he couldn't hold time frozen for very long, and he didn't want to waste it. He joined his toddler sister beside his best friend.

"Pretty neat, huh Shelly," he said as he too began to run his hands up and down his friend's stocking covered legs. Damnable winter and the extra garments that entailed.

"MmmHmm," said Shelly, "why's everything froze, bubby?"

Ethan considered making up a lie for a bit, but realized he just didn't have the extra energy at that time. Besides if she said anything, it would be considered a product of her active imagination. "I stopped time, so I could . . . play with everybody . . . in a special way.

"Can I play too?" asked Shelly. Her question was innocent enough, but her asking it made his little pecker surge with delight.

"Yeah," he said, "help me pull her leggins and panties down." He started to gently pull down his friend's leggings, anticipating seeing her pussy again for the first time since they watched each other pee.

"You're gonna see her privates," exclaimed Shelly. Despite her alarm, she still reached up and helped her big brother to expose his best friend's panty-clad ass.

"Yeah," said Ethan as he pulled down his friend's cherry-emblazoned panties, "it's a special game. It's a secret game, and we can't tell anyone; okay?"

"Okay . . ." she replied, but it was pretty much lost on Ethan as he gazed at his friend's naked pussy, her leggings and panties stretched between her knees that were a bit too far apart for such a pose. That is until Shelly added, "should I take my pull-ups off?"

Ethan turned to his baby sister. "Definitely," he replied greedily. His cock was pressing painfully against his pants. "In fact," he added, "I'll join you." He started taking off his pants and underwear, but never let his gaze waver from little Shelly as she pulled down her pull-ups, and stepped out of them. Her beautiful, puffy mound was visible for the world to see . . . but he was the only one in the world who got to see it right now. Suddenly he got the tired feeling that came before time restarted. So soon, he thought. He supposed it made sense though . . . he had just used it before without giving much time for recovery. He was about to get things back in order for time to restart when he felt a sudden surge of electrical energy in his penis.

"It's all hard and tingly," said Shelly as she grabbed her brother's painfully erect cock. The feeling that he had when Shelly was on his lap and he stopped time was back; but this time it was focused on his penis. He couldn't hold it any longer, as his cock erupted its contents into the air. Due to the slowness of time, his ejaculant just stood there, in a ball at the end of his cock. Shelly pulled her hand away, giggling, as she looked at the strange white ball. As Ethan recovered from his orgasm, he suddenly realized . . . he was no longer feeling his grip on time slipping away. Somehow, whether it was Shelly's strange touch or his orgasm, he had more energy to keep time stopped.


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