Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Zoey/Sister

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Jordan looks up, blinded by the light, and can't understand who it is that opened the door until he sees the head of a little leopard girl about as big as Zoey bolting right into the closet. "There you are Zoey! Why were you in the closet with a boy!?" She asks.

"Hello. Lucy" Zoey responds. "Jordan and me are having sex to make babies!" She says. "See, look! His privates are inside me!!!" She proclaims happily, lifting up her skirt to show what is clearly her twin sister the place where the two of you are joined.

"What!? Why did you take your underwear off!?" She asks. "Are you 13!?" She turns and asks Jordan, looking a little aghast.

"Yeah," Jordan answers simply.

"Oh good!" Lucy says, looking like she's relaxing a bit. "Mommy always says we aren't supposed to take our underwear off with a boy unless he's 13 or older and also says it's Ok."

Yeah, you remember your mom telling your little sister something similar. It's kinda the standard in the world here since girls are not supposed to harass boys for sex, but it's perfectly fine and usually considered very desireable for it to be done the other way around. At any rate, you are pretty sure the boy she was doing this with before was well under 13, so she was still breaking that rule before you got here.

"Anyway, Lucy! Look at this!!!" Zoey continues unabashedly and lifts up on you a little bit so her sister can actually see your penis coming out of her.

"What!? Wow! What is that coming outta your privates!?" The sister asks in astonishment.

"That's his penis!" She says.

"Huh, penis!? I wanna see! Can I?" She asks, looking excitedly up at Jordan.