PIP/Shunned/Testing the limits

From All The Fallen Stories
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I decided to test out whether or not she could really tell I was there. So, I called out Hannah's name. I swear her hand on her pussy stiffened a little and her eyebrows furrowed, but I couldn't really tell if she actually noticed me or not. Well, I screwed her right in front of mom not too long ago, that's more than enough to prove this power I was given works exactly as advertised. So, I figured I really didn't have anything to worry about. I had brought her here for a reason, and that reason was urging me on with more and more urgency thanks to how hot it was to see my sister touching her own pussy right in front of me. Maybe I would have noticed something if I kept badgering her and trying to get her attention, but I was too horny and impatient at the moment to be so careful.

I had seen all I needed to see, so I climbed up between her legs and, not knowing anything about sex positions, just laid down on top of her. I reached down between our bodies and pulled her hands off of her pussy, and she made no effort to bring her hands back into the same position. She just left them where I put them. Then, I used that same hand again to line myself up with her entrance and then pushed it right in. Just as I was shoving it inside, Hannah let out a gasp and a whimper. When I looked down at her, she made eye-contact with me again and then her eyes quickly flicked away. She took a few more quick glances back at me before making the specific action to turn her face to the side and close her eyes.

Shit! This is when I finally realized it. It seemed like being in my room, well... it didn't cancel the effect of my power, but it DID weaken it to some extent. She seems to be aware of me and what I'm doing now, she's just turned from being completely unaware of me and what I'm doing in reality to intentionally ignoring me and what I'm doing, and here I've already got my dick inside her before I could catch on.
